







1.知识课程FUNDAMENTALS--KNOWLEDGE;会计师与企业Accountant in Business;管理会计Management Accounting;财务会计Financial Accounting  

2.技能课程FUNDAMENTALSSKILLS;公司法与商法Corporate and Business Law;业绩管理Performance Management;税务Taxation;财务报告Financial Reporting;审计与认证业务Audit and Assurance ;财务管理Financial Management  



3.职业核心课程PROFESSIONALESSENTIALSSBL战略商业领袖Strategic Business Leader SBR战略商业报告Strategic Business Reporting  

4.职业选修课程PROFESSIONAL--OPTIONS;高级财务管理Advanced Financial Management;高级业绩管理Advanced Performance Management;高级税务Advanced Taxation;高级审计与认证业务Advanced Audit and Assurance


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Critically discuss the statement (in note 12) of the managing director of GBC and suggest how the company

could calculate the value of the service provision to the population of the Western region. (6 marks)

(c) It would appear that in operating a bus service to the Western region of Geeland that GBC is fulfilling a social objective since
a contribution loss amounting to $38,400 ($230,400 – $268,800) was made as a consequence of operating the route to
the Western region during 2007. As an organisation which is partially funded by the government it is highly probable that
GBC has objectives which differ from those of TTC which is a profit-seeking organisation.
The value of a social service such as the provision of public transport can be quantified, albeit, in non-financial times. It is
possible to apply quantitative measures to the bus service itself, the most obvious ones being the number of passengers
carried and the number of passenger miles travelled.
The cost of the provision of alternative transport to the Western region might also enable a value to be placed on the current
service by GBC.
It might be possible to estimate quantitatively some of the social benefits resulting from the provision of the transport facility
to and from the Western region. For example, GBC could undertake a survey of the population of the Western region in order
to help estimate the extent to which rural depopulation would otherwise have occurred had the transport facility not been
The application of the technique of cost-benefit analysis makes it possible to estimate money values for non-monetary
benefits. Social benefits can therefore be expressed in financial terms. It is highly probable that the fact that the Western region
is served by GBC will increase the attractiveness of living in a rural area, which may in turn precipitate an increase in property
values in the Western region and the financial benefit could be expressed in terms of the aggregate increase in property values
in the region as a whole.

20 Which of the following events occurring after the balance sheet date are classified as adjusting, if material?

1 The sale of inventories valued at cost at the balance sheet date for a figure in excess of cost.

2 A valuation of land and buildings providing evidence of an impairment in value at the year end.

3 The issue of shares and loan notes.

4 The insolvency of a customer with a balance outstanding at the year end.

A 1 and 3

B 2 and 4

C 2 and 3

D 1 and 4


(c) Assuming that Stuart:

(i) purchased 201,000 shares in Omega plc on 3 December 2005; and

(ii) dies on 20 December 2007,

calculate the potential inheritance tax (IHT) liability which would arise if Rebecca were to die on 1 March

2008, and no further tax planning measures were taken.

Assume that all asset values remain unchanged and that the current rates of inheritance tax continue to

apply. (6 marks)



(ii) Identify the points that must be confirmed and any action necessary in order for capital treatment to

apply to the transaction. (4 marks)

(ii) Ensuring capital treatment
For the capital treatment to apply, a number of conditions need to be satisfied such that the following points need to be
– The business of Acrux Ltd consists wholly or mainly of the carrying on of a trade as opposed to the making of
– Spica is UK resident and ordinarily resident despite living in both the UK and Solaris.
– The transaction is being carried out for the purpose of the company’s trade and is not part of a scheme intended
to avoid tax. This is likely to be the case as HMRC accept that a management disagreement over the running of
the company has an adverse effect on the running of the business.
In addition, Spica must have owned the shares for at least five years so the transaction must not take place until
1 October 2008.

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