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The longest river in New Zealand is()

the Clutha River


the Wanganui


the Rangitata


the Waikato


解析: 怀卡托河 Waikato River 新西兰最长河流。
更多 “单选题The longest river in New Zealand is()A the Clutha RiverB the WanganuiC the RangitataD the Waikato” 相关考题
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考题 The longest river in New Zealand is()Athe Clutha RiverBthe WanganuiCthe RangitataDthe Waikato

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考题 Why was the British government interested in New Zealand?()A、Trade with New Zealand was economically important.B、There were no laws to protect Maori rights in dealings with white settlers.C、The French government was taking an interest in New Zealand,too.D、All of the above.

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考题 The longest river in New Zealand is()A、the Clutha RiverB、the WanganuiC、the RangitataD、the Waikato

考题 单选题Why was the British government interested in New Zealand?()A Trade with New Zealand was economically important.B There were no laws to protect Maori rights in dealings with white settlers.C The French government was taking an interest in New Zealand,too.D All of the above.

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考题 单选题The first European to visit New Zealand was()A KupeB Abel TasmanC William HobsonD James Cook

考题 单选题The river () to the east. It is the second longest river in the country.A runsB is runningC runD ran

考题 单选题The longest river in New Zealand is()A the Clutha RiverB the WanganuiC the RangitataD the Waikato

考题 单选题he longest river in Canada is().A the MackenzieB the St.LawrenceC the SevernD the Yukon

考题 单选题The longest river in Canada is()A the MackenzieB the St.LawrenceC the SevernD the Yukon

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