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Given that tables T1 and T2 contain the following rows: Table T1: C1 C2 5 4 5 2 5 5 Table T2: C1 C2 5 1 5 2 5 3 Which of the following queries will return only those rows that exist in T1 and not in T2?()









解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Given that tables T1 and T2 contain the following rows: Table T1: C1 C2 5 4 5 2 5 5 Table T2: C1 C2 5 1 5 2 5 3 Which of the following queries will return only those rows that exist in T1 and not in T2?()A SELECT * FROM T1 MINUS SELECT * FROM T2B SELECT * FROM T1 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM T2C SELECT * FROM T2 UNION EXCEPT SELECT * FROM T1D SELECT * FROM T1 NOT EXISTS SELECT * FROM T2” 相关考题
考题 You use the segment advisor to help determine objects for which space may be reclaimed.Which three statements are true about the advisor given by the segment advisor?() A. It may advise the use of online table redefinition for tables in dictionary managed tablespace.B. It may advise the use of segment shrink for tables in dictionary managed tablespaces it the no chained rows.C. It may advise the use of online table redefinition for tables in locally managed tablespacesD. It will detect and advise about chained rows.E. It may advise the use of segment shrink for free list managed tables.

考题 下面不属于同一函数模板的是()。A.template t1 max(t1 a,t1 b) {…}template 下面不属于同一函数模板的是( )。A.template<class t1> t1 max(t1 a,t1 b) {…}template<class t2> t2 max(t2 a,t2 b) {…}B.template<class t1>t1 max(t1 a,t1 b){…}template<class t2>t2 max(t2 a,t2 b){…}C.template<class t1> t1 max(t1 * a,t1 * b) {…} template<class t2> t2 max(t2 a,t2 b) {…}D.template<class t1>t1 max(t1 a,t1 b){…}template<class t2>t2 max(t2 a,t2 b,t2 c){…}

考题 在下列查询语句中,与SELECT TABl*FROM,TABl WHERE InStr([简历],”篮球”)o功能相同的语句是( )。A.SELECT TABl.*FROM TABl WHERE TABl.简历Like”篮球”B.SELECT TABl.*FROM TABl WHERE TABl.简历Like”*篮球”C.SELECT TABl.*FROM TABl WHERE TABl.简历Like”*篮球*”D.SELECT TABl.*FROM TABl WHERE TABl.简历Like”篮球*”

考题 Given that tables T1 and T2 contain the following rows:Table T1: C1 C2 1 4 1 3 1 2Table T2: C1 C2 1 1 1 2 1 3Which of the following queries will return only those rows that exist in both T1 and T2?() A.SELECT * FROM t1 UNION SELECT * FROM t2B.SELECT * FROM t1 UNION DISTINCT SELECT * FROM t2C.SELECT * FROM t1 INTERSECT SELECT * FROM t2D.SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (c1,c2)= (SELECT c1,c2 FROM t2)

考题 Assuming PUBLIC has been granted all privileges on table T1, which of the following statements would continue to permit any user to add rows to table T1, but not remove them?() A.REVOKE DROP ON t1 FROM PUBLICB.REVOKE UPDATE ON t1 FROM PUBLICC.REVOKE DELETE ON t1 FROM PUBLICD.REVOKE CONTROL ON t1 FROM PUBLIC

考题 The following statements:CREATE TABLE t1 (col1 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(col1)); CREATE TABLE t2 (col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 CHAR(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2), FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES t1 (col1) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT); CREATE TABLE t3 (col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2),FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES t1 (col1) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE RESTRICT);INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, ‘a‘), (1, ‘b‘), (2,‘c‘); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1, 100), (2, 200), (2,300);How many rows will be deleted by the following DELETE statement? DELETE FROM t1 WHERE col1= 1;()A.4B.3C.1D.0

考题 Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES1 Antarctica 02 Africa 533 Asia 474 Australia 145 Europe 436 North America 237 South America 12REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 WestHow many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A.2B.7C.9D.14

考题 同一组织T1与T2值的关系是()。A、T1值大于T2值B、T1值小于T2值C、T1值等于T2值D、T1驰豫发生早于T2驰豫E、T1驰豫发生晚于T2驰豫

考题 下面()集合包含在DataSet集合中。A、Tables集合B、Columns集合C、Rows集合D、Parameters集合

考题 包含在DataSet集合中的集合是()。A、Rows集合B、Columns集合C、Tables集合D、Parameters集合

考题 脑脊液MRI检查是()A、短T1、短T2信号B、长T1、长T2信号C、长T1、短T2信号D、短T1、长T2信号E、等T1、等T2信号

考题 脊髓呈()A、等T1、等T2信号B、长T1、长T2信号C、短T1、长T2信号D、长T1、短T2信号E、长T1、等T2

考题 已知:DataSet data=new DataSet();则删除数据集data中person数据表的第5行数据的方法为()A、 data.Tables["person "].Rows[5].Delete();B、 data.Tables["person "].Rows.Delete(5);C、 data.Tables["person "].Rows[4].Delete();D、 data.Tables["person "].Rows[].Delete(4);

考题 高浓度顺磁对比剂对质子弛豫时间的影响为()A、T1缩短,T2改变不大B、T1缩短,T2延长C、T1延长,T2缩短D、T1缩短,T2缩短E、T1延长,T2延长

考题 铁磁性颗粒造影剂对质子弛豫时间的影响为()A、T1缩短,T2缩短B、T1缩短,T2延长C、T1不变,T2缩短D、T2不变,T2延长E、T1延长,T2缩短

考题 Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES 1 Antarctica 0 2 Africa 53 3 Asia 47 4 Australia 14 5 Europe 43 6 North America 23 7 South America 12 REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 West How many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A、2B、7C、9D、14

考题 Given that tables T1 and T2 contain the following rows: Table T1: C1 C2 5 4 5 2 5 5 Table T2: C1 C2 5 1 5 2 5 3 Which of the following queries will return only those rows that exist in T1 and not in T2?()A、SELECT * FROM T1 MINUS SELECT * FROM T2B、SELECT * FROM T1 EXCEPT SELECT * FROM T2C、SELECT * FROM T2 UNION EXCEPT SELECT * FROM T1D、SELECT * FROM T1 NOT EXISTS SELECT * FROM T2

考题 Which of the following SQL statements will return the year and average salary for all employees hired within a given year that have a salary greater than $30,000?()A、SELECT * FROM t1 UNION SELECT * FROM t2B、SELECT * FROM t1 UNION DISTINCT SELECT * FROM t2C、SELECT * FROM t1 INTERSECT SELECT * FROM t2D、SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (c1,c2)= (SELECT c1,c2 FROM t2)

考题 单选题Given that tables T1 and T2 contain the following rows: Table T1: C1 C2 1 4 1 3 1 2 Table T2: C1 C2 1 1 1 2 1 3 Which of the following queries will return only those rows that exist in both T1 and T2?()A SELECT * FROM t1 UNION SELECT * FROM t2B SELECT * FROM t1 UNION DISTINCT SELECT * FROM t2C SELECT * FROM t1 INTERSECT SELECT * FROM t2D SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (c1,c2)= (SELECT c1,c2 FROM t2)

考题 多选题You use the segment advisor to help determine objects for which space may be reclaimed. Which three statements are true about the advisor given by the segment advisor?()AIt may advise the use of online table redefinition for tables in dictionary managed tablespace.BIt may advise the use of segment shrink for tables in dictionary managed tablespaces it the no chained rows.CIt may advise the use of online table redefinition for tables in locally managed tablespacesDIt will detect and advise about chained rows.EIt may advise the use of segment shrink for free list managed tables.

考题 单选题You are responsible for a data warehouse application that uses records from an external table to update one of the dimension tables periodically. The records in the external table may contain data for new rows in the dimension table, or for updates to its existing rows. Which type of SQL command would you use to transfer the data from the external table to the dimension table as efficiently as possible?()A MERGEB SELECT …CROSS JOINC INSERT ALL …SELECTD CREATE VIEW …CONSTRAINT

考题 单选题The rows inside three Oracle tables supporting a customer order entry system are frequently accessed together by means of a table join. Because data is always being added to the tables, you leave a lot of extra space inside each block to accommodate growth. Which of the following types of tables would be useful for storing the data in this context?()A Temporary tables B Index-organized tables C Cluster tables D Standard Oracle tables 

考题 单选题已知:DataSet data=new DataSet();则删除数据集data中person数据表的第5行数据的方法为()A  data.Tables[person ].Rows[5].Delete();B  data.Tables[person ].Rows.Delete(5);C  data.Tables[person ].Rows[4].Delete();D  data.Tables[person ].Rows[].Delete(4);

考题 单选题Assuming PUBLIC has been granted all privileges on table T1, which of the following statements would continue to permit any user to add rows to table T1, but not remove them?()A REVOKE DROP ON t1 FROM PUBLICB REVOKE UPDATE ON t1 FROM PUBLICC REVOKE DELETE ON t1 FROM PUBLICD REVOKE CONTROL ON t1 FROM PUBLIC

考题 单选题Consider this syntax:   MERGE INTO t1  USING t2 ON (join predicate)…..   What does the MERGE syntax do?()A It performs a merge join of the row from T2 only if it doesn’t exist in the T1 table. B It creates a natural join of tables T1 and T2 for all columns that have the same name. C It creates a Cartesian product of table T1 and table T2 for all columns that have the same name. D For each row from T2, it updates the row if it exists within table T1, otherwise it inserts the row into T1.

考题 单选题The following statements: CREATE TABLE t1 (col1 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(col1)); CREATE TABLE t2 (col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 CHAR(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2), FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES t1 (col1) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT); CREATE TABLE t3 (col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2),FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES t1 (col1) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE RESTRICT);INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2,'c'); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1, 100), (2, 200), (2,300); How many rows will be deleted by the following DELETE statement? DELETE FROM t1 WHERE col1= 1;()A 4B 3C 1D 0

考题 单选题Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES 1 Antarctica 0 2 Africa 53 3 Asia 47 4 Australia 14 5 Europe 43 6 North America 23 7 South America 12 REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 West How many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A 2B 7C 9D 14

考题 单选题Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES 1 Antarctica 0 2 Africa 53 3 Asia 47 4 Australia 14 5 Europe 43 6 North America 23 7 South America 12 REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 West How many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A 2B 7C 9D 14