ACCA财经词汇汇编:Mutual Fund
【English Terms】
Mutual Fund
ACCA财经词汇汇编:Mutual Fund
Liquidity Ratio
【English Terms】
Mutual Fund Liquidity Ratio
美国投资公司协会(Investment Company Institute) 每月发布的报告,比较各共同资金投资组合的现金与资产比率。
【English Terms】
一个自我监管的证券行业组织,负责营运及监督纳斯达克股票市场及场外市场。协会也主持投资专业人员的考试,例如Series 7 考试。
【English Terms】
自动报价系统于1971 年成立,纳斯达克是全球第一个电子股票市场,纳斯达克市场利用电脑化系统为约5000种比较活跃的场外股票进行买卖及提供报价。
【English Terms】
纳斯达克全国市场包含3000 多家公司,这些公司都拥有全国性或国家性股东基础、符合严格的财务要求及认同既定的企业治理标准。
ACCA财经词汇汇编:Micro Cap
【English Terms】
Micro Cap Stock
总市值界乎 5000 万至 3 亿美元的公司。
ACCA财经词汇汇编:Mirror Fund
【English Terms】
Mirror Fund
【English Terms】
Minority Interest
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) You are the audit manager of Petrie Co, a private company, that retails kitchen utensils. The draft financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 show revenue $42·2 million (2006 – $41·8 million), profit before
taxation of $1·8 million (2006 – $2·2 million) and total assets of $30·7 million (2006 – $23·4 million).
You are currently reviewing two matters that have been left for your attention on Petrie’s audit working paper file
for the year ended 31 March 2007:
(i) Petrie’s management board decided to revalue properties for the year ended 31 March 2007 that had
previously all been measured at depreciated cost. At the balance sheet date three properties had been
revalued by a total of $1·7 million. Another nine properties have since been revalued by $5·4 million. The
remaining three properties are expected to be revalued later in 2007. (5 marks)
Identify and comment on the implications of these two matters for your auditor’s report on the financial
statements of Petrie Co for the year ended 31 March 2007.
NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters above.
(b) Implications for auditor’s report
(i) Selective revaluation of premises
The revaluations are clearly material to the balance sheet as $1·7 million and $5·4 million represent 5·5% and 17·6%
of total assets, respectively (and 23·1% in total). As the effects of the revaluation on line items in the financial statements
are clearly identified (e.g. revalued amount, depreciation, surplus in statement of changes in equity) the matter is not
The valuations of the nine properties after the year end provide additional evidence of conditions existing at the year end
and are therefore adjusting events per IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date.
Tutorial note: It is ‘now’ still less than three months after the year end so these valuations can reasonably be expected
to reflect year end values.
However, IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment does not permit the selective revaluation of assets thus the whole class
of premises would need to have been revalued for the year to 31 March 2007 to change the measurement basis for this
reporting period.
The revaluation exercise is incomplete. Unless the remaining three properties are revalued before the auditor’s report on
the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 is signed off:
(1) the $7·1 revaluation made so far must be reversed to show all premises at depreciated cost as in previous years;
(2) the auditor’s report would be qualified ‘except for’ disagreement regarding non-compliance with IAS 16.
When it is appropriate to adopt the revaluation model (e.g. next year) the change in accounting policy (from a cost model
to a revaluation model) should be accounted for in accordance with IAS 16 (i.e. as a revaluation).
Tutorial note: IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors does not apply to the initial
application of a policy to revalue assets in accordance with IAS 16.
Assuming the revaluation is written back, before giving an unmodified opinion, the auditor should consider why the three
properties were not revalued. In particular if there are any indicators of impairment (e.g. physical dilapidation) there
should be sufficient evidence on the working paper file to show that the carrying amount of these properties is not
materially greater than their recoverable amount (i.e. the higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell).
If there is insufficient evidence to confirm that the three properties are not impaired (e.g. if the auditor was prevented
from inspecting the properties) the auditor’s report would be qualified ‘except for’ on grounds of limitation on scope.
If there is evidence of material impairment but management fail to write down the carrying amount to recoverable
amount the auditor’s report would be qualified ‘except for’ disagreement regarding non-compliance with IAS 36
Impairment of Assets.
3 Susan Paullaos was recently appointed as a non-executive member of the internal audit committee of Gluck and
Goodman, a public listed company producing complex engineering products. Barney Chester, the executive finance
director who chairs the committee, has always viewed the purpose of internal audit as primarily financial in nature
and as long as financial controls are seen to be fully in place, he is less concerned with other aspects of internal
control. When Susan asked about operational controls in the production facility Barney said that these were not the
concern of the internal audit committee. This, he said, was because as long as the accounting systems and financial
controls were fully functional, all other systems may be assumed to be working correctly.
Susan, however, was concerned with the operational and quality controls in the production facility. She spoke to
production director Aaron Hardanger, and asked if he would be prepared to produce regular reports for the internal
audit committee on levels of specification compliance and other control issues. Mr Hardanger said that the internal
audit committee had always trusted him because his reputation as a manager was very good. He said that he had
never been asked to provide compliance evidence to the internal audit committee and saw no reason as to why he
should start doing so now.
At board level, the non-executive chairman, George Allejandra, said that he only instituted the internal audit committee
in the first place in order to be seen to be in compliance with the stock market’s requirement that Gluck and Goodman
should have one. He believed that internal audit committees didn’t add materially to the company. They were, he
believed, one of those ‘outrageous demands’ that regulatory authorities made without considering the consequences
in smaller companies nor the individual needs of different companies. He also complained about the need to have an
internal auditor. He said that Gluck and Goodman used to have a full time internal auditor but when he left a year
ago, he wasn’t replaced. The audit committee didn’t feel it needed an internal auditor because Barney Chester believed
that only financial control information was important and he could get that information from his management
Susan asked Mr Allejandra if he recognised that the company was exposing itself to increased market risks by failing
to have an effective audit committee. Mr Allejandra said he didn’t know what a market risk was.
(a) Internal control and audit are considered to be important parts of sound corporate governance.
(i) Describe FIVE general objectives of internal control. (5 marks)
3 (a) (i) FIVE general objectives of internal control
An internal control system comprises the whole network of systems established in an organisation to provide reasonable
assurance that organisational objectives will be achieved.
Specifically, the general objectives of internal control are as follows:
To ensure the orderly and efficient conduct of business in respect of systems being in place and fully implemented.
Controls mean that business processes and transactions take place without disruption with less risk or disturbance and
this, in turn, adds value and creates shareholder value.
To safeguard the assets of the business. Assets include tangibles and intangibles, and controls are necessary to ensure
they are optimally utilised and protected from misuse, fraud, misappropriation or theft.
To prevent and detect fraud. Controls are necessary to show up any operational or financial disagreements that might
be the result of theft or fraud. This might include off-balance sheet financing or the use of unauthorised accounting
policies, inventory controls, use of company property and similar.
To ensure the completeness and accuracy of accounting records. Ensuring that all accounting transactions are fully and
accurately recorded, that assets and liabilities are correctly identified and valued, and that all costs and revenues can be
fully accounted for.
To ensure the timely preparation of financial information which applies to statutory reporting (of year end accounts, for
example) and also management accounts, if appropriate, for the facilitation of effective management decision-making.
[Tutorial note: candidates may address these general objectives using different wordings based on analyses of different
study manuals. Allow latitude]
(b) Briefly explain the two types of informal communication known as the grapevine and rumour. (6 marks)
(b) The grapevine and rumour are the two main types of informal communication.
The grapevine is probably the best known type of informal communication. All organisations have a grapevine and it will thrive if there is lack of information and consequently employees will make assumptions about events. In addition, insecurity,gossip about issues and fellow employees, personal animosity between employees or managers or new information that has not yet reached the formal communication system, will all drive the grapevine.
Rumours are the other main informal means of communication and are often active if there is a lack of formal communication.A rumour is inevitably a communication not based on verified facts and may therefore be true or false. Rumours travel quickly(often quicker than both the formal system and the grapevine) and can influence those who hear them and cause confusion,especially if bad news is the basis of the rumour. Managers must ensure that the formal communication system is such that rumours can be stopped, especially since they can have a serious negative effect on employees.
(b) Explain the meaning of the term ‘Efficient Market Hypothesis’ and discuss the implications for a company if
the stock market on which it is listed has been found to be semi-strong form. efficient. (9 marks)
(b) The term ‘Efficient Market Hypothesis’ (EMH) refers to the view that share prices fully and fairly reflect all relevant available
information1. There are other kinds of capital market efficiency, such as operational efficiency (meaning that transaction costs
are low enough not to discourage investors from buying and selling shares), but it is pricing efficiency that is especially
important in financial management.
Research has been carried out to discover whether capital markets are weak form. efficient (share prices reflect all past or
historic information), semi-strong form. efficient (share prices reflect all publicly available information, including past
information), or strong form. efficient (share prices reflect all information, whether publicly available or not). This research has
shown that well-developed capital markets are weak form. efficient, so that it is not possible to generate abnormal profits by
studying and analysing past information, such as historic share price movements. This research has also shown that
well-developed capital markets are semi-strong form. efficient, so that it is not possible to generate abnormal profits by studying
publicly available information such as company financial statements or press releases. Capital markets are not strong form
efficient, since it is possible to use insider information to buy and sell shares for profit.
If a stock market has been found to be semi-strong form. efficient, it means that research has shown that share prices on the
market respond quickly and accurately to new information as it arrives on the market. The share price of a company quickly
responds if new information relating to that company is released. The share prices quoted on a stock exchange are therefore
always fair prices, reflecting all information about a company that is relevant to buying and selling. The share price will factor
in past company performance, expected company performance, the quality of the management team, the way the company
might respond to changes in the economic environment such as a rise in interest rate, and so on.
There are a number of implications for a company of its stock market being semi-strong form. efficient. If it is thinking about
acquiring another company, the market value of the potential target company will be a fair one, since there are no bargains
to be found in an efficient market as a result of shares being undervalued. The managers of the company should focus on
making decisions that increase shareholder wealth, since the market will recognise the good decisions they are making and
the share price will increase accordingly. Manipulating accounting information, such as ‘window dressing’ annual financial
statements, will not be effective, as the share price will reflect the underlying ‘fundamentals’ of the company’s business
operations and will be unresponsive to cosmetic changes. It has also been argued that, if a stock market is efficient, the timing
of new issues of equity will be immaterial, as the price paid for the new equity will always be a fair one.
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