


一、A Qualified Pilot

The captain of a small ship had to go along a rocky coast, but he was unfamiliar with it, so he tried to find a qualified pilot to guide him. He went ashore in one of the small ports, and a local fisherman pretended that he was a pilot because he needed some money. The captain took him on board and asked him where to steer the ship.

After half an hour the captain began to suspect that the fisherman did not really know what he was doing and where he was going.

"Are you sure you are a qualified pilot?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," answered the fisherman. "I know every rock on this part of the coast."

Suddenly there was a terrible crash from under the ship. At once the fisherman added, "And thats one of them." (138 words)

Useful Words and Expressions:

Qualified adj. 有资格的

qualify as a doctor取得医生资格

qualify for the vote有选举权

qualify to do sth.使有资格做某事

pilot n.飞行员,领航员,引水员

captain n.船长,机长,队长

ashore adv.向岸地,在岸上地

rocky adj.多岩石的

on board 到船上,在船上

suspect v.怀疑,对…••有所觉察

suspect sb.of a crime怀疑某人犯罪

I suspected her motives.我怀疑她的动机。

crash n.碰撞,撞击声

二、A Guide\'s Answer

In 1861, the Civil War started in the United States between the Northern and the Southern states. The war continued with great bitterness until 1865, when the Northerners were victorious. However, even today, many Southerners have not forgotten their defeat, or forgiven the Northerners.

A few years ago, a party of American tourists were going round one of the battlefields of the Civil War with a guide who came from one of the Southern states. At each place, the guide told the tourists stirring stories about how a few Southern soldiers had conquered powerful forces of Northerners there.

At last, one of the tourists, a lady who came from the North, stopped the guide and said to him, "But surely the Northern army must have won at least one victory in the Civil War?"

"Not as long as I\'m the guide here, madam," answered the Southern guide. (147 words)

Useful Words and Expressions:

bitterness n.痛苦,悲伤,强烈的

bitter adj.苦味的,辛酸的,怀恨的;强烈的

a bitter taste苦味

a bitter smile苦笑

bitter tears辛酸的眼泪

bitter remarks刻薄的话,恶毒的话

bitter discipline严格的训练

a bitter argument激烈的争论

victorious adj.获胜的,胜利的

the victorious army获胜的队伍

a victorious cheer胜利的欢呼

forgive vt.原谅,饶恕


battlefield n.战场,沙场

stirring adj.激动人心的

a stirring person活跃的人

a stirring speech 动人的演说

conquer vi.征服,战胜

the Civil War南北战争


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


optimist改成optimism 解析:optimist意为“乐观主义者”,句前有介词with,与其搭配不当。optimism意为“乐观,乐观主义”,可以与with搭配。

What does the author mean by the word "progress" in this passage?


B.Economic growth.

C.Cultural development.

D.Increase of population.


Thomas Hardy's impulses as a writer, all of which he indulged in his novels, were numerous and divergent, and they did not always work together in harmony. Hardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters' psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy. Occasionally he felt the impulse to comedy (in all its detached coldness) as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more often inclined to see tragedy and record it. He was also inclined to literary realism in the several senses of that phrase. He wanted to describe ordinary human beings; he wanted to speculate on their dilemma rationally (and, unfortunately, even schematically); and he wanted to record precisely the material universe. Finally, he wanted to be more than a realist. He wanted to transcend what he considered to be the banality of solely recording things exactly and to express as well his awareness of the occult and the strange.

In his novels these various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often. Inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the way that novelists such as Flaubert or James cared, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus, one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower. In this instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one, and thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous, risky, and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly. When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style. —that sure index of an author's literary worth —was certain to become verbose. Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. He submitted to first one and then another, and the spirit blew where it listed; hence the unevenness of any one of his novels. His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses —a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be a psychologist of love —but the slight interlockings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together. Thus even this book splits into two distinct parts.

The most appropriate title for the passage could be ______.

A.Under the Greenwood Tree: Hardy's Ambiguous Triumph

B.The Real and the Strange: the Novelist's Shifting Realms

C.Hardy's Novelistic Impulses: the Problem of Control

D.Divergent Impulses: the Issue of Unity in the Novel


Why are the lions in the Git Forest especially vulnerable to disease?

A.They are physically weaker than the African lions.

B.They are small in size.

C.They do not have enough to eat.

D.They have descended from a dozen or so ancestors.


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