





Thank you so much. Well, congratulations, Oxana. And to the entire Class of 2009, congratulations to you. I don‘t know if anybody else will meet their future wife or husband in class like I did, but I‘m sure that you‘re all going to have wonderful careers.


I want to acknowledge a few people who are here. We have President Mikhail Gorbachev is here today, and I want everybody to give him a big round of applause. I want to thank Sergei Gurief, Director of the New Economic School. Max Boiko, their Chairman of the Board. And Arkady Dvorkovich, who is the NES board member, President of the Alumni Association and is doing an excellent job for President Medvedev, because he was in our meeting yesterday.


Good morning. It is a great honor for me to join you at the New Economic School. Michelle and I are so pleased to be in Moscow. And as somebody who was born in Hawaii, I‘m glad to be here in July instead of January.


I know that NES is a young school, but I speak to you today with deep respect for Russia‘s timeless heritage. Russian writers have helped us understand the complexity of the human experience, and recognize eternal truths. Russian painters, composers, and dancers have introduced us to new forms of beauty. Russian scientists have cured disease, sought new frontiers of progress, and helped us go to space.


These are contributions that are not contained by Russia‘s borders, as vast as those borders are. Indeed, Russia‘s heritage has touched every corner of the world, and speaks to the humanity that we share. That includes my own country, which has been blessed with Russian immigrants for decades; we‘ve been enriched by Russian culture, and enhanced by Russian cooperation. And as a resident of Washington, D.C., I continue to benefit from the contributions of Russians -- specifically, from Alexander Ovechkin. We‘re very pleased to have him in Washington, D.C.


Here at NES, you have inherited this great cultural legacy, but your focus on economics is no less fundamental to the future of humanity. As Pushkin said, "Inspiration is needed in geometry just as much as poetry." And today, I want particularly to speak to those of you preparing to graduate. You‘re poised to be leaders in academia and industry; in finance and government. But before you move forward, it‘s worth reflecting on what has already taken place during your young lives.


Like President Medvedev and myself, you‘re not old enough to have witnessed the darkest hours of the Cold War, when hydrogen bombs were tested in the atmosphere, and children drilled in fallout shelters, and we reached the brink of nuclear catastrophe. But you are the last generation born when the world was divided. At that time, the American and Soviet armies were still massed in Europe, trained and ready to fight. The ideological trenches of the last century were roughly in place. Competition in everything from astrophysics to athletics was treated as a zero-sum game. If one person won, then the other person had to lose.


And then, within a few short years, the world as it was ceased to be. Now, make no mistake: This change did not come from any one nation. The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful.


With the end of the Cold War, there were extraordinary expectations -- for peace and for prosperity; for new arrangements among nations, and new opportunities for individuals. Like all periods of great change, it was a time of ambitious plans and endless possibilities. But, of course, things don‘t always work out exactly as planned. Back in 1993, shortly after this school opened, one NES student summed up the difficulty of change when he told a reporter, and I quote him: "The real world is not so rational as on paper." The real world is not so rational as on paper.


Over two tumultuous decades, that truth has been borne out around the world. Great wealth has been created, but it has not eliminated vast pockets of crushing poverty. Poverty exists here, it exists in the United States, and it exists all around the world. More people have gone to the ballot box, but too many governments still fail to protect the rights of their people. Ideological struggles have diminished, but they‘ve been replaced by conflicts over tribe and ethnicity and religion. A human being with a computer can hold the same amount of information stored in the Russian State Library, but that technology can also be used to do great harm.


In a new Russia, the disappearance of old political and economic restrictions after the end of the Soviet Union brought both opportunity and hardship. A few prospered, but many more did not. There were tough times. But the Russian people showed strength and made sacrifices, and you achieved hard-earned progress through a growing economy and greater confidence. And despite painful times, many in Eastern Europe and Russia are much better off today than 20 years ago.


We see that progress here at NES -- a school founded with Western support that is now distinctly Russian; a place of learning and inquiry where the test of an idea is not whether it is Russian or American or European, but whether it works. Above all, we see that progress in all of you -- young people with a young century to shape as you see fit.


Your lifetime coincides with this era of transition. But think about the fundamental questions asked when this school was founded. What kind of future is Russia going to have? What kind of future are Russia and America going to have together?  What world order will replace the Cold War? Those questions still don‘t have clear answers, and so now they must be answered by you -- by your generation in Russia, in America, and around the world. You get to decide. And while I cannot answer those questions for you, I can speak plainly about the future that America is seeking.


To begin with, let me be clear: America wants a strong, peaceful, and prosperous Russia. This belief is rooted in our respect for the Russian people, and a shared history between our nations that goes beyond competition. Despite our past rivalry, our people were allies in the greatest struggle of the last century. Recently, I noted this when I was in Normandy -- for just as men from Boston and Birmingham risked all that they had to storm those beaches and scale those cliffs, Soviet soldiers from places like Kazan and Kiev endured unimaginable hardships to repeal -- to repel an invasion, and turn the tide in the east. As President John Kennedy said, "No nation in history of battle ever suffered more than the Soviet Union in the Second World War."


So as we honor this past, we also recognize the future benefit that will come from a strong and vibrant Russia. Think of the issues that will define your lives: security from nuclear weapons and extremism; access to markets and opportunity; health and the environment; an international system that protects sovereignty and human rights, while promoting stability and prosperity. These challenges demand global partnership, and that partnership will be stronger if Russia occupies its rightful place as a great power.


Yet unfortunately, there is sometimes a sense that old assumptions must prevail, old ways of thinking; a conception of power that is rooted in the past rather than in the future. There is the 20th century view that the United States and Russia are destined to be antagonists, and that a strong Russia or a strong America can only assert themselves in opposition to one another. And there is a 19th century view that we are destined to vie for spheres of influence, and that great powers must forge competing blocs to balance one another.



下面小编为大家准备了 口译笔译 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Just a couple of days ago, climbers, backed by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), returned from the Himalayas, where they gathered first-hand accounts from monks, local people and other travelers on the state of the environment of the world's most famous mountain range. They have recorded in words, in photographs, and on film, the dramatic impacts that global warming is having on glaciers, causing them to rapidly thaw, and build up melt waters in mountain lakes. As a result, these lakes could soon burst, sending millions of tons of water and rubble swirling down the valleys threatening life and limb. // The expedition has also looked at the impacts of tourism on the mountains, concluding that much of what is happening is environmentally damaging, and a burden on the people, wildlife and landscapes of these once pristine wilderness areas. //

Every year World Environment Day is an occasion to pause and reflect on the state of the environment. This year especially, faced with the findings of our climbers, in the International Year of the Mountains, I urge you to "Give Earth a Chance". I ask you to look at our daily impact on the planet and its peoples, and to take action to improve our environmental behavior. //

Although mountains have been revered since time began, such beliefs are no longer enough to preserve fragile mountain ecosystems, for the well-being of all. We face an immense challenge, the challenge of ensuring their stability and preservation for the generations to come. //

Mountains are our water-towers. Mountains are a major source of energy. Mountains feed those living on them. Mountain ecosystems are linked to life in the lowlands, to freshwater and to the seas. Mountains are islands of rich biological and cultural diversity, home to unique plants, animals, languages and traditions. //

Sustainable development is a must. We need to combine the environmental dimension with social activity and economic development. This must be our common target, especially in mountain regions. Without sustainable development we cannot solve the problems. It is not enough to simply say we have a conservation plan for nature, and natural resources. // We must give people a chance to live and survive in these regions, therefore we need jobs; we need a perspective for young people to remain there and not go to the big cities. Mountains are virtual treasure chests of untapped economic potential—vital to sustainable development. This was recognized by the Earth Summit in Rio. //

Mountains attract tourists, but tourism has to be well managed to minimize impact on sensitive mountain environments. Respect should be the byword of the tourists, and tour operators, that bring people into contact with local people and landscapes, //The respect includes paying local people a decent wage, sourcing local food and materials where possible, and observing local customs, beliefs and traditions. Tourists are guests in other peoples' ecosystems and should behave as such. Mountains as a resource HAVE to be valued, and some of that value has to benefit mountain dwellers. Earnings from tourism should be shared equitably between all stakeholders. //

Especially this year, the International Year of Ecotourism, every effort should be made to promote Ecotourism in mountains. For some communities and regions, sustainable tourism can be a first step towards sustainable development. Let us hope that all societies will come to revere mountains, and thus be motivated to invest in them, preserve this unique asset, and in turn reap benefit from it. //

On this World Environment Day let us all begin to act for the conservation not only of the mountains, but the sea, the land, water and the air too. Let us act to give the Earth a chance. An unpolluted pristine environment is vital to our survival, a precious resource, which will only endu

正确答案:由联合国环境署资助的登山队员几天前刚刚从喜马拉雅山返回登山队员们从当地的僧人、居民和其他游客那里收集到了第一手有关这座世界上最著名山脉的环境现状资料。他们以文字、照片和胶片记录下了全球升温对冰川所产生的剧烈影响:冰川迅速融化化成的水流入山地湖泊中导致湖水不久将涨满溢出致使数以百万吨的水夹杂着石块冲入山谷从而对人类生命构成威胁。//队员们还考察了旅游业对喜马拉雅山地区带来的影响认为目前所开展的旅游活动对环境都具有破坏性同时也使这里的居民、野生动物和自然景观背上了沉重的负担而这里原本就属于原始野生地区。// 一年一度的世界环境日使我们有机会静下心来对目前的环境状况进行反思。今年的世界环境日更是如此;面对我们登山队员的调查结果在这个国际山岳年里我谨此敦促各位“给我们的地球一线生机”。我要求各位审视一下我们的日常生活给这个星球及其居民带来的影响并采取行动改进我们的环境行为。// 尽管人们自古以来便对山岳怀有一种崇敬感但如今仅靠这种崇敬之情已不足以维系脆弱的山岳生态系统从而造福人类了。我们当前面临的巨大挑战是如何为了我们的子孙后代而确保维护山岳生态系统的平衡。// 山是我们的水塔也是能源生成的主要之地。山养育着依靠它生存的人们。山岳生态系统与低洼地区的生物密切相关同时也与淡水和海洋密切相关。山岳中蕴藏着丰富的生物和多元的文化是许多珍奇动、植物、和独特的语言及传统的发源地。// 可持续发展势在必行。我们必需将环境的各个方面与社会活动和经济发展结合起来特别是在山区这必须成为我们的共同目标。若不能实现可持续发展便不能解决我们面对的各种问题。仅仅说我们已制订了保护大自然和自然资源的计划是远远不够的。//我们必须使人们有条件在这些地区生活和生存下去。为此我们需要在当地创造就业机会从而使年青一代有希望能留下来而不是涌入大城市。山岳实际上是个宝库储存着尚未被充分开发的、对可持续发展至关重要的经济潜力。这一点已得到里约地球首脑会议的认可。// 山岳对游客有着巨大的吸引力但旅游业必须得到良好的管理以最大限度地减少旅游业对山岳的敏感环境产生影响。我们的旅游从业人员将游客带到当地与当地居民接触并欣赏那里的自然景观尊重必须成为游客和旅游从业人员的行为规范。//这种尊重包括付给当地居民合理的工资、尽可能使用当地的食品和物资遵守当地的习俗、观念和传统。游客是造访他乡生态系统的客人因此其行为举止应符合游客的身份。山岳作为一种资源其价值必须得到重视当地山民应能从中得到实惠。旅游业的收益应在所有的利益相关者之间进行公平分配。// 今年是国际生态旅游年大家应不遗余力地推动山岳生态旅游业的发展。对于某些社区和地区而言发展可持续旅游业大可成为其努力实现可持续发展的第一步。我们希望所有社会都将逐步建立起对山岳的尊重进而产生投资山区的兴趣、努力保护这一独特的资产并从中获益。// 值此世界环境日之际让我们一道不仅为保护我们的山岳、而且还为保护海洋、陆地、水和空气而采取行动。让我们携起手来给我们的地球一线生机。没有遭到污染的原始环境对于我们的生存至关重要因为只有给地球留有生机才能使这种宝贵的资源得以延续。// (联台国环境署前执行长官克劳斯?特普费尔在2002年6月5日世界环境日上的讲话“给地球一线生机”)
由联合国环境署资助的登山队员几天前刚刚从喜马拉雅山返回,登山队员们从当地的僧人、居民和其他游客那里收集到了第一手有关这座世界上最著名山脉的环境现状资料。他们以文字、照片和胶片记录下了全球升温对冰川所产生的剧烈影响:冰川迅速融化,化成的水流入山地湖泊中,导致湖水不久将涨满溢出,致使数以百万吨的水夹杂着石块冲入山谷,从而对人类生命构成威胁。//队员们还考察了旅游业对喜马拉雅山地区带来的影响,认为目前所开展的旅游活动对环境都具有破坏性,同时也使这里的居民、野生动物和自然景观背上了沉重的负担,而这里原本就属于原始野生地区。// 一年一度的世界环境日使我们有机会静下心来,对目前的环境状况进行反思。今年的世界环境日更是如此;面对我们登山队员的调查结果,在这个国际山岳年里,我谨此敦促各位“给我们的地球一线生机”。我要求各位审视一下我们的日常生活给这个星球及其居民带来的影响,并采取行动,改进我们的环境行为。// 尽管人们自古以来便对山岳怀有一种崇敬感,但如今仅靠这种崇敬之情已不足以维系脆弱的山岳生态系统从而造福人类了。我们当前面临的巨大挑战是如何为了我们的子孙后代而确保维护山岳生态系统的平衡。// 山是我们的水塔,也是能源生成的主要之地。山养育着依靠它生存的人们。山岳生态系统与低洼地区的生物密切相关,同时也与淡水和海洋密切相关。山岳中蕴藏着丰富的生物和多元的文化,是许多珍奇动、植物、和独特的语言及传统的发源地。// 可持续发展势在必行。我们必需将环境的各个方面与社会活动和经济发展结合起来,特别是在山区,这必须成为我们的共同目标。若不能实现可持续发展,便不能解决我们面对的各种问题。仅仅说我们已制订了保护大自然和自然资源的计划是远远不够的。//我们必须使人们有条件在这些地区生活和生存下去。为此,我们需要在当地创造就业机会,从而使年青一代有希望能留下来,而不是涌入大城市。山岳实际上是个宝库,储存着尚未被充分开发的、对可持续发展至关重要的经济潜力。这一点已得到里约地球首脑会议的认可。// 山岳对游客有着巨大的吸引力,但旅游业必须得到良好的管理,以最大限度地减少旅游业对山岳的敏感环境产生影响。我们的旅游从业人员将游客带到当地与当地居民接触并欣赏那里的自然景观,尊重必须成为游客和旅游从业人员的行为规范。//这种尊重包括付给当地居民合理的工资、尽可能使用当地的食品和物资,遵守当地的习俗、观念和传统。游客是造访他乡生态系统的客人,因此其行为举止应符合游客的身份。山岳作为一种资源其价值必须得到重视,当地山民应能从中得到实惠。旅游业的收益应在所有的利益相关者之间进行公平分配。// 今年是国际生态旅游年,大家应不遗余力地推动山岳生态旅游业的发展。对于某些社区和地区而言,发展可持续旅游业大可成为其努力实现可持续发展的第一步。我们希望,所有社会都将逐步建立起对山岳的尊重,进而产生投资山区的兴趣、努力保护这一独特的资产,并从中获益。// 值此世界环境日之际,让我们一道不仅为保护我们的山岳、而且还为保护海洋、陆地、水和空气而采取行动。让我们携起手来,给我们的地球一线生机。没有遭到污染的原始环境对于我们的生存至关重要,因为只有给地球留有生机,才能使这种宝贵的资源得以延续。// (联台国环境署前执行长官克劳斯?特普费尔在2002年6月5日世界环境日上的讲话“给地球一线生机”)


正确答案:No one can deny that millions of small private enterprises have fuelled the nation's economy.
No one can deny that millions of small private enterprises have fuelled the nation's economy.

Gypsies are often treated with disapproval, lack of trust, and lack of understanding because their way of life is so different from the way most other British people live.



正确答案:They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.
They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.

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