












2.学习 F9 P2

3.学习 P1 P3

4.学习 P4 P5


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

5 You are the manager responsible for the audit of Blod Co, a listed company, for the year ended 31 March 2008. Your

firm was appointed as auditors of Blod Co in September 2007. The audit work has been completed, and you are

reviewing the working papers in order to draft a report to those charged with governance. The statement of financial

position (balance sheet) shows total assets of $78 million (2007 – $66 million). The main business activity of Blod

Co is the manufacture of farm machinery.

During the audit of property, plant and equipment it was discovered that controls over capital expenditure transactions

had deteriorated during the year. Authorisation had not been gained for the purchase of office equipment with a cost

of $225,000. No material errors in the financial statements were revealed by audit procedures performed on property,

plant and equipment.

An internally generated brand name has been included in the statement of financial position (balance sheet) at a fair

value of $10 million. Audit working papers show that the matter was discussed with the financial controller, who

stated that the $10 million represents the present value of future cash flows estimated to be generated by the brand

name. The member of the audit team who completed the work programme on intangible assets has noted that this

treatment appears to be in breach of IAS 38 Intangible Assets, and that the management refuses to derecognise the


Problems were experienced in the audit of inventories. Due to an oversight by the internal auditors of Blod Co, the

external audit team did not receive a copy of inventory counting procedures prior to attending the count. This caused

a delay at the beginning of the inventory count, when the audit team had to quickly familiarise themselves with the

procedures. In addition, on the final audit, when the audit senior requested documentation to support the final

inventory valuation, it took two weeks for the information to be received because the accountant who had prepared

the schedules had mislaid them.


(a) (i) Identify the main purpose of including ‘findings from the audit’ (management letter points) in a report

to those charged with governance. (2 marks)

5 Blod Co
(a) (i) A report to those charged with governance is produced to communicate matters relating to the external audit to those
who are ultimately responsible for the financial statements. ISA 260 Communication of Audit Matters With Those
Charged With Governance requires the auditor to communicate many matters, including independence and other ethical
issues, the audit approach and scope, the details of management representations, and the findings of the audit. The
findings of the audit are commonly referred to as management letter points. By communicating these matters, the auditor
is confident that there is written documentation outlining all significant matters raised during the audit process, and that
such matters have been formally notified to the highest level of management of the client. For the management, the
report should ensure that they fully understand the scope and results of the audit service which has been provided, and
is likely to provide constructive comments to help them to fulfil their duties in relation to the financial statements and
accounting systems and controls more effectively. The report should also include, where relevant, any actions that
management has indicated they will take in relation to recommendations made by the auditors.

(b) Comment on the need for ethical guidance for accountants on money laundering. (4 marks)

(b) Need for ethical guidance
■ Accountants (firms and individuals) working in a country that criminalises money laundering are required to comply with
anti-money laundering legislation and failure to do so can lead to severe penalties. Guidance is needed because:
– legal requirements are onerous;
– money laundering is widely defined; and
– accountants may otherwise be used, unwittingly, to launder criminal funds.
■ Accountants need ethical guidance on matters where there is conflict between legal responsibilities and professional
responsibilities. In particular, professional accountants are bound by a duty of confidentiality to their clients. Guidance
is needed to explain:
– how statutory provisions give protection against criminal action for members in respect of their confidentiality
– when client confidentiality over-ride provisions are available.
■ Further guidance is needed to explain the interaction between accountants’ responsibilities to report money laundering
offences and other reporting responsibilities, for example:
– reporting to regulators;
– auditor’s reports on financial statements (ISA 700);
– reports to those charged with governance (ISA 260);
– reporting misconduct by members of the same body.
■ Professional accountants are required to communicate with each other when there is a change in professional
appointment (i.e. ‘professional etiquette’). Additional ethical guidance is needed on how to respond to a ‘clearance’ letter
where a report of suspicion has been made (or is being contemplated) in respect of the client in question.
Tutorial note: Although the term ‘professional clearance’ is widely used, remember that there is no ‘clearance’ that the
incumbent accountant can give or withhold.
■ Ethical guidance is needed to make accountants working in countries that do not criminalise money laundering aware
of how anti-money laundering legislation may nevertheless affect them. Such accountants may commit an offence if,
for example, they conduct limited assignments or have meetings in a country having anti-money laundering legislation
(e.g. UK, Ireland, Singapore, Australia and the United States).

(d) Estimate by how much the bid might be increased without the shareholders of Paxis suffering a fall in their expected wealth, and discuss whether or not the directors of Paxis should proceed with the bid. (5 marks)


(d) The current bid values the shares of Wragger at £19·07 million, compared to the current market value of £15·36 million, a premium of £3·71 million. The expected synergy is £15,570,000. If these data are accurate the bid could be substantially increased without the shareholders of Paxis suffering a fall in their expected wealth. In theory, the bid could be increased by an additional £11,860,000, or 148 pence for each existing Wragger share.
There might also be strategic reasons for undertaking the bid, and the acquisition of Wragger might lead to future options that are not valued by the above analysis.
The proposed acquisition is expected to result in substantial synergy, and to create wealth for the shareholders of both companies. The directors are recommended to proceed with the bid.

(b) Explain Mintzberg’s five organisational components. (10 marks)

(b) The strategic apex is the highest level of the organisation and is therefore the highest level of management. This part ensures that the organisation’s mission is followed and manages the relationship with the environment.
The operating core is the part that represents the productive activity of the organisation, gathering inputs and, through conversion, turns them into outputs.
The middle line represents that part of the organisation where the middle managers operate. The role of this part is to turn the instructions of the strategic apex into activities for the operating core.
The technostructure includes the staff who provide a technical or supportive activity but which are not a part of the core activities. This part of the organisation includes the engineering, accounting and human resource departments.
The support staff carry out the ancillary activities that are neither part of the core nor the technostructure. Support staff have no role in the direct activities of the organisation: these activities include catering and public relations.(Students may draw the appropriate diagram)

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