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Why will a turbocharger diesel engine produce black smoke if excessive additional load is applied too quickly?()

Exhaust energy would draw excess air


The inertia of the turbocharger rotor causes a time lag which delays the turbocharger speed increase


Exhaust gas pumping losses are increased due to turbine windage


Exhaust gas back pressure falls slightly due to increased nozzle action


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更多 “单选题Why will a turbocharger diesel engine produce black smoke if excessive additional load is applied too quickly?()A Exhaust energy would draw excess airB The inertia of the turbocharger rotor causes a time lag which delays the turbocharger speed increaseC Exhaust gas pumping losses are increased due to turbine windageD Exhaust gas back pressure falls slightly due to increased nozzle action” 相关考题
考题 A diesel engine experiences a sudden loss in speed, accompanied by black exhaust smoke, with the fuel rack at maximum, and speed remaining below normal .the probable ___.A.engine overloadB.leaky valvesC.stuck or broken piston ringsD.low air injection pressure

考题 An indication of an overloaded main propulsion diesel engine is( ).A.white smoke in the exhaustB.high exhaust gas pyrometer readingsC.sparks in the exhaustD.blue smoke in the exhaust

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考题 In a main propulsion turbocharged diesel engine, the speed of the turbocharger varies according to the _____.A.governor droopB.speeder spring tensionC.fuel rack lagD.load on the engine

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考题 单选题Black smoke exhausting from a diesel engine indicates()A proper fuel injectionB water in the fuelC incomplete combustionD burning of lube oil

考题 单选题Before shutting off the fuel supply to stop a medium or high–speed diesel engine, why is it necessary to allow the engine to idle for a few minutes?()A To prevent internal damage form local overheatingB To ensure the fuel nozzles are flushed cleanC To clear the smoke stackD To let the waste heat boiler reduce its rate of steam generation

考题 单选题The function of the after-cooler installed between the turbocharger and intake manifold on some diesel engine, is to ()A increase the density of the intake airB decrease turbocharger power usageC reduce exhaust gas temperatureD compensate for turbocharger PRM fluctuations

考题 单选题Intake air flow from a diesel engine turbocharger is directly proportional to engine()A exhaust gas pressureB exhaust gas temperatureC speedD load

考题 单选题Black smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine is an indication of poor combustion which may be caused by ()A water in the fuelB insufficient fuel for combustionC clogged air intake passagesD burning lubricating oil

考题 单选题Leaking oil seals on a diesel engine turbocharger can cause()A the engine to run after the fuel has been securedB the engine to over-speedC a fireD all of the above

考题 单选题White smoke issuing from the exhaust of an auxiliary diesel engine valve opening ()A the engine is overloadedB the engine is coldC there is too much lube oil in the cylindersD the turbocharger is fouled

考题 单选题Which of the following would cause a diesel to have black smoke?()A leaky injectorB water in the gasC too heavy oilD water in the oil

考题 单选题Air in the fuel lines of a diesel engine can cause ()A ignition failureB oxygen corrosion of the fuel linesC the pistons to seizeD blue smoke

考题 单选题The exhaust system for a turbocharged diesel engine functions to ()A power the after-coolersB power the turbochargerC reduce the cylinder scavenge effectD cool the turbocharger

考题 单选题Black smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine can be caused by ()A fuel dribbling from leaking fuel injectorsB burning fuel with a high carbon contentC burning fuel with a high vanadium contentD burning fuel with a lower sulphur content

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with()A low firing pressureB low exhaust temperatureC mechanical knock in each cylinderD fuel knock in each cylinder

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考题 单选题Why will a turbocharger diesel engine produce black smoke if excessive additional load is applied too quickly?()A Exhaust energy would draw excess airB The inertia of the turbocharger rotor causes a time lag which delays the turbocharger speed increaseC Exhaust gas pumping losses are increased due to turbine windageD Exhaust gas back pressure falls slightly due to increased nozzle action

考题 单选题If the turbocharger failed on an auxiliary diesel engine, which of the following conditions would probably occur?()A Full power cannot be developedB The exhaust will contain black smokeC Complete combustion will be impossibleD All of the above

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考题 单选题If the speed of a turbocharged diesel engine is maintained constant the turbocharger speed will ()A decrease until the engine speed increasesB increase as the load increasesC decrease as the loadD increases remain unchanged

考题 单选题In a main propulsion turbocharged diesel engine, the speed of the turbocharger varies according to the ()A governor droopB speeder spring tensionC fuel rack lagD load on the engine

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考题 单选题An indication of an overloaded main propulsion diesel engine is ()A white smoke in the exhaustB high exhaust gas pyrometer readingsC sparks in the exhaustD blue smoke in the exhaust