








答案解析:A. in the absence of表示缺乏,缺少;B. in the height of 表示在.....的顶峰;C. in the face of 表示面对; D. in the course of 表示在.....的过程中,依次代入,只有A最符合题意,因此A为正确答案。

2、Moritz calls for the use of “a magnifying glass” to().【阅读理解A】

A.raise more funds for fire-prone areas

B.avoid the redirection of federal money

C.find wildfire-free parts of the landscape

D.guarantee safer spending of public funds


答案解析:本题目为具体细节题。根据题干的关键词a magnifying glass和大写字母Moritz定位到第四段第二句,目的就是最后一句。本句提到“to redirect those funds”,基金重新引导,本段首句也提及a huge problem from a public expenditure。正确答案D的guarantee safer spending是对这两句的完全概括,讨论公共基金更好的花费问题。干扰项A提到fund,但未说raise more,添加无关内容;选项B与原文刚好相反,不是avoid避免;选项C是对原文lower-hazard parts of the landscape的偷换概念。

3、Julie Parks【阅读理解B】

A.says that he switched to electrical engineering because he loves working tools

B.points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that don’t need skill

C.points out that US doesn’t manufacture anything anymore

D.believes that it is important to keep a close on the age of his workers

E.says that for factory owners, workers are harder to find because of stiff competition

F.points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing

G.says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for the lay- off of the young people’s parents


答案解析:题干问Julie的观点,对应文中第十一段“ a work/life balance”,“young people value flexibility”,“Overtime is not attractive to this generation”可知该题对应选项F。

4、Jay Dunwell【阅读理解B】

A.says that he switched to electrical engineering because he loves working tools

B.points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that don’t need skill

C.points out that US doesn’t manufacture anything anymore

D.believes that it is important to keep a close on the age of his workers

E.says that for factory owners, workers are harder to find because of stiff competition

F.points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing

G.says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for the lay- off of the young people’s parents


答案解析:根据题干人名Jay 定位文中“They’re harder to find and they have job offers,”他们很难发现他们有工作邀请。harder对应选项 stiff(艰难地)。







答案解析:本句题干意为“最近,因为空闲时间对于工人来说相对(16),人们利用自由时间来平衡他们工作中脑力和情感()。”A.需求; B. 标准;C. 品质; D. 威胁,依次代入,只有A最符合题意,因此A为正确答案。

6、Birgit Klohs【阅读理解B】

A.says that he switched to electrical engineering because he loves working tools

B.points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that don’t need skill

C.points out that US doesn’t manufacture anything anymore

D.believes that it is important to keep a close on the age of his workers

E.says that for factory owners, workers are harder to find because of stiff competition

F.points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing

G.says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for the lay- off of the young people’s parents


答案解析:根据题干人名Birgit Klohs,定位文中“remember their father and mother both were laid off. They blame it on the manufacturing recession,”记住他们的爸爸妈妈都下岗了,他们归因于生产萧条。文中blame对应选项blame。

7、More frequent wildfires have become a national concern because in 2015 they().【阅读理解A】

A.exhausted unprecedented management efforts

B.consumed a record-high percentage of budget

C. severely damaged the ecology of western states

D. caused a huge rise of infrastructure expenditure


答案解析:本题目是原因细节题。根据题干的关键词wildfires和national concern,以及时间词2015,定位到第二段首句。本句提到US花费了大量的budget,与选项B中的budget原词复现,high是原文more than的同义转化,consume同义替换原文spent。干扰项A的management是首段末句的人物Max Moritz的职位;选项C的western states是首段首句的though从句内容,和题干无关,属于答非所问;选项D的infrastructure是原文末尾的破折号里such as的内容,两个破折号里面一定不选。







答案解析:分析句子结构可知,空格处为主语,for后面为主语的修饰成分,简化该句意为“上升趋势的()是高薪工作匮乏”, A. 解释,原因; B. 需求; C. 补偿; D. 代替品,依次代入原文A最符合题意,因此A为正确答案。

9、Professor Balch points out that fire is something man should().【阅读理解A】

A.do away with

B.come to terms with

C.pay a price for

D.keep away from


答案解析:本题目为文中人物观点的细节题。根据题干的大写字母Professor Balch和fire,man定位到最后一段的最后一句,“important to understand...human connection with fire”,人与火之间的联系。正确答案B的意思是达成协议,符合原文。干扰项A的do away with是废除;选项C的pay a price for是付出代价;选项D的keep away from远离。

10、A gap year may save money for students by helping them().【阅读理解A】

A.avoid academic failures

B.establish long-term goals

C.switch to another college

D.decide on the right major


答案解析:文章最后一段第一句提到了consider its financial impact on future academic choices。Financial 对应题干中的save money,而academic choices学术选择可以排除A和B。根据最后一段第三句...students...listing one major on their college applications, but switching to another after taking college classes.所以第一句中的academic choices指的就是转专业的事儿,因此选D。

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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