




下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

4 (a) ISA 701 Modifications to The Independent Auditor’s Report includes ‘suggested wording of modifying phrases

for use when issuing modified reports’.


Explain and distinguish between each of the following terms:

(i) ‘qualified opinion’;

(ii) ‘disclaimer of opinion’;

(iii) ‘emphasis of matter paragraph’. (6 marks)

(a) Independent auditor’s report terms
(i) Qualified opinion – A qualified opinion is expressed when the auditor concludes that an unqualified opinion cannot be
expressed but that the effect of any disagreement with management, or limitation on scope is not so material and
pervasive as to require an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion.
(ii) Disclaimer of opinion – A disclaimer of opinion is expressed when the possible effect of a limitation on scope is so
material and pervasive that the auditor has not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence and accordingly
is unable to express an opinion on the financial statements.
(iii) Emphasis of matter paragraph – An auditor’s report may be modified by adding an emphasis of matter paragraph to
highlight a matter affecting the financial statements that is included in a note to the financial statements that more
extensively discusses the matter. Such an emphasis of matter paragraph does not affect the auditor’s opinion. An
emphasis of matter paragraph may also be used to report matters other than those affecting the financial statements
(e.g. if there is a misstatement of fact in other information included in documents containing audited financial
(iii) is clearly distinguishable from (i) and (ii) because (i) and (ii) affect the opinion paragraph, whereas (iii) does not.
(i) and (ii) are distinguishable by the degree of their impact on the financial statements. In (i) the effects of any disagreement
or limitation on scope can be identified with an ‘except for …’ opinion. In (ii) the matter is pervasive, that is, affecting the
financial statements as a whole.
(ii) can only arise in respect of a limitation in scope (i.e. insufficient evidence) that has a pervasive effect. (i) is not pervasive
and may also arise from disagreement (i.e. where there is sufficient evidence).

(b) Misson has purchased goods from a foreign supplier for 8 million euros on 31 July 2006. At 31 October 2006,

the trade payable was still outstanding and the goods were still held by Misson. Similarly Misson has sold goods

to a foreign customer for 4 million euros on 31 July 2006 and it received payment for the goods in euros on

31 October 2006. Additionally Misson had purchased an investment property on 1 November 2005 for

28 million euros. At 31 October 2006, the investment property had a fair value of 24 million euros. The company

uses the fair value model in accounting for investment properties.

Misson would like advice on how to treat these transactions in the financial statements for the year ended 31

October 2006. (7 marks)


Discuss the accounting treatment of the above transactions in accordance with the advice required by the


(Candidates should show detailed workings as well as a discussion of the accounting treatment used.)

(b) Inventory, Goods sold and Investment property
The inventory and trade payable initially would be recorded at 8 million euros ÷ 1·6, i.e. $5 million. At the year end, the
amount payable is still outstanding and is retranslated at 1 dollar = 1·3 euros, i.e. $6·2 million. An exchange loss of
$(6·2 – 5) million, i.e. $1·2 million would be reported in profit or loss. The inventory would be recorded at $5 million at the
year end unless it is impaired in value.
The sale of goods would be recorded at 4 million euros ÷ 1·6, i.e. $2·5 million as a sale and as a trade receivable. Payment
is received on 31 October 2006 in euros and the actual value of euros received will be 4 million euros ÷ 1·3,
i.e. $3·1 million.
Thus a gain on exchange of $0·6 million will be reported in profit or loss.
The investment property should be recognised on 1 November 2005 at 28 million euros ÷ 1·4, i.e. $20 million. At
31 October 2006, the property should be recognised at 24 million euros ÷ 1·3, i.e. $18·5 million. The decrease in fair value
should be recognised in profit and loss as a loss on investment property. The property is a non-monetary asset and any foreign
currency element is not recognised separately. When a gain or loss on a non-monetary item is recognised in profit or loss,
any exchange component of that gain or loss is also recognised in profit or loss. If any gain or loss is recognised in equity ona non-monetary asset, any exchange gain is also recognised in equity.

(b) Describe five major barriers to good communication. (10 marks)

Part (b):
Barriers to communication include the personal background of the people communicating, including language differences between
staff, management and customers. The use of jargon, especially by professional and technical staff, differences in education levels
can be a substantial barrier throughout the organisation. Communication ‘noise’ is a barrier not always recognised. This is where
the message is confused by extraneous matters not relevant to that particular communication. Different levels of education and
experience can lead to different perception of individuals, leading to conflict within the organisation, between individuals and
between departments. Similarly, another barrier often not recognised is communication overload; too much information being
communicated at one time leading to confusion. Distances involved and the subsequent use of different communication facilities
is a barrier, leading to misunderstandings based on problems noted above. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, distortion of the
information transmitted.

(ii) Audit work on after-date bank transactions identified a transfer of cash from Batik Co. The audit senior has

documented that the finance director explained that Batik commenced trading on 7 October 2005, after

being set up as a wholly-owned foreign subsidiary of Jinack. No other evidence has been obtained.

(4 marks)


Identify and comment on the implications of the above matters for the auditor’s report on the financial

statements of Jinack Co for the year ended 30 September 2005 and, where appropriate, the year ending

30 September 2006.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters.

(ii) Wholly-owned foreign subsidiary
■ The cash transfer is a non-adjusting post balance sheet event. It indicates that Batik was trading after the balance
sheet date. However, that does not preclude Batik having commenced trading before the year end.
■ The finance director’s oral representation is wholly insufficient evidence with regard to the existence (or otherwise)
of Batik at 30 September 2005. If it existed at the balance sheet date its financial statements should have been
consolidated (unless immaterial).
■ The lack of evidence that might reasonably be expected to be available (e.g. legal papers, registration payments,
etc) suggests a limitation on the scope of the audit.
■ If such evidence has been sought but not obtained then the limitation is imposed by the entity (rather than by
■ Whilst the transaction itself may not be material, the information concerning the existence of Batik may be material
to users and should therefore be disclosed (as a non-adjusting event). The absence of such disclosure, if the
auditor considered necessary, would result in a qualified ‘except for’, opinion.
Tutorial note: Any matter that is considered sufficiently material to be worthy of disclosure as a non-adjusting
event must result in such a qualified opinion if the disclosure is not made.
■ If Batik existed at the balance sheet date and had material assets and liabilities then its non-consolidation would
have a pervasive effect. This would warrant an adverse opinion.
■ Also, the nature of the limitation (being imposed by the entity) could have a pervasive effect if the auditor is
suspicious that other audit evidence has been withheld. In this case the auditor should disclaim an opinion.

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