第一阶段(知识阶段)(AB MA FA)分涉及基本会计学原理、管理学原理、管理会计基础;
第二阶段(技能阶段)(LW PM TX FR AA FM)涵盖专业财会人员应具备的核心专业技能;
第三阶段(高级阶段)(SBL SBR APM AFM ATX AAA)培养学员以专业知识对信息进行评估,并提出合理的经营建议和忠告。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) Identify the most appropriate approved share option scheme for Happy Home Ltd. Outline the scheme
requirements and the tax benefits of using it compared to the current unapproved scheme. (6 marks)
(b) Share option scheme
The scheme that is best suited to Happy Home Limited is the enterprise management incentive (EMI) scheme. This share
option scheme is aimed at small fast growing companies, and because the potential risks are considered to be higher, the
available rewards are greater.
To qualify, the company must be a trading company, carrying out a qualifying trade in the United Kingdom, with gross assets
no more than £30m. The company must not be under the control of another company.
A qualifying company can grant each employee unexercised options over shares worth up to £100,000 per employee subject
to a total overall limit of unexercised options of £3 million. The options must be granted for commercial reasons to recruit and
retain the employee(s).
A qualifying employee is one who works on average 25 hours per week or 75% of their working time and who does not
(together with his/her associates) have a material interest in the company.
No income tax or national insurance is charged on either the grant or the exercise of the option provided that the option is
exercised not more than 10 years from the date of the grant and the amount paid is not less than the market value of the
shares at the time the option was granted.
On the sale of the shares, capital gains tax will apply, but business asset taper relief is available. Also in this case, the taper
relief starts from the date the option is granted and not from the date of exercise, as is the case with other option schemes.
(c) State the tax consequences for both Glaikit Limited and Alasdair if he borrows money from the company, as
proposed, on 1 January 2006. (3 marks)
(c) Alasdair is not employed, nor is he a director, of Glaikit Limited. As he holds 25% of the shares in Glaikit Limited, he is a
participator in a close company and therefore the special close company provisions will apply. Thus Alsadair will be taxed
under the ‘loans to participator’ rules.
When the loan is written off, the amount waived will be treated as a gross distribution of £16,667 (£15,000 x 10/9). This
will be assessed in the tax year in which the loan is written off (expected to be 2006/07 or 2007/08). To the extent that this
additional income makes Alasdair a higher rate taxpayer in that year, he will have to pay additional income tax of 32·5% of
the gross amount, less the available 10% tax credit.
From the company’s perspective, Glaikit Limited will have to pay 25% of the net value of any loan made to Alasdair which
has not been repaid to the company (or written off) within nine months of the year end. As the loan will remain outstanding
as at 31 March 2006, Glaikit Limited will have to pay £3,750 (25% x £15,000) to the Revenue by 1 January 2007. This
amount will not be repaid until the loan is repaid or written off. This usually takes place nine months after the year end in
which the loan is written off, so Glaikit Limited should ensure that any write-off occurs prior to 31 March 2007, or else the
repayment may be delayed for up to one year.
As the loan is tax free, the Revenue may also seek to tax Alasdair under the beneficial loan rules. If the Revenue were to seek
an assessment in this manner, the value of the benefit would be calculated and taxed as a deemed distribution. However, as
Alasdair has no connection with the company other than as an investor, it is unlikely that the beneficial loan benefit will lead
to such a deemed distribution.
3 Clyde Williams is facing a dilemma. He has successfully built up a small family-owned company, Concrete Solutions
Ltd, manufacturing a range of concrete based products used in making roads, pavements and walkways. The
production technology is very low tech and uses simple wooden moulds into which the concrete is poured. As a
consequence he is able to use low skilled and low cost labour, which would find it difficult to find alternative
employment in a region with high unemployment levels. The company has employed many of its workforce since its
creation in 1996. The company’s products are heavy, bulky and costly to transport. This means its market is limited
to a 30-mile area around the small rural town where the manufacturing facility is located. Its customers are a mix of
private sector building firms and public sector local councils responsible for maintaining roads and pavements. By its
nature much of the demand is seasonal and very price sensitive.
A large international civil engineering company has recently approached Clyde with an opportunity to become a
supplier of concrete blocks used in a sophisticated system for preventing coast and riverbank erosion. The process
involves interlocking blocks being placed on a durable textile base. Recent trends in global warming and pressure in
many countries to build in areas liable to flooding have created a growing international market for the patented erosion
prevention system. Clyde has the opportunity to become the sole UK supplier of the blocks and to be one of a small
number of suppliers able to export the blocks to Europe. To do it he will need to invest a significant amount in CAM
(computer aided manufacturing) technology with a linked investment in the workforce skills needed to operate the
new technology. The net result will be a small increase in the size of the labour force but redundancy for a significant
number of its existing workers either unwilling or unable to adapt to the demands of the new technology. Successful
entry into this new market will reduce his reliance on the seasonal low margin concrete products he currently produces
and significantly improve profitability.
One further complication exists. Concrete Solutions is located in a quiet residential area of its home town. Clyde is
under constant pressure from the local residents and their council representatives to reduce the amount of noise and
dust created in the production process. Any move into making the new blocks will increase the pollution problems
the residents face. There is a possibility of moving the whole manufacturing process to a site on a new industrial estate
being built by the council in a rival town. However closure of the existing site would lead to a loss of jobs in the current
location. Clyde has asked for your help in resolving his dilemma.
(a) Using models where appropriate, advise Clyde on whether he should choose to take advantage of the
opportunity offered by the international company. (12 marks)
SWOT analysis, including his personal liability to manage the strategic change would be useful. There may be a significant
investment in new technology and employee training to make the new blocks. In effect he will be forming a strategic alliance
with the international company and making significant changes to both the value chain and value system. There will be no
need to invest in sales and marketing as this will be the responsibility of its larger partner. As a major strategic option there
is a need to address issues of its suitability, acceptability and feasibility. In terms of suitability the option seems to address
many of the strategic problems attached to his current product range. It is a product that can be sold all year round and into
a much wider geographical market area. It is in terms of acceptability that the dilemma reveals itself and the impact on the
different stakeholders involved – he may find stakeholder mapping and scenario building useful in coming to a decision. As
the owner of the business he needs to assess the risk involved against the likely returns. Feasibility looks reasonably sound– new resources and skills will be needed but affordable and achievable with the support of the partner.
(ii) The recoverability of the deferred tax asset. (4 marks)
(ii) Principal audit procedures – recoverability of deferred tax asset
– Obtain a copy of Bluebell Co’s current tax computation and deferred tax calculations and agree figures to any
relevant tax correspondence and/or underlying accounting records.
– Develop an independent expectation of the estimate to corroborate the reasonableness of management’s estimate.
– Obtain forecasts of profitability and agree that there is sufficient forecast taxable profit available for the losses to be
offset against. Evaluate the assumptions used in the forecast against business understanding. In particular consider
assumptions regarding the growth rate of taxable profit in light of the underlying detrimental trend in profit before
– Assess the time period it will take to generate sufficient profits to utilise the tax losses. If it is going to take a number
of years to generate such profits, it may be that the recognition of the asset should be restricted.
– Using tax correspondence, verify that there is no restriction on the ability of Bluebell Co to carry the losses forward
and to use the losses against future taxable profits.
Tutorial note: in many tax jurisdictions losses can only be carried forward to be utilised against profits generated
from the same trade. Although in the scenario there is no evidence of such a change in trade, or indeed any kind
of restriction on the use of losses, it is still a valid audit procedure to verify that this is the case
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