



2020年5月11日 Early exam entry deadline date

2020年7月27日 Standard exam entry deadline

2020年8月3日  Late exam entry deadline


2020年8月10日 Early exam entry deadline date

2020年11月2日 Standard exam entry deadline

2020年11月9日 Late exam entry deadline 



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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) Division C is considering a decision to lower its selling price to customers external to the group to $95

per kilogram. If implemented, this decision is expected to increase sales to external customers to

70,000 kilograms.


For BOTH the current selling price of CC of $105 per kilogram and the proposed selling price of $95

per kilogram, prepare a detailed analysis of revenue, costs and net profits of BAG.

Note: in addition, comment on other considerations that should be taken into account before this selling

price change is implemented. (6 marks)



(b) Explain in the context of Flavours Fine Foods, what is meant by:

(i) responsibility; (4 marks)

(b) (i) RESPONSIBILITY is the liability of a person to be called to account for their actions and results, and is therefore an obligation to take some action to discharge that responsibility. Unlike authority, responsibility cannot be delegated. There is however some discussion on the extent to which this statement is true: the idea that responsibility cannot be delegated is too simplistic. Any task contains an element of responsibility. It is the idea of accountability and the direction of responsibility that is the relevant concept and is the problem at Flavours Fine Foods; ultimate responsibility resides with the owners. It is self evident that it is impossible to exercise authority without responsibility because this could lead to problems of control and therefore undesirable outcomes for the organisation. However, the superior (the owner) is always ultimately responsible for the actions of his or her subordinates. The key element here is the recognition of discretion by virtue of the person’s position. This underlines the doctrine of absolute responsibility; the superior is always ultimately accountable.

(b) Explain Kohlberg’s three levels of moral development and identify the levels of moral development

demonstrated by the contributions of Gary Howells, Vanda Monroe and Martin Chan. (12 marks)

(b) Kohlberg’s levels of moral development
Description of levels
Kohlberg described human moral development in terms of three consecutive levels.
Preconventional moral responses view morality in terms of rewards, punishments and whether or not the act will be
penalised, found out or rewarded.
Conventional moral responses view morality in terms of compliance with the agreed legal and regulatory frameworks relevant
at the time and place in which the decision is taking place.
Postconventional responses go beyond the other two and frame. morality in terms of the effects of the action on oneself and
others, on how it will affect one’s own moral approach and how it will accord with wider systems of ethics and social norms.
Three people in the case
The three people mentioned in the case exhibit different levels of moral development.
Gary Howells is demonstrating the preconventional in that he sees the decision to disclose or not in terms of whether WM
can get away with it. He was inclined to conceal the information because of the potential impact on the company’s share
price on the stock market. His suggestion was underpinned by his belief that the concealment of the incorrect valuation would
not be ‘found out’.
Vanda Monroe demonstrates conventional behaviour, reminding the WM board of its legal and regulatory obligations under
the rules of its stock market listing. In particular, she reminded the board about the importance of the company’s compliance
with corporate governance and ethics codes by the stock market. To fail to disclose would, in Vanda’s view, be a breach of
those stock market expectations. Rather than rewards and punishments, Vanda was more concerned with compliance with
rules and regulations.
Martin Chan is demonstrating postconventional morality by referring to consistency of treatment and the notion of ‘do as you
would be done by’. He said that he wouldn’t want to be deceived if he were an outside investor in the company. His response
was underpinned neither by rewards or punishments, nor by compliance with regulations, but rather than a persuasion that
moral behaviour is about doing what one believes to be right, regardless of any other factors.

(d) Job rotation. (3 marks)

(d) Job rotation is an important training method and is often also seen as a means of motivation. It involves moving the trainee from one job to another and is therefore more suitable for lower level employees. The trainee is required to do different jobs in logical succession, thus broadening experience and gaining a picture of the organisation’s wider activities.

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