1. 对时间进行规划。
2. 每天总结自己的进度条更新到哪里了。
建议还是要每天列出to do list,将目标尽量细化,然后在完成每个小任务之后打个勾。
3. 不一定要先做最紧急的事,先做最重要的事。
4. 接受自己的不完美。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) Donald actually decided to operate as a sole trader. The first year’s results of his business were not as he had
hoped, and he made a trading loss of £8,000 in the year to 31 March 2007. However, trading is now improving,
and Donald has sufficient orders to ensure that the business will make profits of at least £30,000 in the year to
31 March 2008.
In order to raise funds to support his business over the last 15 months, Donald has sold a painting which was
given to him on the death of his grandmother in January 1998. The probate value of the painting was £3,200,
and Donald sold it for £8,084 (after deduction of 6% commission costs) in November 2006.
He also sold other assets in the year of assessment 2006/07, realising further chargeable gains of £8,775 (after
indexation of £249 and taper relief of £975).
(i) Calculate the chargeable gain on the disposal of the painting in November 2006. (4 marks)
(b) Illustrate how you might use analytical procedures to provide audit evidence and reduce the level of detailed
substantive procedures. (7 marks)
(b) Illustration of use of analytical procedures as audit evidence
Tutorial note: Note that ‘as audit evidence’ requires consideration of substantive analytical procedures rather that the
identification of risks (relevant to part (a)).
Analytical procedures may be used in testing revenue for completeness of recording (‘understatement’). The average selling
price of a vehicle in 2005 was $68,830 ($526·0 million ÷ 7,642 vehicles). Applying this to the number of vehicles sold
in 2006, might be projected to generate $698·8 million ($68,830 × 10,153) revenue from the sale of vehicles. The draft
financial statements therefore show a potential shortfall of $110·8 million ($(698·8 – 588·0) million) that is, 15·6%.
This should be investigated and substantiated through more detailed analytical procedures. For example, the number of
vehicles sold should be analysed into models and multiplied by the list price of each for a more accurate estimate of potential
revenue. The impact of discounts and other incentives (e.g. 0% finance) on the list prices should then be allowed for. If
recorded revenue for 2006 (as per draft income statement adjusted for cutoff and consignment inventories) is materially lower
than that calculated, detailed substantive procedures may be required in order to show that there is no material error.
‘Proof in total’/reasonableness tests
The material correctness, or otherwise, of income statement items (in particular) may be assessed through appropriate ‘proof
in total’ calculations (or ‘reasonableness’ tests). For example:
■ Employee benefits costs: the average number of employees by category (waged/salaried/apprenticed) × the average pay
rate for each might prove that in total $91·0 million (as adjusted to actual at 31 December 2006) is not materially
misstated. The average number of employees needs to be checked substantively (e.g. recalculated based on the number
of employees on each payroll) and the average pay rates (e.g. to rates agreed with employee representatives).
Tutorial note: An alternative reasonableness might be to take last year’s actual adjusted for 2006 numbers of
employees grossed-up for any pay increases during the year (pro-rated as necessary).
■ Depreciation: the cost (or net book value) of each category of asset × by the relevant straight-line (or reducing balance)
depreciation rate. If a ‘ballpark’ calculation for the year is materially different to the annual charge a more detailed
calculation can be made using monthly depreciation calculations. The cost (or net book value) on which depreciation
is calculated should be substantively tested, for example by agreeing brought forward balances to prior year working
papers and additions to purchase invoices (costings in respect of assets under construction).
Tutorial note: Alternatively, last year’s depreciation charge may be reconciled to this year’s by considering depreciation
rates applied to brought forward balances with adjustments for additions/disposals.
■ Interest income: an average interest rate for the year can be applied to the monthly balance invested (e.g. in deposit
accounts) and compared with the amount recognised for the year to 31 December 2006 (as adjusted for any accrued
interest per the bank letter for audit purposes). The monthly balances (or averages) on which the calculation is
performed should be substantiated to bank deposit statements.
■ Interest expense: if the cash balances do not go into overdraft then this may be similar expenses (e.g. prompt payment
discounts to customers). If this is to particular dealers then a proof in total might be to apply the discount rate to the
amounts invoiced to the dealer during the period.
Immaterial items
For immaterial items analytical procedures alone may provide sufficient audit evidence that amounts in the financial
statements are not materially misstated so that detailed substantive procedures are not required. For example, a comparison
of administration and distribution, maintenance and insurance costs for 2006 compared with 2005 may be sufficient to show
that material error is highly unlikely. If necessary, further reasonableness tests could be performed. For example, considering
insurance costs to value of assets insured or maintenance costs to costs of assets maintained.
Ratio analysis
Ratio analysis can provide substantive evidence that income statement and balance sheet items are not materially misstated
by considering their inter-relationships. For example:
■ Asset turnover: Based on the draft financial statements property, plant and equipment has turned over 5·2 times
($645·5/124·5) compared with 5·9 times in 2005. This again highlights that income may be overstated, or assets
overstated (e.g. if depreciation is understated).
■ Inventory turnover: Using cost of materials adjusted for changes in inventories this has remained stable at 10·9 times.
Tutorial note: This is to be expected as in (a) the cost in the income statement has increased by 9% and the value of
inventories by 8·5%.
Inventories represent the smallest asset value on the balance sheet at 31 December 2006 (7·8% of total assets).
Therefore substantive procedures may be limited to agreeing physical count of material items (vehicles) and agreeing
■ Average collection period: This has increased to 41 days (73·1/645·5 × 365) from 30 days. Further substantive analysis
is required, for example, separating out non-current amounts (for sales on 0% finance terms). Substantive procedures
may be limited to confirmation of amounts due from dealers (and/or receipt of after-date cash) and agreeing cutoff of
goods on consignment.
■ Payment periods: This has remained constant at 37 days (2005 – 38 days). Detailed substantive procedures may be
restricted to reconciling only major suppliers’ statements and agreeing the cutoff on parts purchased from them.
(c) Comment on four reasons why the Managing Director of Quicklink Ltd might consider the acquisition of the
Celer Transport business to be a ‘good strategic move’ insofar as may be determined from the information
provided. (5 marks)
(b) Describe to the Beth Group the possible advantages of producing a separate environmental report.
(8 marks)
(b) An environmental report allows an organisation to communicate with different stakeholders. The benefits of an environmental
report include:
(i) evaluating environmental performance can highlight inefficiencies in operations and help to improve management
systems. Beth could identify opportunities to reduce resource use, waste and operating costs.
(ii) communicating the efforts being made to improve social and environmental performance can foster community support
for a business and can also contribute towards its reputation as a good corporate citizen. At present Beth has a poor
reputation in this regard.
(iii) reporting efforts to improve the organisation’s environmental, social and economic performance can lead to increased
consumer confidence in its products and services.
(iv) commitment to reporting on current impacts and identifying ways to improve environmental performance can improve
relationships with regulators, and could reduce the potential threat of litigation which is hanging over Beth.
(v) investors, financial analysts and brokers increasingly ask about the sustainability aspects of operations. A high quality
report shows the measures the organisation is taking to reduce risks, and will make Beth more attractive to investors.
(vi) disclosing the organisation’s environmental, social and economic best practices can give a competitive market edge.
Currently Beth’s corporate image is poor and this has partly contributed to its poor stock market performance.
(vii) the international trend towards improved corporate sustainability is growing and access to international markets will
require increasing transparency, and this will help Beth’s corporate image.
(viii) large organisations are increasingly requiring material and service suppliers and contractors to submit performance
information to satisfy the expectations of their own shareholders. Disclosing such information can make the company a
more attractive supplier than their competitors, and increase Beth’s market share.
It is important to ensure that the policies are robust and effective and not just compliance based.
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