















ACCA对其专业资格最高阶段的考试进行了创新设计,已于2018年9月以全新的战略专业阶段(Strategic Professional)考试取代之前的专业阶段考试体系,更加注重就业能力与核心技能在现代工作场所中的实际应用。更加注重培养理论和实践都杰出的人才


●战略商业领袖 (Strategic Business Leader)——这是一门基于现实商业情境的创新案例考试,考试时长为4小时。

●战略商业报告(Strategic Business Reporting)——这门新型考试将使学员接触到更广泛的财务和商业报告情境,培养他们的重要技能,从而向利益相关方解释和传达商业交易与报告的意义和影响。

●职业道德与专业技能模块(Ethics and Professional Skills module)——作为首家在2008年向学员开设职业道德模块的专业会计师组织,ACCA对当前的职业道德模块进行了重新构建。新模块已上线。




总结,这些报考宝典你Get到了吗?最后,还是希望大家能明白,PassFail本身并无好坏,成绩只是结果,关键是我们如何以平静的心态去面对考试,去面对考试结果。不论Pass or Fail,我们都要真确应对!最后,51题库考试学习网预祝大家在三月份的考试全部PASS

下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

2 The draft financial statements of Rampion, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2005

included the following figures:


Profit 684,000

Closing inventory 116,800

Trade receivables 248,000

Allowance for receivables 10,000

No adjustments have yet been made for the following matters:

(1) The company’s inventory count was carried out on 3 January 2006 leading to the figure shown above. Sales

between the close of business on 31 December 2005 and the inventory count totalled $36,000. There were no

deliveries from suppliers in that period. The company fixes selling prices to produce a 40% gross profit on sales.

The $36,000 sales were included in the sales records in January 2006.

(2) $10,000 of goods supplied on sale or return terms in December 2005 have been included as sales and

receivables. They had cost $6,000. On 10 January 2006 the customer returned the goods in good condition.

(3) Goods included in inventory at cost $18,000 were sold in January 2006 for $13,500. Selling expenses were


(4) $8,000 of trade receivables are to be written off.

(5) The allowance for receivables is to be adjusted to the equivalent of 5% of the trade receivables after allowing for

the above matters, based on past experience.


(a) Prepare a statement showing the effect of the adjustments on the company’s net profit for the year ended

31 December 2005. (5 marks)


(c) In August 2004 it was discovered that the inventory at 31 December 2003 had been overstated by $100,000.

(4 marks)


Advise the directors on the correct treatment of these matters, stating the relevant accounting standard which

justifies your answer in each case.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three matters.

(c) The opening inventory should be included in the current year’s income statement at the corrected figure, and the opening
balance of retained profit reduced by $100,000. The $100,000 reduction will appear in the statement of changes in equity.
(IAS8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors)

4 David Silvester is the founder and owner of a recently formed gift packaging company, Gift Designs Ltd. David has

spotted an opportunity for a new type of gift packaging. This uses a new process to make waterproof cardboard and

then shapes and cuts the card in such a way to produce a container or vase for holding cut flowers. The containers

can be stored flat and in bulk and then simply squeezed to create the flowerpot into which flowers and water are then

put. The potential market for the product is huge. In the UK hospitals alone there are 200,000 bunches of flowers

bought each year for patients. David’s innovative product does away with the need for hospitals to provide and store

glass vases. The paper vases are simple, safe and hygienic. He has also identified two other potential markets; firstly,

the market for fresh flowers supplied by florists and secondly, the corporate gift market where clients such as car

dealers present a new owner with an expensive bunch of flowers when the customer takes delivery of a new car. The

vase can be printed using a customer’s design and logo and creates an opportunity for real differentiation and impact

at sales conferences and other high profile PR events.

David anticipates a rapid growth in Gift Designs as its products become known and appreciated. The key question is

how quickly the company should grow and the types of funding needed to support its growth and development. The

initial financial demands of the business have been quite modest but David has estimated that the business needs

£500K to support its development over the next two years and is uncertain as to the types of funding best suited to

a new business as it looks to grow rapidly. He understands that business risk and financial risk is not the same thing

and is looking for advice on how he should organise the funding of the business. He is also aware of the need to avoid

reliance on friends and family for funding and to broaden the financial support for the business. Clearly the funding

required would also be affected by the activities David decides to carry out himself and those activities better provided

by external suppliers.


(a) Provide David with a short report on the key issues he should take into account when developing a strategy

for funding Gift Designs’ growth and development. (10 marks)


(a) To: David Silvester
Funding strategy for Gift Designs Ltd
Clearly, you have identified a real business opportunity and face both business and financial risks in turning the opportunity
into reality. One possible model you can use is that of the product life cycle which as a one-product firm is effectively the life
cycle for the company. Linking business risk to financial risk is important – in the early stages of the business the business
risk is high and the high death rate amongst new start-ups is well publicised and, consequently, there is a need to go for low
financial risk. Funding the business is essentially deciding the balance between debt and equity finance, and equity offers the
low risk that you should be looking for. As the firm grows and develops so the balance between debt and equity will change.
A new business venture like this could in Boston Box terms be seen as a problem child with a non-existent market share but
high growth potential. The business risks are very high and consequently the financial risks taken should be very low and
avoid taking on large amounts of debt with a commitment to service the debt.
You need to take advantage of investors who are willing to accept the risks associated with a business start-up – venture
capitalists and business angels accept the risks associated with putting equity capital in but may expect a significant share
in the ownership of the business. This they will seek to realise once the business is successfully established. As the business
moves into growth and then maturity so the business risks will reduce and access to debt finance becomes feasible and cost
effective. In maturity the business should be able to generate significant retained earnings to finance further development.

Dividend policy will also be affected by the stage in the life cycle that the business has reached.

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