


14. They decided to __A__ their original plans for the house and make it smaller.

A. scale down

B. look down upon

C. break down

D. keep down

14. A

【句意】 他们决定按比例缩减原来对房子的计划,把房子变小。

【难点】 scale down意为“按比例缩减,相应缩减”;look down upon意为“看不起,轻视”;break down意为“捣毁,拆除”;keep down意为“压缩,限制”。

15. It is not uncommon to _C___large numbers of automobiles in the streets of cities like London, Paris and New York.

A. entail

B. enclose

C. encounter

D. endure

15. C

【句意】 在诸如伦敦,巴黎和纽约这样的城市里的街上遇到大量汽车是司空见惯的事。 【难点】 encounter意为“遭遇,遇到”;entail意为“使成为必要,需要”;enclose意为“把…装入信封;附上”;endure意为“持续,持久”。

16. The oxygen equipment made it possible for the climbers to rest and sleep at very high__B__.

A. latitude

B. altitude

C. level

D. hemisphere

16. B

【句意】 氧气设备使得登山者在海拔很高的高度得以休息和睡觉。

【难点】 altitude意为“高度;海拔”;latitude意为“纬度”;level意为“水平线;水平面”;hemisphere意为“半球”。

17. _D___scientists say the earth will heat up like a pot of flowers in a greenhouse.

A. In the first place

B. At any rate

C. As a matter of fact

D. As a result

17. D

【句意】 所以,科学家说地球会像温室里的一个花盆一样变暖。

【难点】 as a result意为“作为结果,因此”;in the first place意为“首先,第一”;at any rate意为“无论如何,无论怎么说”;as a matter of fact意为“实际上”。

18. Prizes are open to all, __B__nationality, race, or ideology.

A. for the sake of

B. regardless of

C. at the cost of

D. because of

18. B

【句意】 人人有权得到奖金,无论国籍,种族或价值观念是什么。

【难点】 regardless意为“无论,不顾”;for the sake of意为“为了,为…利益”;at the cost of意为“以…为代价”;because of意为“因为,由于”。

19. The church is _A___on the hillside, about a mile from the town.

A. situated

B. lied

C. stationed

D. placed

19. A

【句意】 教堂座落在山坡上,离城里大约一英里。

【难点】 be situated in(on)意为“座落在…;位于…”;lie变成lied时,不是“座落,位于”的意思,而是“撒谎”;station意为“驻扎”;place意为“放置,安置”。

20. Because some teachers believe that memorization and learning are _C__, they may tell you that you shouldn’t memorize material; rather, you should understand it.

A. relevant

B. compatible

C. incompatible

D. incomplete

20. C


【难点】 incompatible意为“不协调的,不能和谐相处的”;relevant意为“切题的,相关的”;compatible意为“协调的,合得来的”;incomplete意为“不完全的,不完整的”。


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

The author of "Auld Lang Sync" Robert Burns was a great ______folk poet.







deep改成deeply 解析:deep不能作状语,修饰谓语,deeply可以。

Griffith's film innovations had a direct effect on all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A.film editing

B.camera work

C.range of subjects

D.sound editing


Which of the following does not contain a non-finite clause?

A.He swims in the river every day.

B.Do you mind my shutting the door?

C.It's been nice talking to you.

D.There being nothing to do, he left.


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