此外,考试的题型也有变化。机考的客观题题型多样,比如Multiple choice,Multiple response,Fill in the blank,Drag and drop,Hot spot/Hot area,而笔试只有多选题。
由于新大纲的上线,ACCA考试将取消旧科目,换用新的命名系统。在体系上,新的课程将被分为三个阶段,而非之前的两阶段。之前的F1-F3科目将被纳入Applied Knowledge阶段,之前的F4-F9科目,将被纳入Applied Skills阶段,之前的P1-P7科目,将被纳入新的Strategic Professional阶段。此外,之前所有F和P类缩写命名将取消,改为直接称课程名,例如F1将改为直接称Accountant Business。
专业阶段(即P阶段)的课程将被重新设计,并更名为“战略专业”(Strategic Professional)。全新设计的P阶段课程将加入一项新的科目《战略商业领袖Strategic Business Leader》,新科目引入后,原本的P1和P3科目将取消。这项全新科目将利用现实世界中的场景作为挑战,要求学员在评估,整合和陈述答案的过程中运用技术能力,专业能力并结合职业道德素养。
此外,“战略专业”阶段还将新增一门《战略商业报告Strategic Business
职业道德一向被视为会计行业从业者最重要的品质,一直以来,ACCA都将职业道德素养作业学员的重点培养项目。考生在通过F阶段的全部考试后,可以在网站上My ACCA里找到测试入口。将上线全新的“职业道德与专业技能模块”。新模块除职业道德外,将新增更多专业技能内容。新模块将更注重实践性,更贴近现实生活中的商业情境,提升学员个人综合能力和职场竞争力。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) Identify the most appropriate approved share option scheme for Happy Home Ltd. Outline the scheme
requirements and the tax benefits of using it compared to the current unapproved scheme. (6 marks)
(b) Share option scheme
The scheme that is best suited to Happy Home Limited is the enterprise management incentive (EMI) scheme. This share
option scheme is aimed at small fast growing companies, and because the potential risks are considered to be higher, the
available rewards are greater.
To qualify, the company must be a trading company, carrying out a qualifying trade in the United Kingdom, with gross assets
no more than £30m. The company must not be under the control of another company.
A qualifying company can grant each employee unexercised options over shares worth up to £100,000 per employee subject
to a total overall limit of unexercised options of £3 million. The options must be granted for commercial reasons to recruit and
retain the employee(s).
A qualifying employee is one who works on average 25 hours per week or 75% of their working time and who does not
(together with his/her associates) have a material interest in the company.
No income tax or national insurance is charged on either the grant or the exercise of the option provided that the option is
exercised not more than 10 years from the date of the grant and the amount paid is not less than the market value of the
shares at the time the option was granted.
On the sale of the shares, capital gains tax will apply, but business asset taper relief is available. Also in this case, the taper
relief starts from the date the option is granted and not from the date of exercise, as is the case with other option schemes.
(b) Describe five main barriers to an effective appraisal interview. (10 marks)
(b) The appraisal system should be well constructed and fair to both the individual and the organisation. However, there are a number of barriers, often because employees see the appraisal as one or more of the following:
Confrontation due to lack of agreement on performance, badly explained or subjective feedback, performance based on recent events or disagreement on longer term activities.
Judgement, the appraisal is seen as a one sided process based entirely on the manager’s perspective.
Chat is the worst of all worlds. The appraisal interview is seen as an informal, loosely constructed and badly managed conversation without purpose.
Unfinished business is when the appraisal is not seen as part of a continuing process of performance management.
An annual event when the appraisal is seen as largely irrelevant and simply an event to set annual targets that quickly become out of date.
A system of bureaucracy based on forms devised solely to satisfy the organisation’s human resources department so that its main purpose, that of identifying individual and organisation performance and improvement, is forgotten.
(ii) Discuss TWO problems that may be faced in implementing quality control procedures in a small firm of
Chartered Certified Accountants, and recommend how these problems may be overcome. (4 marks)
(ii) Consultation – it may not be possible to hold extensive consultations on specialist issues within a small firm, due to a
lack of specialist professionals. There may be a lack of suitably experienced peers to discuss issues arising on client
engagements. Arrangements with other practices for consultation may be necessary.
Training/Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – resources may not be available, and it is expensive to establish
an in-house training function. External training consortia can be used to provide training/CPD for qualified staff, and
training on non-exam related issues for non-qualified staff.
Review procedures – it may not be possible to hold an independent review of an engagement within the firm due to the
small number of senior and experienced auditors. In this case an external review service may be purchased.
Lack of specialist experience – where special skills are needed within an engagement; the skills may be bought in, for
example, by seconding staff from another practice. Alternatively if work is too specialised for the firm, the work could be
sub-contracted to another practice.
Working papers – the firm may lack resources to establish an in-house set of audit manuals or standard working papers.
In this case documentation can be provided by external firms or professional bodies.
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