


For hundreds of yearsthe criminal law has been built around the idea that wrongdoers must be punished for their crimes.The most basic argument for punishment is that it preserves law and order and respects for authority.From this point of viewpunishment does two things.It upholds the lawand it prevents others from thinking they can get away with doing the same thing without punishment.Punishment is based on the idea that many people have a barely controlled desire to act in forbidden ways.

One of the best ways to reduce crime is to reform or rehabilitate habitual criminals.The main problem is not the first offender or the petty thief but the repeated offender who commits increasingly serious crimes.According to criminologistscrime would decrease greatly if all such offenders could be turned away from wrongdoing.But U.S.prisons have had little success in rehabilitating inmates.About two-thirds of the people arrested in any year have a previous criminal record.

Rehabilitation of criminals could probably be improved greatly if experts could provide the right kind of program for different types of offenders.Criminals vary widely in the kinds of crimes they committheir emotional problemsand their social and economic backgrounds.Not all offenders can be helped by the same treatment.Many require the aid of physicianspsychiatristsor psychologists.Others respond well to educational or vocational training.In the early 1990sthere were about 1300000 criminals in U.S.citycountystateand federal correctional institutionsand about 500000 more were out on parole.Society spent more than $15 billion to operate prisons and related institutions yearlybut only a small part of this sum went to provide treatment.Nearly all the funds were used to feed and clothe prisoners and to keep them under control.

Since the 1ate 1970showeverthere has been a trend toward punishment rather than rehabilitation of offenders.Prison sentences are longer.Capital punishments have been used more frequently since the U.S.Supreme Court lifted a death penalty ban in 1976.Neverthelesscrime prevention should aim to prevent people from becoming criminals in the first place.Such a goal probably would benefit from reform programs in urban slums.These programs would include improved housingschoolsand recreation programs and increased job opportunities.

There are many other ways to reduce crime.People can be educated or persuaded to take greater precautions against crime.They can be taughtfor examplehow to protect their homes from burglary.Automobile thefts would drop sharply if drivers removed their keys and locked their cars when leaving them.Better lighting helps discourage purse-snatchings and other robberies on city streets and in parks.Many experts believe that strict gun-licensing laws would greatly reduce crime.

1.The belief that people tend to behave in forbidden ways____.

[A] leads to the formulation of the criminal law

[B] makes people value order above all else

[C] convinces people that crimes should be eliminated from the society

[D]is a false one that should not be taken seriously

2.In the second paragraph the author implies____.

[A] the U.S.prison system is not working effectively enough to reform criminals

[B] the best way to reduce crime rate is to rehabilitate habitual criminals

[C] reforming criminals in prison will turn them away from wrongdoing

[D] crimes would decrease if peoples desire could be healthily channeled

3.The author speculates that rehabilitation can be made more effective if____.

[A] reform is directed to the criminals emotional problems

[B] rehabilitation is aimed at changing the economic and social environment

[C] rehabilitation is facilitated by physicianspsychiatrists or psychologists

[D] crimes are dealt with in the ways that suit each kind

4.According to the authorpunishment is a better means than rehabilitation in reducing crime rate____.

[A] so it should be used in place of rehabilitation

[B] so stricter sentences are absolutely necessary

[C] yet it does not work well in many cases

[D] but preventing crime is even more effective

5. The author concludes the passage by pointing out that____.

[A] the present gun-licensing laws are held responsible for most of the crimes

[B] educational failure accounts for most of the present offences

[C] more help should be provided for released criminals

[D] the long-term reduction of crime rate depends on multiple improvements


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


人格障碍的分类及各类表现。 偏执型人格障碍 。对他人存有普遍的不信任和猜疑,把他人的动机解释为恶意。因此,C选项正确。精神分裂症的临床症状复杂多样,可涉及感知觉、思维、情感、意志行为及认知功能等方面,个体之间症状差异很大,即使同一患者在不同阶段或病期也可能表现出不同症状。强迫症患者个性中或多或少存在追求完美、对自己和他人高标准严要求的倾向,有一部分患者病前即有强迫型人格,表现为过分的谨小慎微、责任感过强、希望凡事都能尽善尽美,因而在处理不良生活事件时缺乏弹性,表现得难以适应。患者内心所经历的矛盾、焦虑最后只能通过强迫性的症状表达出来。强迫型人格障碍是人格障碍的一种类型,患者做事往往谨小慎微,希望所有事都能做到尽善尽美,如果症状不是十分严重,往往可在工作中取得比较大的成就,但有时会因过分注重细节、墨守成规,反而影响工作效率。在生活中此类患者常会用严苛的尺度衡量周围事物,使自己和身边的人陷入紧张、焦虑的氛围。

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