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A Now that B Although C Provided D Except that


更多 “ A Now that B Although C Provided D Except that ” 相关考题
考题 ______ it is very late now, the students are still working in the lab. A.AsB.WhenC.IfD.Although

考题 He had to do nothing _____ for the policeman A、except sendB、except to sendC、but to sendD、but sending

考题 It was always on at the same time every day _______ Saturday and Sunday. A. except forB. besidesC. except thatD. except

考题 ()that you have no objection,we will have the meeting in your room. A、IfB、To be providedC、Provided Except

考题 _________________[A] Now that[B] Although[C] Provided[D] Except that

考题 you may take anything you like____this bag.it doesn't belong to me. A)exceptB)except forC)except toD)except that

考题 You wish to enable an audit policy for all database users, except SYS, SYSTEM, and SCOTT.You issue the following statements:SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SYS;SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SYSTEM;SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SCOTT;For which database users is the audit policy now active?()A. All users except SYSB. All users except SCOTTC. All users except sys and SCOTTD. All users except sys, system, and SCOTT

考题 The Internet is based on a connectionless end-to-end packet service, which traditionally provided best-effort means of data ( )using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Suite. Although the ( )design gives the Internet its flexibility and robustness, its packet dynamics also make it prone to congestion problems,especially at ( )that connect networks of widely different bandwidths.The initial QoS function set was for internet hosts.One major problem with expensive wide-area( )links is the excessive overhead due to small Transmission Control Protocol packets created by applications such as telnet and rlogin. The Nagle ( ),which solves this issue,is now supported by all IP host implementations.A.transformationB.transportationC.processingD.progressingA.connectionlessB.connectionC.connection-orientedD.connotationA.hostsB.switchesC.routersD.computersA.interconnectionB.networkC.internetD.webA.technologyB.problemC.structureD.algorithm

考题 The tanker has in operation,except as provided for in Regulation 15(5) and (6) of Annex A of MARPOL 73/78,an oil discharge monitoring and control system and ______ as required.A.an IGSB.a scriberC.a P/VD.a slop tank arrangement

考题 Except where otherwise provided in this Convention,the ______for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the low-water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal State.A.normal baselineB.outer limit of the territorial seaC.limit of the territorial seaD.breadth of the territorial sea

考题 The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be ______ determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voyages without recourse to the use of cargo tanks for water ballast except as provided otherwise.A.SuchB.AsC.SoD.Well

考题 Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except ______.A.temperatureB.visibilityC.predicted weather for the next twelve hoursD.barometric pressure and change in the last three hours

考题 When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ____one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.A.see that B.except that C.provided that D.except for

考题 ______ native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.A.In spite of B.That it is C.It was D.Although

考题 __________coal, the most important natural fuels are the gas and oil.A.Except for B.Except C.Beside D.Apart from

考题 The Internet is based on connectionless end-to-end packet service, which traditionally provided best-effort means of data (请作答此空)using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Suite. Although the ( )design gives the Internet its flexibility and robustness, its packet dynamics also make it prone to congestion problems,especially at ( )that connect networks of widely different bandwidths.The initial QoS function set was for internet hosts.One major problem with expensive wide-area( )links is the excessive overhead due to small Transmission Control Protocol packets created by applications such as telnet and rlogin. The Nagle ( ),which solves this issue,is now supported by all IP host implementations.A.transformation B.transportation C.processing D.progressing

考题 They all go outing on such a warm spring day()Mark. He is busy with his lessons now.A、besideB、besidesC、except forD、except

考题 A customer is asking for System x server quote. The customer provided IBM with a complete specification except for the backup device.  What should a sales specialist do to position a total solution for the customer?()A、Do not quote any additional services.B、Add a tape device as an option to the quote. C、Ask for a special bid to lower the total price.D、Just quote exactly to the customer’s specification.

考题 You wish to enable an audit policy for all database users, except SYS, SYSTEM, and SCOTT.You issue the following statements: SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SYS;SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SYSTEM; SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SCOTT; For which database users is the audit policy now active?()A、All users except SYSB、All users except SCOTTC、All users except sys and SCOTTD、All users except sys, system, and SCOTT

考题 提供过渡高度层和过渡高度。()A、Transition layer and transition altitude are provided.B、Transition layer and transition height are provided.C、Transition level and transition height are provided.D、Transition level and transition altitude are provided.

考题 单选题Except native to Europe, the daisy has now spread throughout most of North America.A AlthoughB If it wereC In spite ofD That it is

考题 单选题For each person it is certified to carry,a lifeboat on an oceangoing passenger vessel must be provided with all of the following EXCEPT().A 3 litres of waterB 1 unit of provisionsC 1 seasickness kitD 1 life preserver

考题 单选题Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except().A temperatureB visibilityC predicted weather for the next twelve hoursD barometric pressure and change in the last three hours

考题 单选题Certain requirements must currently be met by a ship’s steering system.There must be ()independent means of steering, although where two identical power units are provided, an auxiliary unit is not required.A oneB twoC threeD four

考题 单选题Everyone except Tom and John ______ studying for the final test now.A areB isC wereD was

考题 单选题Although they entered the wildly profitable coffee business rather late, South American countries now produce most of the coffee consumed worldwide,A South American countries now produceB it is the South American countries now producingC and South American countries now produceD South American countries now producedE South American countries would produce

考题 单选题An oil tanker,except as provided for otherwise,might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().A she is not within a special areaB she is within a special areaC she has just departured from a special areaD she is about to enter a special area

考题 单选题Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().A the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landB the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landC the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landD the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land