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更多 “ ¤∞¥¤&∞Σ∞ΣA.28@2@8U8U B.⊙♀∮⊙△♀Ф♀Ф C.&#¤&¥#¥#¥ D.↓A→↓ΣA∩AN” 相关考题
考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is present value of $1000 at 12% at the end of 5 years?A . ¥3,605.00B . ¥0.57C . ¥567.00D . ¥892.86E . ¥3.61

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is net present value of an annual income flow of $1600 at 14% over the next three years?A . ¥3,713.60B . ¥0.68C . ¥1,080.00D . ¥476.19E . ¥2.32

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is the total price variance for direct material?A . ¥140.00B . ¥736.00C . ¥0.02D . ¥-350.00E . ¥5,850.00

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is the total variable costs for producing one widget?A . ¥1,020B . ¥1,010C . ¥1,015D . ¥20E . None of the above.

考题 The future value of an annual income flow of $1000 for 2 years at 10% is:A . ¥2,200B . ¥2,280C . ¥2,300D . ¥2,310E . None of the above

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is the total fixed costs for manufacturing the widgets?A . ¥3,000B . ¥27,000C . ¥27,270D . ¥1,335E . ¥1,000

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, the labor rate cost variance is:A . ¥66,927B . ¥68,329C . ¥386D . ¥-0E . ¥18.36

考题 Using the situation stated in the Special window, the total price variance of direct material is:A . ¥80,245B . ¥-4,236C . ¥-3,479D . ¥1E . ¥83,994.00

考题 大写“人民币叁拾柒元玖角整”写成小写,应是( )。 A.¥37.9 B.¥37.9 C.¥37.90 D.¥37.90

考题 大写“人民币叁拾柒元玖角整”写成小写,应是( )。A.¥37.9B.¥37.9一C.¥37.90D.¥37.91

考题 听力原文:M: Excuse me, Madam, could you tell me what you are going to convert, bank notes or traveler's cheques?W: Well, ¥68,000 in notes and ¥90,000 in traveler's cheques. Here are my notes and traveler's cheques.Q: What is the customer going to convert?(16)A.¥90,000 in notes and ¥68,000 in traveler's cheques.B.¥68,000 in notes and ¥90,000 in traveler's cheques.C.¥6,800 in notes and ¥9,000 in traveler's cheques.D.¥9,000 in notes and ¥6,800 in traveler's cheques.

考题 数字表中第4行缺失数字对应的符号是:A. ¥*HB. ¥□HC.*◇HD.* ¥☆

考题 数字表中第9列四个数字之和所得结果对应的符号是:A. E□B. ¥¥C. ¥HD. *¥

考题 Y480/Y485的价位段() A.¥2500~¥4500B.¥6500~¥8500C.¥4500~¥7500D.¥3500~¥5500

考题 &$XX¥$&¥     A.?¥&$XX$¥& B.?$&¥¥XX$& C.?$&X$¥&X¥ D.?X&$$¥&X¥

考题 #&#¤¥¥¤&& A.&#&#¥¥#¤¤ B.¤¥¤&##&¥¥ C.¥#¥#¤¤&#& D.&#&¤¥#¥¤¤

考题 大写“人民币叁拾柒元玖角整”写成小写,应是()。A.¥37.9 B.¥37.9- C.¥37.90 D.¥37,90

考题 某工人的月工资收入分别为¥490、¥540、¥585,如同期消费物价指数分别为100、105、113,则该工人的实际月收入应是()A、190、¥540、¥585B、490、¥514、¥518C、490、¥567、¥661.05D、490、¥514、¥661.05

考题 G系列笔记本的价位段()A、¥3900~¥5400B、¥2900~¥4400C、¥2900~¥3400D、¥1900~¥3400

考题 Y480/Y485的价位段()A、¥2500~¥4500B、¥6500~¥8500C、¥4500~¥7500D、¥3500~¥5500

考题 一个设备相关的折旧指标是:原值¥50,000,残值¥5,000,使用年限5年,如果采用年数总和折旧法,请问第四年的折旧费用是()A、¥9,000B、¥6,000C、¥42,000D、¥3,000

考题 某公司年总产值为¥80,000,000。库存成本占总产值的75%。假定库存保管成本占库存价值的25%。如果库存周转率从2提高到3,那么,增加的现金和利润各是多少?()A、¥10,000,000;¥2,000,000B、¥12,000,000;¥3,000,000C、¥8,000,000;¥1,500,000D、¥10,000,000;¥2,500,000

考题 在固定总价加奖励酬金合同中,目标成本为¥100、000、目标利润为¥10、000、目标成本价格为¥110、000、分成比例=70/30、最高价格为¥120、000。如果最终成本是¥130、000、卖方利润是多少()A、无利润B、¥10、000C、¥20、000D、¥1、000

考题 如果项目有70%的概率获得¥100,000的利润,30%的概率获得¥100,000的损失,项目的预期货币值EMV是:()A、¥100,000利润B、¥70,000损失C、¥40,000利润D、¥30,000损失

考题 单选题Y480/Y485的价位段()A ¥2500~¥4500B ¥6500~¥8500C ¥4500~¥7500D ¥3500~¥5500

考题 单选题某工人的月工资收入分别为¥490、¥540、¥585,如同期消费物价指数分别为100、105、113,则该工人的实际月收入应是()A 190、¥540、¥585B 490、¥514、¥518C 490、¥567、¥661.05D 490、¥514、¥661.05

考题 单选题G系列笔记本的价位段()A ¥3900~¥5400B ¥2900~¥4400C ¥2900~¥3400D ¥1900~¥3400