网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
溜放作业前,作业牵出试闸的方法是( )。
What do you want, Mary?()
ANo, I want some water.
BYes, I plan to go shopping.
CI'd like some red wine, please.
DNo, I don't eat.
What do you want, Mary?()
- A、No, I want some water.
- B、Yes, I plan to go shopping.
- C、I'd like some red wine, please.
- D、No, I don't eat.
7A Unit 5 单元测试(二)听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择最佳答案。(听一遍,5分)( )1.I want to . A.go shopping B.go swimming C.buy some drinks D.go skating( )2.The shopping Mall opens at . A.7:40 B.7:20 C.8:20 D.9:00( )3.The tennis racket is . A.15 dollars B.25 dollars C.35 dollars D.40 dollars( )4.You can buy in Hong Xing shop. A.apples and pears B.books and pencils C.musical CD D.meat and ship( )5. are the favorite birthday present for boys. A.Sports B.School things C.Fast food D.CDs二、听对话,帮助Sandy完成购物清单。(听两遍,5分)Shopping List1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、听短文,判断正误。(听两遍,5分)( )1.Father,Mother and Lin Tao arent at home.( )2.Lin Tao is doing homework.( )3.Lin Taos father is cleaning a bike.( )4.Mother can make a cake.( )5.There is a cat in Lin Taos house.四、听对话填空。(听两遍,5分)Shopkeeper: Hello. Can I help you?Mother: Oh,I want to buy some1) presents for my daughter and son.Shopkeeper: I see. What do they like?Mother: My son is a2) fan. And his favourite teams is AC Milan.Shopkeeper: Then how about a football?Mother: He already has3) footballs.Shopkeeper: We also have many football4) of AC Milan.Do you want to 5) a look at them?Mother: OK. Eh,I will take them. Now as for my daughter, she likes6) books. Do you have some good ones?Shopkeeper: Yes. Many children like to read books7) Harry Potter. We have all of them.Mother: Fine. How much do they cost?Shopkeeper:8) dollars for each card and9) dollars one book.Mother: Then I will take10) cards and one book.笔试部分(80分)一、根据句意或括号中提示在空白处填入一个恰当的词。(10分)1.He 1 yuan on stickers every week.2.This coat is too . I dont have enough money to buy it.3.She wants to buy some presents her mother.4.Suguo Supermarker is a good to buy things.5.There are60 inan hour.6.She looks with long hair and in a short skirt.(nice to look at)7.Are there people to make a team? (as much as you want to need)8.The trousers dont his shirt.(fit well with)9.TodaySandyis wearing a hair clip.(usual and with brightcolours)10.Im this afternoon. Lets go to the cinema.(not busy)二、根据句意选择所给的词(组)填空,每个只能用一次。(10分)one, borrowfrom, some more, wait, at the moment, book shop,electrical shop, helpwith, fit, a new pair of1.Millie is very friendly. She often me my study.2.These football stickers are expensive. Do you have some cheaper ?3.Look, they are in the taxi rank.4.Sandy often some books the library.5.I am full,I dont need rice.6.The students are listening to the teacher .7.You can go to the nearest to buy a dictionary.8.I want to buy a new TV. You can go to that new .9.This blue T-shirt him very well.10.Mother will buy my little brother lether shoes.三、翻译下列句子。(15分)1.他经常向父母要零花钱。 He often his parents money.2.那个架子上有许多盘录像。 lots of on that shelf.3.去年的服装打折扣。 There is a last clothes.4.我妈妈花了100 yuan买了这个足球。 My mother 100 yuan this football.5.在昨天的报纸上我看见了一则广告。 I saw in newspaper.6.导游正领着参观者参观长城。 The guide the visitors the Great Wall.7.我还想喝些牛奶。 I want milk.8.贫困地区的一些孩子们在冬天没有足够的衣服穿。 of the children poor areas dont have enough clothes in winter.9.那家购物中心共有六层楼的店铺,每层都很大。 There are in that shopping mall and is very large.四、改错,下列句子均有一处错,找出并订正。(10分)1.How much did your football shoes spend? 2.Are there any orange in the bottle? 3.He is busy. He has no time doing housework. 4.All the children say the woman Miss Fat. 5.Listen! Someone are singing in the next room. 6.This box of books is quite heavy. You cant carry them. 7.Are the students cleanning the classroom rigth now? 8.Where is Simon? He makes a model plane. 9.The teacher asked Millie and I to finish the work together.
- A、一听、二看、三感觉
- B、一听、二感觉、三看
- C、一看、二听、三感觉
- D、一感觉、二听、三看
- A、一听、二看、三感觉
- B、一听、二感觉、三看
- C、一看、二听、三感觉
- D、一感觉、二听、三看
- A、一听、二看、三感觉
- B、一听、二感觉、三看
- C、一看、二听、三感觉
- D、一感觉、二听、三看
- A、一听、二看、三感觉
- B、一听、二感觉、三看
- C、一看、二听、三感觉
- D、一感觉、二听、三看
- A、一听、二看、三感觉
- B、一听、二感觉、三看
- C、一看、二听、三感觉
- D、一感觉、二听、三看
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