











下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) What research techniques could Mark use to get an accurate assessment of staff attitudes to the proposed

changes? (8 marks)

(b) As the term internal marketing implies, the methods of ascertaining staff reactions to the proposed growth strategy have close
parallels with the ways you find out about customer reaction to the company or its products. The benefits of taking a
structured research approach are considerable and often firms may prefer that attitude surveys are carried out by outside
consultants in order to improve objectivity and to remove some of the problems with Mark’s power and position. As with
external market research you are looking to see whether staff will ‘buy into’ the proposed strategy and the accurate
measurement of attitudes and consequent behaviour is very important.
Creating the framework for undertaking the research involves defining the issue to be researched – in this case staff attitudes
towards the growth strategy, designing the research methods, including the use of questionnaires and interviews, determining
the sample of staff to be involved, the use or otherwise of focus groups and ways of ensuring the data collected gives an
accurate picture of staff attitudes. The data generated must be analysed and presented to Mark in an appropriate way. How
the insights into staff attitudes are gained through the research is important, as is the communication of the results to the
staff. Mark should be aware that such research will inevitably create expectations among staff and managing those
expectations will be a test of his leadership powers.

5 An enterprise has made a material change to an accounting policy in preparing its current financial statements.

Which of the following disclosures are required by IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates

and errors in these financial statements?

1 The reasons for the change.

2 The amount of the consequent adjustment in the current period and in comparative information for prior periods.

3 An estimate of the effect of the change on future periods, where possible.

A 1 and 2 only

B 1 and 3 only

C 2 and 3 only

D All three items


(c) Critically discuss the statement (in note 12) of the managing director of GBC and suggest how the company

could calculate the value of the service provision to the population of the Western region. (6 marks)

(c) It would appear that in operating a bus service to the Western region of Geeland that GBC is fulfilling a social objective since
a contribution loss amounting to $38,400 ($230,400 – $268,800) was made as a consequence of operating the route to
the Western region during 2007. As an organisation which is partially funded by the government it is highly probable that
GBC has objectives which differ from those of TTC which is a profit-seeking organisation.
The value of a social service such as the provision of public transport can be quantified, albeit, in non-financial times. It is
possible to apply quantitative measures to the bus service itself, the most obvious ones being the number of passengers
carried and the number of passenger miles travelled.
The cost of the provision of alternative transport to the Western region might also enable a value to be placed on the current
service by GBC.
It might be possible to estimate quantitatively some of the social benefits resulting from the provision of the transport facility
to and from the Western region. For example, GBC could undertake a survey of the population of the Western region in order
to help estimate the extent to which rural depopulation would otherwise have occurred had the transport facility not been
The application of the technique of cost-benefit analysis makes it possible to estimate money values for non-monetary
benefits. Social benefits can therefore be expressed in financial terms. It is highly probable that the fact that the Western region
is served by GBC will increase the attractiveness of living in a rural area, which may in turn precipitate an increase in property
values in the Western region and the financial benefit could be expressed in terms of the aggregate increase in property values
in the region as a whole.

(b) Describe the potential benefits for Hugh Co in choosing to have a financial statement audit. (4 marks)

(b) There are several benefits for Hugh Co in choosing a voluntary financial statement audit.
An annual audit will ensure that any material mistakes made by the part-qualified accountant in preparing the year end
financial statements will be detected. This is important as the directors will be using the year end accounts to review their
progress in the first year of trading and will need reliable figures to assess performance. An audit will give the directors comfort
that the financial statements are a sound basis for making business decisions.
Accurate first year figures will also enable more effective budgeting and forecasting, which will be crucial if rapid growth is to
be achieved.
The auditors are likely to use the quarterly management accounts as part of normal audit procedures. The auditors will be
able to advise Monty Parkes of any improvements that could be made to the management accounts, for example, increased
level of detail, more frequent reporting. Better quality management accounts will help the day-to-day running of the business
and enable a speedier response to any problems arising during the year.
As a by-product of the audit, a management letter (report to those charged with governance) will be produced, identifying
weaknesses and making recommendations on areas such as systems and controls which will improve the smooth running of
the business.
It is likely that Hugh Co will require more bank funding in order to expand, and it is likely that the bank would like to see
audited figures for review, before deciding on further finance. It will be easier and potentially cheaper to raise finance from
other providers with an audited set of financial statements.
As the business deals in cash sales, and retails small, luxury items there is a high risk of theft of assets. The external audit
can act as both a deterrent and a detective control, thus reducing the risk of fraud and resultant detrimental impact on the
financial statements.
Accurate financial statements will be the best basis for tax assessment and tax planning. An audit opinion will enhance the
credibility of the figures.
If the business grows rapidly, then it is likely that at some point in the future, the audit exemption limit will be exceeded and
thus an audit will become mandatory.
Choosing to have an audit from the first year of incorporation will reduce potential errors carried down to subsequent periods
and thus avoid qualifications of opening balances.

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