


1、According to Paragraph 1, most previous surveys found that home().【阅读理解A】

A.was an unrealistic place forrelaxation

B.generated more stress than the workplace

C.was an ideal place forstress measurement

D.offered greater relaxation than the workplace


答案解析:从第一段第一句" A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work"(一份新的研究表明,和大多数调查相反,事实上人们在家比在工作中压力更大)。题干问previous surveys,可知,之前的研究认为D项"家比工作场合更让人放松"。B项是新研究的发现,不是之前的研究发现;A项"家是个放松的地方,这不现实",这也是新研究的发现。C项"家是测量压力的理想场所",这不是研究发现。


A.You are not alone

B.Don’t fear responsibility foryour life

C.Pave your own unique path

D.Most of your fears are unreal

E.Think about the present moment

F.Experience helps you grow

G.There are many things to be grateful for


答案解析:从本段第一句"If you are surrounded by problems and cannot stop thinking about past, try to focus on the present moment."(如果你被各种问题包围并且禁不住想过去的事,那么尝试下把注意力集中到当下)可知本段主要描写我们应该关注当下,后文也提及我们应该Value the present moment,文章最后一句再次强调幸福不在过去或未来,而在当下。故E项"思考当下"正确。


A.You are not alone

B.Don’t fear responsibility foryour life

C.Pave your own unique path

D.Most of your fears are unreal

E.Think about the present moment

F.Experience helps you grow

G.There are many things to be grateful for


答案解析:根据本段第一句" ....you should always remember that you are not alone"(…你都应该记住你不是一个人),后面没有明显转折词,可见本段主要描写 A项"你不是一个人"。

4、The home front differs from the workplace in that().【阅读理解A】

A.home is hardly a cozier working environment

B.division of laborat home is seldom clear-cut

C.household tasks are generally more motivating

D.family laboris often adequately rewarded


答案解析:根据第五段第一句" On the home front, however,people have no such clarity.Rare is the household in which the division of laboris so clinically and methodically laid out"(然而,在家中人们这种"有劳有得"的观念并没那么清晰。很少有家庭能把家务划分得不近人情和井井有条)no such clarity与B中seldom-clear-cut相对应。故答案选B。A项"家是更为舒适的工作环境",本文主要对比了家和工作场合哪个压力更大,不能得出A结论。根据"There are a lot of tasks to be done;there are inadequate rewards formost of them"(有很多家务活要做,但是做这些家务大都得不到足够的奖赏)可知C项"家务活总体来说让人有动力"和D项"做家务常常会得到足够的奖励"错误。

5、The authorof the paper believe that first-generation students ().【阅读理解A】

A.are actually indifferent to the achievement gap

B.can have a potential influence on other students

C.may lack opportunities to apply forresearch projects

D.are inexperienced in handling their issues at college


答案解析:根据" ... that first-generation students may be most lacking not in potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college students"(第一代大学生最缺乏的或许不是潜能,而是处理大多数大学生所面临问题的实际知识),but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college ;students与选项D同义替换。可知D项"在处理大学里面临的问题方面经验不足"正确。A项"他们实际上对成就差距不关心"与原文中"Many first-generation students struggle to navigate the middle-class..."(许多第一代大学生努力通晓中产阶级的…)所描述的不符。B和C项未提及。

6、We may infer from the last paragraph that ().【阅读理解A】

A.universities often reject the culture of the middle-class

B.students are usually to blame fortheir lack of resources

C.social class greatly helps enrich educational experiences

D.colleges are partly responsible forthe problem in question


答案解析:根据" and this becomes more of a problem when colleges don/'t talk about the class advantages and disadvantages of different groups of students"(大学不谈不同学生群体间的阶级优势和劣势使得成就差距问题更加显著)。这就意味着学校应该为目前的问题负部分责任,可知D项"大学对文中所讨论的问题(成就差距)部分负有责任"正确。根据" the middle-class culture of higher education"(高等教育的中产阶级文化)可知,A项"大学常拒绝中产阶级文化"错误。B项未提及。根据" because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how social class can affect students/' educational experience"(因为美国的学院和大学很少承认社会阶级会影响学生的教育经历)可知 C项"社会阶级极大地有助于丰富教育经历"错误,文中只用了" affect",并未言明是丰富还是降低。







答案解析:A. under在……下面;B. beyond超出;C. behind 在……后面;D. from来自动词与介词搭配,此处选项behind和hide搭配最为合适,“隐藏在...后面”,因此C选项正确。


A.You are not alone

B.Don’t fear responsibility foryour life

C.Pave your own unique path

D.Most of your fears are unreal

E.Think about the present moment

F.Experience helps you grow

G.There are many things to be grateful for


答案解析:本段的第一句"Fear is both useful and harmful"(恐惧既有好处又有害处)表明本段核心内容是fear(恐惧),根据 "Fear is not real....‘Danger is very real. But fear is a choice./' I do completely agree that fears are just the product of our luxuriant imagination"("恐惧是不真实的。...危险是真实的,但恐惧是一种选择"我完全同意恐惧只是丰富想象力的产物这一观点)可知该题小标题为D项"你的大多数恐惧都是不真实的"。







答案解析:A. beaten打败;B. guided指导;C. plugged塞紧的;D. brought带来,拿来此题句意:我们不会知道这些东西,我们只是()手机。根据句意,这里应该是表示"玩手机,扎进手机里"。 plug into “扎进,埋头于”所以选C。

10、“Team”-oriented corporate vocabulary is closely related to().【阅读理解A】

A.historical incidents

B.gender difference

C.sports culture

D.athletic executive


答案解析:根据第二段第一句" Let/'s not forget sports—in male-dominated corporate America, it/'s still a big deal"(别忘了体育运动——在男性主导的美国企业界,还是很重要的)可知C项“运动文化”正确。

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