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脂纹(fatty steak)


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更多 “名词解释题脂纹(fatty steak)” 相关考题
考题 - Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. -(). A、Sorry, I've had enoughB、Thank you, HelenC、Help yourself to it, too

考题 When she found the steak was overcooked, she ( ) to the waiter.A、motionedB、mentionedC、movedD、memorized

考题 Tim doesn't like to eat beef, so his wife () makes steak.A.self-evident B.seldom C.sentimental D.sensitive

考题 What a juicy morsel it is!A: tidbit B: savory C: gossip D: steak

考题 动脉粥样硬化典型病变发展过程()。A、纤维斑块-粥样斑块-脂纹B、脂纹-纤维斑块-粥样斑块C、脂纹-粥样斑块-纤维斑块D、粥样斑块-脂纹-纤维斑块

考题 脂纹(fatty streak)

考题 动脉粥样硬化典型病变发展过程是()。A、纤维斑块→粥样斑块→脂纹B、脂纹→纤维斑块→粥样斑块C、脂纹→粥样斑块→纤维斑块D、粥样斑块→脂纹→纤维斑块

考题 “fried beef steak with black pepper sauce”的意思是煎牛扒黑胡椒少司。

考题 “铁扒鳕鱼”的英文菜肴名称为()。A、grilledcodB、grilled sea foodC、steak tartareD、poached steak

考题 牛扒的英文名称为steak。

考题 “poached steak with red wine”的意思是红酒煮牛扒。

考题 Sirloin steak is a join of lamb()。A、PorkB、BeefC、LambD、Veal

考题 “The beef steak is tough”这句话的意思是说这牛扒煎得太老。

考题 脂肪变性(fatty degeneration or fatty change)

考题 心肌脂肪浸润(myocardial fatty infiltration)

考题 脂纹

考题 不饱和脂肪酸(unsaturated fatty acid)

考题 动脉粥样硬化基本病变可分为脂纹,______,______及______。

考题 脂纹(fatty steak)

考题 吃牛排使用的刀是()。A、fish knifeB、steak knifeC、starte knifeD、butter knife

考题 饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acid)

考题 脂肪酸(fatty acid)

考题 名词解释题脂肪变性(fatty degeneration or fatty change)

考题 单选题动脉粥样硬化典型病变发展过程()。A 纤维斑块-粥样斑块-脂纹B 脂纹-纤维斑块-粥样斑块C 脂纹-粥样斑块-纤维斑块D 粥样斑块-脂纹-纤维斑块

考题 名词解释题脂纹

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true?A Trans fatty acids increase the risk of heart disease.B Trans fatty acids increase levels of “good” cholesterol.C Trans fatty acids can be found in cookies, crackers and dairy products.D Trans fatty acids can be found in meats and fast food.

考题 名词解释题脂纹(fatty streak)