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题目来源:5月19日 上午 广东佛山市 面试考题
1.题目:Last weekend
cleaned my room; washed my clothes; stayed at home; watched TV
Mike: How was your weekend?
Chen Jie: It was fine, thanks.
Mike: What did you do?
Chen Jie: I stayed at home and watched TV.
1. 你认为板书应该呈现什么?
2. 你认为小学英语老师应该具备什么样的特质?
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
1. Students can master the meaning of the words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”,
“stayed at home” and “watched TV”.
2. Students can grasp the grammar simple past tense in key sentence patterns such as “What did
you do?” and “I stayed at home”.
Ability aim:
Students can express their feelings by using simple past tense in daily communication.
Emotional aim:
Students can develop their interest in learning English.
Key and difficult points:
Key Points:
Words: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV;
Sentence patterns: What did you do?, I stayed at home.
Difficult Point:
Students can master the usage of simple past tense and use it in their daily communication.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.
2. Free talk.
Tell students I went shopping and bought a new dress last weekend. Ask students questions “What about you” or “What did you do last weekend?”. Then invite some of them to share. Some students may give the answer with wrong tense such as “I play basketball last weekend.”. Therefore, I will correct it and let them pay attention to it and tell them today we are going to learn the grammar simple past tense.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Show some pictures on the screen and present some words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”, “stayed at home” and “watched TV” on the blackboard. Guide students to learn the words.
2. Ask students to observe these words carefully to find if there are some similarities. Then invite some of them to give answers.
3. Explain simple past tense to students and summarize the rules of it. Write down the rules on the blackboard.
4. Read the conversation for students. Ask them to listen carefully and find out how to ask other’s activities in the last week. Write the sentences on the blackboard.
Step 3: Practice
1. Do an exercise
Ask students to write down the past tense of the verbs given on the blackboard.
wash stay play is are do
2. Role play
Ask students to work in pair to practice the conversation. Then act the conversation out. 5minutes is given. Then invite some pairs to show their performance.
Step4: Production
Ask students to do a survey about what they did last weekend. Ask them to work in group of 6 and one of them acts as the group leader to collect their group members’ activities and make a list for us. 10 minutes will be given. After that, invite one group to share their report. Tell students they should report like this. For example, “Last weekend, Lily washed the clothes.” Then give encouragement for them.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: Talk about what they did in the last weekend with their parents.
1. What does the blackboard design should present?
Blackboard design is an important part of our teaching because a good blackboard design can show the key points of lesson clearly. Also, it is very helpful for students to understand the content of this lesson. As for me, this lesson is a grammar class. So I think the content of blackboard design should contain the following aspects, including title of this lesson, key words and sentence patterns, key grammar points or rules, and exercises. By writing these on the blackboard, I believe students can grasp the main content of this lesson.
2. What qualities do you think you should have as a primary school English teacher?
I think as a primary school English teacher, I should have the quality of innocence. Primary school students like lively and relaxing classes, as well as kind and friendly teachers. The teacher’s smile and friendly face often make the students feel warm and be willing to communicate, so that the teaching atmosphere will be very relaxing, and the teaching effect will be better.
- A、准备活动时间的比例
- B、课中各项活动合理运用时间之和的比例
- C、课中讲解和练习时间的比例
- D、课中练习和组织时间的比例
- A、综合密度
- B、专项密度
- C、练习密度
- D、一般密度
期中综合练习hong weinuo yanding zhuI i t *jiao|idian tangJing jie哨()侵()宫()嫂(销()浸()官()瘦()胎()妨()抬()(防()四、选词填空。(5分)启迪 启发1.课堂上,老师()我们理解课文所讲的道理。(考查范围:第一四单兀时间:90分钟 满分:100分)题号一一二四五六七八九十总分得分卜列加点字的读音全部正确的一项是()(2分)A.间隔(ji a)n拘束(j )剔透(t )1便宜(pi dn)B.推辟(c )杭州(h ang)奉献(f曲g)牺牲(x)C.好歹(d a)挽手(w& n)勉强(qi n g)眸子(m6 u)D.懒惰(du o)人影绰绰(cu 0)击缶(f o)上卿(q i r)g .家乡的古井,你给了我们多少快乐,多少()。居然 果然 仍然.天黑了,又下着雨,战士们却()继续前进。.我们姐弟几个都很高兴,买种,翻地,播种,浇水,没过几个月,()收获了。.我按照爸爸告诉我的方法,()列出了这道数学题的算式。五、按要求写句子。(6分).少年时代的读书生活好像一阕跳跃着欢快音符的乐章。(仿写句子)少年时代的读书生活好像 。.经过同学们的耐心帮助,使她认识到了自己的错误,提高了认识。(修改病句).路上滑,我必须小心走路。(改为双重否定句)六、语言积累。(8分).看到有的同学学习不努力,虚度光阴,我会用毛泽东的名言 ;,只争朝夕”来劝 他。.陆游临终前还不忘叮嘱儿子:,工.面对清政府的腐败无能,龚自珍振臂疾呼,创作了己亥杂诗,诗中我劝天公重抖擞, 抒发了作者渴求天降人才,报效祖国的心愿。七、表达交流。(8分)你在课外读过哪些有意思的民间故事选择一个,介绍一下故事的主要内容。八、课内阅读我最棒。(12分)圆明园的毁灭是中国文化史上不可估量的损失,也是世界文化史上不可估量的损失!圆明园在北京西北郊,是一座举世闻名的皇家园林。它由圆明园、万春园和长春园组成,所以也叫圆明三园。此外,还有许多小园,分布在圆明园东、西、南三面 ,众星拱月般环绕在圆明园周围。圆明园不但建筑宏伟,还收藏着最珍贵的历史文物:上自先秦时代的青铜礼器,下至唐、宋、元、明、清历代的名人书画和各种奇珍异宝。所以,它又是当时世界上最大的博物馆、艺术馆。1860年 10月 6 日 ,英法联军侵入北京,闯进圆明园。他们把园内凡是能拿得动的东西,统统掠走 ;拿不动的 ,就用大车或牲口搬运;实在运不走的 ,就任意破坏、毁掉。为了销毁罪证 ,10月 18 日和 19日 , 三千多名侵略者奉命在园内放火。大火连烧三天,烟云笼罩了整个北京城。我国这一园林艺术的瑰宝、建筑艺术的精华,就这样化为一片灰烬。.为什么说圆明园的毁灭 “是中国文化史上不可估量的损失,也是世界文化史上不可估量的损失”?(2分).概括第 2 自然段的主要内容。 (2分).找出文中
- A、老师在课堂上布置作业让学生练习
- B、老师对学生的学习做出评定
- C、为顺利实施品德活动课,师生课前各自准备了课件、道具和各种资料
- D、老师在课堂上对学生实施各种辅导
- A、综合密度
- B、专项密度
- C、练习密度
- D、指导密度
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