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ACCA 一共有 15 科,需要考试的科目为 13 科。具体科目如下:
主要涉及作为一名财务助理或审计助理应该具备的专业知识,第一阶段完成可获得全球认可的ACCA 知识阶段资格证书—初级商业会计证书;课程列表:
(AB)会计师与企业 Accountant in Business
(MA)管理会计 Management
(FA)财务会计 Financial
主要涵盖作为一名财务经理或审计经理或企业中层管理者应具备的专业技能,通过以下六门课 程的考试可获得全球认可的 ACCA 技能阶段资格证书—高级商业会计证书,同时提交一篇7500 字左右的论文还可申请获得英国牛津布鲁克斯大学本科学位,并可赴英国本科参加毕业典礼以及继续读研;
(LW)公司法与商法 Corporate and Business Law
(PM)业绩管理 Performance Management
(TX)税务 Taxation
(FR)财务报告 Financial
(AA)审计与认证业务 Audit
and Assurance
(FM)财务管理 Financial
主要涵盖作为一名财务总监或审计合伙人或企业高管应具备的核心技能,通过后面五门课程考试后 可获得 ACCA 资格认证,并可申请英国牛津布鲁克斯大学、伯明翰城市大学等国外大学的硕士学位;
(SBL)企业战略领导力 Strategic Business leader
(SBR)企业战略报告 Strategic Business Reporting
(AFM)高级财务管理 Advanced Financial Management
(APM)高级业绩管理 Advanced Performance Management
(ATX)高级税务 Advanced
(AAA)高级审计与认证业务 Advanced Audit and Assurance
注:所有课程中 AB-SBR 是必考课程,AFM-AAA 是选修课程(4 选 2)
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(ii) Calculate the probability of the net profit being less than £75 million. (2 marks)
In 2014 Mr Yuan inherited an estate of RMB2 million from his uncle who had died two months earlier.
What is the correct treatment of the estate income for individual income tax purposes?
A.The estate income is not taxable
B.The estate income will be taxed as occasional (ad hoc) income
C.The estate income will be taxed as other income
D.The estate income will be taxed as service income
(c) Briefly discuss why the directors of HFL might choose contract D irrespective of whether or not contract D
would have been selected using expected values as per part (a). (2 marks)
(c) The directors might select Contract D under which 360,000 kilograms of organic mushrooms would be supplied to HFL for
each outlet. This is the entire capacity of HFL which would ensure that competitors would not be able to supply the same
product and hence the competitive advantage held by HFL might be preserved.
Following a competitive tender, your audit firm Cal & Co has just gained a new audit client Tirrol Co. You are the manager in charge of planning the audit work. Tirrol Co’s year end is 30 June 2009 with a scheduled date to complete the audit of 15 August 2009. The date now is 3 June 2009.
Tirrol Co provides repair services to motor vehicles from 25 different locations. All inventory, sales and purchasing systems are computerised, with each location maintaining its own computer system. The software in each location is
the same because the programs were written specifically for Tirrol Co by a reputable software house. Data from each location is amalgamated on a monthly basis at Tirrol Co’s head office to produce management and financial accounts.
You are currently planning your audit approach for Tirrol Co. One option being considered is to re-write Cal & Co’s audit software to interrogate the computerised inventory systems in each location of Tirrol Co (except for head office)
as part of inventory valuation testing. However, you have also been informed that any computer testing will have to be on a live basis and you are aware that July is a major holiday period for your audit firm.
(a) (i) Explain the benefits of using audit software in the audit of Tirrol Co; (4 marks)
(ii) Explain the problems that may be encountered in the audit of Tirrol Co and for each problem, explain
how that problem could be overcome. (10 marks)
(b) Following a discussion with the management at Tirrol Co you now understand that the internal audit department are prepared to assist with the statutory audit. Specifically, the chief internal auditor is prepared to provide you with documentation on the computerised inventory systems at Tirrol Co. The documentation provides details of the software and shows diagrammatically how transactions are processed through the inventory system. This documentation can be used to significantly decrease the time needed to understand the computer systems and enable audit software to be written for this year’s audit.
Explain how you will evaluate the computer systems documentation produced by the internal audit
department in order to place reliance on it during your audit. (6 marks)
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