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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
Background information
B-Star is a theme park based on a popular series of children’s books. Customers pay a fixed fee to enter the park,where they can participate in a variety of activities such as riding roller-coasters, playing on slides and purchasing themed souvenirs from gift shops.
The park is open all year and has been in operation for the last seven years. It is located in a country which has very little rainfall – the park is open-air so poor weather such as rain results in a significant fall in the number of customers for that day (normally by 50%). During the last seven years there have been on average 30 days each year with rain.
B-Star is now very successful; customer numbers are increasing at approximately 15% each year.
Ticket sales
Customers purchase tickets to enter the theme park from ticket offices located outside the park. Tickets are only valid on the day of purchase. Adults and children are charged the same price for admission to the park. Tickets are preprinted and stored in each ticket office.
Tickets are purchased using either cash or credit cards.
Each ticket has a number comprising of two elements – two digits relating to the ticket office followed by six digits to identify the ticket. The last six digits are in ascending sequential order.
Cash sales
1. All ticket sales are recorded on a computer showing the amount of each sale and the number of tickets issued.
This information is transferred electronically to the accounts office.
2. Cash is collected regularly from each ticket office by two security guards. The cash is then counted by two
accounts clerks and banked on a daily basis.
3. The total cash from each ticket office is agreed to the sales information that has been transferred from each office.
4. Total cash received is then recorded in the cash book, and then the general ledger.
Credit card sales
1. Payments by credit cards are authorised online as the customers purchase their tickets.
2. Computers in each ticket office record the sales information which is transferred electronically to the accounts office.
3. Credit card sales are recorded for each credit card company in a receivables ledger.
4. When payment is received from the credit card companies, the accounts clerks agree the total sales values to the amounts received from the credit card companies, less the commission payable to those companies. The receivables ledger is updated with the payments received.
You are now commencing the planning of the annual audit of B-Star. The date is 3 June 2009 and B-Star’s year end is 30 June 2009.
(a) List and explain the purpose of the main sections of an audit strategy document and for each section, provide an example relevant to B-Star. (8 marks)
(b) (i) For the cash sales system of B-Star, identify the risks that could affect the assertion of completeness of sales and cash receipts; (4 marks)
(ii) Discuss the extent to which tests of controls and substantive procedures could be used to confirm the
assertion of completeness of income in B-Star. (6 marks)
(c) (i) List the substantive analytical procedures that may be used to give assurance on the total income from
ticket sales for one day in B-Star;
(ii) List the substantive analytical procedures that may be used to give assurance on the total income from
ticket sales in B-Star for the year. (8 marks)
(d) List the audit procedures you should perform. on the credit card receivables balance. (4 marks)
3 Clyde Williams is facing a dilemma. He has successfully built up a small family-owned company, Concrete Solutions
Ltd, manufacturing a range of concrete based products used in making roads, pavements and walkways. The
production technology is very low tech and uses simple wooden moulds into which the concrete is poured. As a
consequence he is able to use low skilled and low cost labour, which would find it difficult to find alternative
employment in a region with high unemployment levels. The company has employed many of its workforce since its
creation in 1996. The company’s products are heavy, bulky and costly to transport. This means its market is limited
to a 30-mile area around the small rural town where the manufacturing facility is located. Its customers are a mix of
private sector building firms and public sector local councils responsible for maintaining roads and pavements. By its
nature much of the demand is seasonal and very price sensitive.
A large international civil engineering company has recently approached Clyde with an opportunity to become a
supplier of concrete blocks used in a sophisticated system for preventing coast and riverbank erosion. The process
involves interlocking blocks being placed on a durable textile base. Recent trends in global warming and pressure in
many countries to build in areas liable to flooding have created a growing international market for the patented erosion
prevention system. Clyde has the opportunity to become the sole UK supplier of the blocks and to be one of a small
number of suppliers able to export the blocks to Europe. To do it he will need to invest a significant amount in CAM
(computer aided manufacturing) technology with a linked investment in the workforce skills needed to operate the
new technology. The net result will be a small increase in the size of the labour force but redundancy for a significant
number of its existing workers either unwilling or unable to adapt to the demands of the new technology. Successful
entry into this new market will reduce his reliance on the seasonal low margin concrete products he currently produces
and significantly improve profitability.
One further complication exists. Concrete Solutions is located in a quiet residential area of its home town. Clyde is
under constant pressure from the local residents and their council representatives to reduce the amount of noise and
dust created in the production process. Any move into making the new blocks will increase the pollution problems
the residents face. There is a possibility of moving the whole manufacturing process to a site on a new industrial estate
being built by the council in a rival town. However closure of the existing site would lead to a loss of jobs in the current
location. Clyde has asked for your help in resolving his dilemma.
(a) Using models where appropriate, advise Clyde on whether he should choose to take advantage of the
opportunity offered by the international company. (12 marks)
SWOT analysis, including his personal liability to manage the strategic change would be useful. There may be a significant
investment in new technology and employee training to make the new blocks. In effect he will be forming a strategic alliance
with the international company and making significant changes to both the value chain and value system. There will be no
need to invest in sales and marketing as this will be the responsibility of its larger partner. As a major strategic option there
is a need to address issues of its suitability, acceptability and feasibility. In terms of suitability the option seems to address
many of the strategic problems attached to his current product range. It is a product that can be sold all year round and into
a much wider geographical market area. It is in terms of acceptability that the dilemma reveals itself and the impact on the
different stakeholders involved – he may find stakeholder mapping and scenario building useful in coming to a decision. As
the owner of the business he needs to assess the risk involved against the likely returns. Feasibility looks reasonably sound– new resources and skills will be needed but affordable and achievable with the support of the partner.
Susan is aware of benchmarking as a useful input into performance measurement and strategic change.
(b) Assess the contribution benchmarking could make to improving the position of the Marlow Fashion Group
and any limitations to its usefulness. (8 marks)
(b) Benchmarking at Marlow Fashion will not be an easy exercise. Marlow Fashion has developed a distinctive way of reaching
its markets that means direct comparisons will be hard to make. Certainly, it can carry out historical benchmarking in
comparing how its own processes and activities have improved, or otherwise, over a relevant period of time. Unfortunately,
this is likely to simply confirm worsening performance. It can compare its own key operations against the ‘best in class’;
regardless of which industry the excellent performer comes from. It could and should have been carrying out competitive
benchmarking on the retail side of the business where information should be more easily available. There may be an
opportunity to benchmark itself against firms that have gone through a similar crisis and achieved a successful turnaround.
In terms of the advantages and disadvantages, the willingness of managers responsible for a key area of performance to
compare themselves against relevant external performance measures should make them take responsibility for any changes
necessary. In Marlow Fashion, the acceptance that things have to be done differently will be the first stage in the turnaround.
Getting managers face-to-face with the problems, accepting responsibility for change and recognising that the necessary
changes are ‘doable’ is an important stage in creating a willingness to change. The disadvantages are that every organisation
and situation is different and there is no one best way. Marlow Fashion thought it had discovered the best way and this created
an unwillingness to change. There is also the danger that you are solving today’s problems with yesterday’s solutions. A good
competitor will be trying to maintain its competitive advantage through constantly improving its processes. It also has a vested
interest in trying to prevent its improvements from being revealed to its competitors. Also, many of the ‘softer’ processes –
typically involving people – are difficult if not impossible to replicate in another organisation. These advantages are to do with
culture and leadership and not easily transferable to another organisation and the context in which it is operating.
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