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第二步,进入Professional Ethics module,模块包含10个单位,按照数字顺序完成。大约需要1小时至3小时的时间。

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完成ABMAFA+foundation in professionalism module,可获得ACCA商业会计师资格证。完成F阶段9+professional ethics module,可获得ACCA高级商业会计师资格证。

再次强调,ACCA道德模块测试并不会影响你的ACCA任何一门考试科目的正常考试,只是会影响到OBUACCA Member。建议你认真做,一次通过。大概要花3-4小时,做完的部分系统会保存的,不用担心。以后申请OBUMember都需要完成道德模块测试,所以只要你做完了就代表满足申请OBUMember的其中一个要求了。




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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Explain the matters that should be considered when planning the nature and scope of the examination of

Cusiter Co’s forecast balance sheet and income statement as prepared for the bank. (7 marks)

(b) Matters to be considered
Tutorial note: Candidates at this level must appreciate that the matters to be considered when planning the nature and
scope of the examination are not the same matters to be considered when deciding whether or not to accept an
engagement. The scenario clearly indicates that the assignment is being undertaken by the current auditor rendering any
‘pre-engagement’/‘professional etiquette’ considerations irrelevant to answering this question.
This PFI has been prepared to show an external user, the bank, the financial consequences of Cusiter’s plans to help the bank
in making an investment decision. If Cusiter is successful in its loan application the PFI provides a management tool against
which the results of investing in the plant and equipment can be measured.
The PFI is unpublished rather than published. That is, it is prepared at the specific request of a third party, the bank. It will
not be published to users of financial information in general.
The auditor’s report on the PFI will provide only negative assurance as to whether the assumptions provide a reasonable basis
for the PFI and an opinion whether the PFI is:
■ properly prepared on the basis of the assumptions; and
■ presented in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework.
The nature of the engagement is an examination to obtain evidence concerning:
■ the reasonableness and consistency of assumptions made;
■ proper preparation (on the basis of stated assumptions); and
■ consistent presentation (with historical financial statements, using appropriate accounting principles).
Such an examination is likely to take the form. of inquiry, analytical procedures and corroboration.
The period of time covered by the prospective financial information is two years. The assumptions for 2008 are likely to be
more speculative than for 2007, particularly in relation to the impact on earnings, etc of the investment in new plant and
The forecast for the year to 31 December 2007 includes an element of historical financial information (because only part of
this period is in the future) hence actual evidence should be available to verify the first three months of the forecast (possibly
more since another three-month period will expire at the end of the month).
Cusiter management’s previous experience in preparing PFI will be relevant. For example, in making accounting estimates
(e.g. for provisions, impairment losses, etc) or preparing cash flow forecasts (e.g. in support of the going concern assertion).
The basis of preparation of the forecast. For example, the extent to which it comprises:
■ proforma financial information (i.e. historical financial information adjusted for the effects of the planned loan and capital
expenditure transaction);
■ new information and assumptions about future performance (e.g. the operating capacity of the new equipment, sales
generated, etc).
The nature and scope of any standards/guidelines under which the PFI has been prepared is likely to assist the auditor in
discharging their responsibilities to report on it. Also, ISAE 3400 The Examination of Prospective Financial Information,
establishes standards and provides guidance on engagements to examine and report on PFI including examination
The planned nature and scope of the examination is likely to take into account the time and fee budgets for the assignments
as adjusted for any ‘overlap’ with audit work. For example, the examination of the PFI is likely to draw on the auditor’s
knowledge of the business obtained in auditing the financial statements to 31 December 2006. Analytical procedures carried
out in respect of the PFI may provide evidence relevant to the 31 December 2007 audit.

(c) Briefly outline the corporation tax (CT) issues that Tay Limited should consider when deciding whether to

acquire the shares or the assets of Tagus LDA. You are not required to discuss issues relating to transfer

pricing. (7 marks)

(c) (1) Acquisition of shares
The acquisition of shares in Tagus LDA will add another associated company to the group. This may have an adverse
effect on the rates of corporation tax paid by the two existing group companies, particularly Tay Limited.
Taxation of profits
Profits will be taxed in Portugal. Any profits remitted to the UK as dividends will be taxable as Schedule D Case V income,
but will attract double tax relief. Double tax relief will be available against two types of tax suffered in Portugal. Credit
will be given for any tax withheld on payments from Tagus LDA to Tay Limited and relief will also be available for the
underlying tax as Tay Limited owns at least 10% of the voting power of Tagus LDA. The underlying tax is the tax
attributable to the relevant profits from which the dividend was paid. Double tax relief is given at the lower rate of the
UK tax and the foreign tax (withholding and underlying taxes) suffered.
As Tagus LDA is a non-UK resident company, losses arising in Tagus LDA cannot be group relieved against profits of the
two UK companies. Similarly, any UK trading losses cannot be used against profits generated by Tagus LDA.
(2) Acquisition of assets
The business of Tagus will be treated as a branch of Tay Limited i.e. an extension of the UK company’s activities. The
number of associated companies will be unaffected.
Taxation of profits
Tay Limited will be treated as having a permanent establishment in Portugal. Profits attributable to the Tagus business
will thus still be taxed in Portugal. In addition, the profits will be taxed in the UK as trading income. Double tax relief
will be available for the tax already suffered in Portugal at the lower of the two rates.
Capital allowances will be available. As the assets in question will not previously have been subject to a claim for UK
capital allowances, there will be no cost restriction and the consideration attributable to each asset will form. the basis
for the capital allowance claim.
The Tagus trade is part of Tay Limited’s trade, so any losses incurred by the Portuguese trade will automatically be offset
against the trading profits of the UK trade, and vice versa.

(b) Comment on the need for ethical guidance for accountants on money laundering. (4 marks)

(b) Need for ethical guidance
■ Accountants (firms and individuals) working in a country that criminalises money laundering are required to comply with
anti-money laundering legislation and failure to do so can lead to severe penalties. Guidance is needed because:
– legal requirements are onerous;
– money laundering is widely defined; and
– accountants may otherwise be used, unwittingly, to launder criminal funds.
■ Accountants need ethical guidance on matters where there is conflict between legal responsibilities and professional
responsibilities. In particular, professional accountants are bound by a duty of confidentiality to their clients. Guidance
is needed to explain:
– how statutory provisions give protection against criminal action for members in respect of their confidentiality
– when client confidentiality over-ride provisions are available.
■ Further guidance is needed to explain the interaction between accountants’ responsibilities to report money laundering
offences and other reporting responsibilities, for example:
– reporting to regulators;
– auditor’s reports on financial statements (ISA 700);
– reports to those charged with governance (ISA 260);
– reporting misconduct by members of the same body.
■ Professional accountants are required to communicate with each other when there is a change in professional
appointment (i.e. ‘professional etiquette’). Additional ethical guidance is needed on how to respond to a ‘clearance’ letter
where a report of suspicion has been made (or is being contemplated) in respect of the client in question.
Tutorial note: Although the term ‘professional clearance’ is widely used, remember that there is no ‘clearance’ that the
incumbent accountant can give or withhold.
■ Ethical guidance is needed to make accountants working in countries that do not criminalise money laundering aware
of how anti-money laundering legislation may nevertheless affect them. Such accountants may commit an offence if,
for example, they conduct limited assignments or have meetings in a country having anti-money laundering legislation
(e.g. UK, Ireland, Singapore, Australia and the United States).

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