


Recovery Begins with Teachers

--Message from the heads of UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, ILO and Education International

on the occasion of the World Teachers’Day 2010

5 October 2010




Today, on World Teachers’Day, we pay homage to all teachers for their pivotal role in shaping children’s lives and for their critical contribution to the social,economic and intellectual development of nations. Teachers are change agents, providing the impetus for the emergence of educated communities.


Many teachers work in extremely challenging circumstances, serving in communities with high rates of poverty,coping with violence within and outside the classroom, or confronting the demoralizing impact of HIV and AIDS on colleagues, students and families. There are those who are seeking to ensure the right to education of 18.5 million refugee children throughout the world. In countries affected by conflict, teachers are instrumental to reconstruction and peace-building.

许多教师在极具挑战性的环境下工作,供职于贫困发生率很高的社区,要与校内校外的暴力作斗争,抵抗艾滋病毒和艾滋病给同仁、学生和家庭造成的意志消沉。有些教师正在想方设法保证世界各地1,850 万难民儿童的受教育权。在受到冲突影响的国家,教师们在协助重建国家、建设和平。

We take this opportunity to commend the efforts of teachers, especially female teachers,who accept to serve in high risk, deprived and disadvantaged areas, reaching out to the excluded,and bringing them the prospect of a better life through education. Teachers are also crucial to sustainable recovery and growth in post-conflict and emergency situations. In Haiti, the devastating earthquake that struck last January claimed the lives of some 38,000 pupils and 1,300 teachers and education personnel. In Pakistan, according to UN estimates, half of the 20 million people affected by the floods are children. From the outset, reactivating the education system has been a priority of the humanitarian and recovery effort in both countries. We especially honour the memory and commitment of those teachers who have lost their lives in emergency situations.

我们借此机会赞扬教师们,特别是女教师们的辛勤工作。他们勇于到风险大、物质贫乏、条件不利的地区服务,向被排斥者伸出援手,用教育鼓起他们对美好生活的憧景。在冲突后和紧急局势中,教师对于可持续复兴和增长而言也是极其重要的。今年1 月海地发生的毁灭性地震夺去了38,000 名学生、1,300 名教师和教职人员的生命。在巴基斯坦,据联合国估计,有2,000 万人受到洪灾,其中半数是儿童。从一开始,重启教育系统就是这两个国家人道主义和复兴工作的优先事项。我们尤其缅怀那些在紧急局势下牺牲生命的教师,赞扬他们的献身精神。

Teachers provide continuity and reassurance,both during and after natural disasters and other crises. By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normalcy, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement. They provide much-needed psycho-social support to ease the trauma of children and youth who have witnessed extreme violence, or lived through the destruction of their homes and the loss of family members. Supporting teachers in post-crisis situations is an investment in peace and development.


While many governments are making efforts to protect education budgets, teachers’jobs, salaries and decent teaching/learning conditions, we are deeply concerned by the probable impact of the global economic slowdown on the teaching profession. As a catalyst for human growth and development, education is key to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)and Education for All(EFA)targets. But without sufficient numbers of well-trained and professionally motivated teachers, we risk falling short of the promise made ten years ago at the World Education Forum to the world’s children and youth,because teachers are at the heart of the education system.


On this Day we call for adherence to the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers(which was adopted on this date in 1966) and to the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel. The moral force of these Recommendations remains as pertinent as ever. Low status, low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remaining in the teaching profession. The situation must be redressed at a time when the world needs an estimated 10.3 million new teachers to reach internationally-agreed education targets by 2015.

值此教师日,我们呼吁各方遵守国际劳工组织-教科文组织《关于教师地位的建议书》(于1966 年的今天通过)和1997 年教科文组织《关于高等教育教学人员地位的建议书》。这两项建议书的伦理力量一如既往,切合时代大潮。地位低、薪水少、工作条件恶劣,这一切都侵犯了教师的权利,使那些有才华的年轻人望而却步,不敢加入并留在教师队伍中。这种局面必须予以纠正,因为要在2015 年之前实现国际商定的教育目标,全世界目前还需要新增大约910万教师。

The quality of teacher training is equally important. Teachers who are well-trained and adequately remunerated are better equipped to provide a decent education and be active promoters of the values of citizenship,peace and intercultural dialogue. Governments are therefore urged to continue investing in viable national policies and programmes for teacher training,recruitment, and incentives so that teachers remain and develop within the profession. At the same time,we urge development partners to support governments, particularly in developing countries, in their determination to invest in well trained teachers. We also call for greater efforts and structures of social dialogue that give teachers a voice in decision-making through their democratically elected organizations. Without teachers’inputs to shape education reforms, recovery processes are not likely to achieve all their goals.


On World Teachers’Day, we appeal to governments, communities, national and international institutions worldwide to renew their commitment towards teachers, particularly in the poorest countries and those affected by conflict or disasters. Recovery begins with teachers. We can best honour teachers by giving them decent working conditions to fulfil their mission of preparing the younger generation to become responsible citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to shape a sustainable future.


Join us today,5 October 2010,in celebrating teachers around the world!



下面小编为大家准备了 口译笔译 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Gypsies are often treated with disapproval, lack of trust, and lack of understanding because their way of life is so different from the way most other British people live.



正确答案:They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.
They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.

Thank you, sir. Thank you, Mr. President. It is quite an honor to be introduced by your dad. This has got to be a historic moment: father and son, two Presidents, opening up an embassy. I suspect it's the first, although I must confess I haven't done a lot of research into the itinerary of the Adams boys. //

My dad was a fabulous President. And I tell people one reason why was not only did he know what he was doing, he was a fabulous father. Mr. Ambassador, honored guests, Laura and I, and my brother and my sister, are proud to be here with our dad as we open and dedicate this new embassy. No doubt this is an impressive complex. To me it speaks of the importance of our relations with China. It reflects the solid foundation underpinning our relations. It is a commitment to strengthen that foundation for years to come. //

I thank all those who designed and built the embassy, and all those who work here to advance the interests and values of our great nation. Dad and I are honored that Counselor Dai has joined us; and Minister Xie; Ambassador Zhou—who, by the way, opened a new Chinese embassy in Washington, D. C. , designed by I. M. Pei a couple weeks ago. We appreciate our friend Anne Johnson being here, he is the Director of the Art in Embassies Program. Dr. Kissinger, thanks for coming. //

It takes a special band to open the embassy—out of West Texas—Odessa, Texas, for that matter, the Gatlin boys are with us today. I thank the Red Poppies, thank you for your talent. And finally, I want to pay tribute to Sandy Randt, who has done a fabulous job as our Ambassador to China. Sandy, thank you and We're proud to be here with those citizens of ours who work at the embassies, and we say thanks to the Chinese nationals who make our embassy go, as well. //

I'm honored to represent the United States at the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games here in Beijing. And I'm looking forward to cheering our athletes on. Mr. Ambassador, I'm not making any predictions about medal counts, but I can tell you the U.S. athletes are ready to come and compete, in the spirit of friendship. You know, during my last visit here I had the opportunity to break in the mountain biking course. I was so proud of my efforts, I told Laura I was thinking about entering the competition myself. She reminded me they don't give any medals for last place. //

Tonight the Olympic torch will light the home of an ancient civilization with a grand history. Thousands of years ago, the Chinese people developed a common language and unified a great nation. China became the center for art and literature, commerce and philosophy. China advanced the frontiers of knowledge in medicine, astronomy, navigation, engineering, and many other fields. And the Chinese are even said to have invented the parachute—something for which the 41st President is very grateful. //

We share a long history. The first American ship arrived in China just after the year we won our independence. World War Ⅱ, Americans and Chinese fought side by side to liberate this land from Imperial Japan. We all remember very clearly, Dr. K, when President Nixon came to Beijing to begin a new era of dialogue between our nations. You might remember that yourself. //

Today the United States and China have built a strong relationship, rooted in common interests. China has opened its economy and begun to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of its people. America will continue to support China on the path toward a free economy. We're also cooperating to fight pandemic diseases and respond to natural disasters. And through the Six-Party Talks, we're working together to ensure that the Korean Peninsula is free of nuclear weapons. //

The relationship between our nations is constructive and cooperative and candid. We'll continue to be candid about our mutual global responsibilities. We

正确答案:谢谢您先生。谢谢总统先生。让自己的父亲给自己做介绍是件非常荣幸的事。这一定是个历史性时刻:父亲和儿子两位总统为大使馆主持开馆仪式我想这是头一遭当然我得承认我对亚当斯父子的游记没有进行过大量研究。// 我父亲是一位了不起的总统。我对人讲其中一个原因是他不仅是位好总统而且还是一位了不起的父亲。大使先生贵宾们劳拉和我、我的弟弟和妹妹都为能够同父亲一道在这里主持这座新使馆启用仪式感到自豪毫无疑问这座新馆令人赞叹。对我来说它表明了我们与中国关系的重要性它反映了我们的关系建立在坚实牢固的基础之上它是在未来许多年里加强这一基础的承诺。// 我感谢所有参与设计和建造这座使馆的人员以及所有在这里为推进我们伟大祖国的利益和价值观而努力工作的人。父亲和我对戴秉国国务委员、谢部长和周大使的光临感到荣幸。顺便说一句一个多星期前周大使在华盛顿特区主持了由贝聿铭设计的中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式。感谢我们的朋友、使馆项目艺术部主任安妮?约翰逊出席仪式。感谢基辛格博士谢谢您光临。// 庆祝大使馆开馆要有一支特殊的乐队才行——来自得克萨斯州西部奥德萨的加特林兄弟今天就在这里。我感谢红罂粟感谢你们的天才演出。最后我要向业绩不凡的我国驻中国大使桑迪?雷德致敬。桑迪谢谢您还有我们为能与在大使馆工作的我国公民在一起而感到自豪我们也向使我国使馆能够顺利运转的中国公民表示感谢。// 我很荣幸能有机会代表美国在北京参加奥运会开幕式。我期待着为我们的运动员摇旗助威。大使先生我不会对奖牌数字作任何预测但是我可以告诉你们美国运动员已经作好准备本着友谊的精神参加竞赛。大家知道在上次访问中国的时候我有机会在新建的车道上练习山地自行车。我对自己的努力感到十分自豪我对劳拉说我在考虑亲自参加奥运比赛。她提醒我说他们不会给比赛的最后一名颁发任何奖章。// 今晚奥林匹克的火炬将点燃这个具有辉煌历史的文明古国。数千年前中国人民就发明了共同的文字统一了一个伟大的国家。中国当时成为艺术与文学、商业与哲学的中心。中国推动了医学、天文学、航海学、工程学及许多其他领域的发展。据说中国人还发明了降落伞——这是一项使第41位美国总统十分感激的发明。// 我们共同见证了悠久的历史。就在我们刚赢得独立后的第二年第一艘美国轮船驶抵中国。第二次世界大战期间美国人和中国人并肩战斗把这片土地从日本帝国的统治下解放出来。基辛格博士尼克松总统当年来到北京开辟两国对话的新纪元我们对此都记忆犹新。您自己可能也记得这件事吧。// 今天美国与中国已建立起植根于共同利益的牢固关系。中国已实行经济开放并开始发挥出中国人民的进取精神。美国将继续支持中国在自由经济的道路上前进。我们还在防治流行性疾病和抗击自然灾害方面进行合作 通过六方会谈我们共同致力于确保朝鲜半岛无核化。// 我们两国之间的关系是具有建设性、合作而坦诚的。在我们各自承担的全球责任方面我们将继续坦诚相见我们必须共同努力保护环境并帮助发展中国家的人民;继续坦率地表明我们的信念——既每一个人都应该享有发表言论和宗教信仰的自由。我们深信允许自由表达思想的社会往往最繁荣也最和平。// 坦率是最有效的它在建立起尊重与信任关系的国家之间最为有效。我一直努力建立这种尊重与信任。我向努力建立这种尊重与信任的中国领导人表示感谢。我也向今天在场的使馆人员致谢你们正在做着同样的努力。在这里工作的人为国效力做出了奉献。为美国效力是一项崇高的工作。我希望你们感到这是一项有所收获的工作。很荣幸与各位相聚。我为有幸主持这座大使馆的新馆开馆仪式而心存感激。我期待着去看奥运比赛。上帝保佑。// (节选自美国前总统在美国驻中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式上的讲话)
谢谢您,先生。谢谢,总统先生。让自己的父亲给自己做介绍是件非常荣幸的事。这一定是个历史性时刻:父亲和儿子,两位总统,为大使馆主持开馆仪式,我想这是头一遭,当然,我得承认我对亚当斯父子的游记没有进行过大量研究。// 我父亲是一位了不起的总统。我对人讲,其中一个原因是他不仅是位好总统,而且还是一位了不起的父亲。大使先生,贵宾们,劳拉和我、我的弟弟和妹妹,都为能够同父亲一道在这里主持这座新使馆启用仪式感到自豪毫无疑问,这座新馆令人赞叹。对我来说,它表明了我们与中国关系的重要性,它反映了我们的关系建立在坚实牢固的基础之上,它是在未来许多年里加强这一基础的承诺。// 我感谢所有参与设计和建造这座使馆的人员以及所有在这里为推进我们伟大祖国的利益和价值观而努力工作的人。父亲和我对戴秉国国务委员、谢部长和周大使的光临感到荣幸。顺便说一句,一个多星期前周大使在华盛顿特区主持了由贝聿铭设计的中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式。感谢我们的朋友、使馆项目艺术部主任安妮?约翰逊出席仪式。感谢基辛格博士,谢谢您光临。// 庆祝大使馆开馆要有一支特殊的乐队才行——来自得克萨斯州西部奥德萨的加特林兄弟今天就在这里。我感谢红罂粟,感谢你们的天才演出。最后,我要向业绩不凡的我国驻中国大使桑迪?雷德致敬。桑迪,谢谢您,还有我们为能与在大使馆工作的我国公民在一起而感到自豪,我们也向使我国使馆能够顺利运转的中国公民表示感谢。// 我很荣幸能有机会代表美国在北京参加奥运会开幕式。我期待着为我们的运动员摇旗助威。大使先生,我不会对奖牌数字作任何预测,但是我可以告诉你们,美国运动员已经作好准备,本着友谊的精神参加竞赛。大家知道,在上次访问中国的时候,我有机会在新建的车道上练习山地自行车。我对自己的努力感到十分自豪,我对劳拉说,我在考虑亲自参加奥运比赛。她提醒我说,他们不会给比赛的最后一名颁发任何奖章。// 今晚,奥林匹克的火炬将点燃这个具有辉煌历史的文明古国。数千年前,中国人民就发明了共同的文字,统一了一个伟大的国家。中国当时成为艺术与文学、商业与哲学的中心。中国推动了医学、天文学、航海学、工程学及许多其他领域的发展。据说中国人还发明了降落伞——这是一项使第41位美国总统十分感激的发明。// 我们共同见证了悠久的历史。就在我们刚赢得独立后的第二年,第一艘美国轮船驶抵中国。第二次世界大战期间,美国人和中国人并肩战斗,把这片土地从日本帝国的统治下解放出来。基辛格博士,尼克松总统当年来到北京开辟两国对话的新纪元,我们对此都记忆犹新。您自己可能也记得这件事吧。// 今天,美国与中国已建立起植根于共同利益的牢固关系。中国已实行经济开放,并开始发挥出中国人民的进取精神。美国将继续支持中国在自由经济的道路上前进。我们还在防治流行性疾病和抗击自然灾害方面进行合作 通过六方会谈,我们共同致力于确保朝鲜半岛无核化。// 我们两国之间的关系是具有建设性、合作而坦诚的。在我们各自承担的全球责任方面,我们将继续坦诚相见我们必须共同努力保护环境并帮助发展中国家的人民;继续坦率地表明我们的信念——既每一个人都应该享有发表言论和宗教信仰的自由。我们深信,允许自由表达思想的社会往往最繁荣也最和平。// 坦率是最有效的,它在建立起尊重与信任关系的国家之间最为有效。我一直努力建立这种尊重与信任。我向努力建立这种尊重与信任的中国领导人表示感谢。我也向今天在场的使馆人员致谢,你们正在做着同样的努力。在这里工作的人为国效力,做出了奉献。为美国效力是一项崇高的工作。我希望你们感到这是一项有所收获的工作。很荣幸与各位相聚。我为有幸主持这座大使馆的新馆开馆仪式而心存感激。我期待着去看奥运比赛。上帝保佑。// (节选自美国前总统在美国驻中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式上的讲话)

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