首先就是在ACCA F阶段的一些新题型:
ACCA考试科目 |
考试题型 |
F5 F7 F9 |
15 x 2 mark 客观题 3 x 10 mark 案例客观题 2 x 20 mark 主观题 |
F6 (UK) |
15 x 2 mark 客观题 3 x 10 mark 案例客观题 1 x 10 mark 主观题 2 x 15 mark 主观题 |
F8 |
3 x 10 mark 案例客观题
1 x 30 mark 主观题 |
ACCA 机考题型介绍(主要是F阶段)
(一)客观题(Objective test questions/ OT questions)客观题是指这些单一的,题干较短的,并且自动判分的题目。每道客观题的分值为2分,考生必须回答的完全正确才可以得分,即使回答正确一部分,也不能得到分数。所以,考生要认真仔细的看问题,不要马虎大意
(二)案例客观题 (OT case questions)
(三) 主观题 (Constructed response questions/ CR qustions)考生将使用电子表格程序和文字处理程序去完成主观题的回答。就像笔试中的主观题一样,答案最终将由专家判分。
ACCA P阶段题型分析
Section A: 1 compulsory case study * 50 Marks;
Section B: Choice of 2 from 3 questions * (25 marks each)
Section A will be a compulsory case study question with typically four or five sub-requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link a range of subject areas acrossthe syllabus. It will require students to demonstrate high-level capabilities to understand the complexities of the case and evaluate, relate and apply the information in the case study to the requirements.
Section B questions are more likely to assess a range of discrete subject areas from the main syllabus section headings. They may require evaluation and synthesis of information contained within short scenarios and application of this information to the question requirements.
ACCA P2考试题型构成
Section A will consist of one scenario based question worth 50 marks. It will deal with the preparation of consolidated financial statements including group statements of cash flows and with issues in financial reporting. A written part normally covering a particular accounting treatment and ethical and social issues in financial reporting.
Students will be required to answer two out of three questions in Section B, which will normally comprise two questions which will be scenario or case-study based and one essay question which may have some computational element. Section B could deal with any aspects of the syllabus. New accounting standards will feature prominently in this section on initial introduction.
ACCA P3考试题型构成
Section A: 1 compulsory case study * 50 Marks;
Section B: Choice of 2 from 3 questions * (25 marks each)
Section A will be a compulsory case study question with several requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link several subject areas from across the syllabus, and will require you to demonstrate high-level capabilities to evaluate, relate and apply the information in the scenario to the question requirements. There will always be some financial or numerical data in the scenario and marks will be available for numerical analysis which supports your written argument.
Section B questions are more likely to examine discrete subject areas. They will be based on short scenarios, and you will be expected to apply information from the scenarios to the question requirements.
ACCA P4考试题型构成
Section A contains ONE compulsory question of 50 marks.
Section B is a choice of TWO from three questions, each carrying 25 marks. There are 3 hours for the exam, plus 15 minutes of reading time.
ACCA P5考试题型构成
Part A One compulsory question 50 marks.
Part B Two from three questions each of 25 marks
ACCA P7考试题型构成
The first 2 questions in the exam are compulsory and will be worth anywhere between 50% and 70%. The remaining 30% – 50% are divided between 2 from 3 other questions
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(ii) Briefly discuss THREE disadvantages of using EVA? in the measurement of financial performance.
(3 marks)
(ii) Disadvantages of an EVA approach to the measurement of financial performance include:
(i) The calculation of EVA may be complicated due to the number of adjustments required.
(ii) It is difficult to use EVA for inter-firm and inter-divisional comparisons because it is not a ratio measure.
(iii) Economic depreciation is difficult to estimate and conflicts with generally accepted accounting principles.
Note: Other relevant discussion would be acceptable.
(d) The management of Wonderland plc have become concerned about the increased level of operating costs
associated with its petrol-driven ferries and have made a strategic decision to dispose of these. They are now
considering entering into a contract with the Newman Steamship Company (NSC), a shipping organisation based
in Robynland. The contract would entail NSC providing transport to and from Cinola Island for all visitors to the
zoo and circus.
As a result of negotiations with NSC, the directors of Wonderland plc are considering two options whereby NSC
will become responsible for the transportation of visitors to and from Cinola Island with effect from 1 December
2007 or 1 December 2008.
Additional information is available as follows:
(1) NSC would require Wonderland plc to pay for the necessary modifications to their steamships in order that
they would satisfy marine regulations with regard to passenger transportation. The only firm which could
undertake this work is currently working to full capacity and would require a payment of £2,450,000 in
order to undertake the work necessary so that the ferries could be in operation by 1 December 2007. The
same firm would require a payment of £1,725,000 in order to make the necessary modifications so that
the ferries could be in operation by 1 December 2008. The government of Robynland would be willing to
pay a grant of 8% towards the cost of getting the ferries into operation by 1 December 2007, but would not
be willing to pay a grant in respect of any later date.
(2) On 1 December 2002 Wonderland plc paid £500,000 to the Port Licencing Authority of Robynland. This
payment was for a licence which entitles Wonderland plc to use all harbour facilities in Robynland during
the five-year period ending 30 November 2007. The licence could be renewed on 1 December 2007 at a
cost of £150,000 per annum.
(3) Redundancy payments would need to be paid in respect of loss of employment. These would amount to
£1,200,000 if the contract with NSC commenced on 1 December 2007. This amount would reduce to
£750,000 if the contract commenced on 1 December 2008.
(4) Wonderland plc has a contract for the provision of petrol for its ferries which is due to expire on 30 November
2008. Early termination of the contract would incur a penalty charge of £76,000. An emergency reserve
stock of petrol held by Wonderland plc, which cannot be used after 30 November 2007 due to marine
regulations regarding the age of fuel, could be sold for £55,000 on 1 December 2007 but not on any date
(5) The ferries could be sold for £3,300,000 on 1 December 2007. If retained after 1 December 2007 the
ferries would require servicing during the year ending 30 November 2008 which would incur costs
amounting to £150,000. The resale value of the ferries on 1 December 2008 would be £2,900,000.
(6) Stock of consumable items which originally cost £150,000 could be sold on 1 December 2007 for
£110,000 and on 1 December 2008 for £50,000.
(i) On purely financial grounds, advise whether the management of Wonderland plc should enter into a
contract with NSC with effect from 1 December 2007 or 1 December 2008. You may ignore the time
value of money. (9 marks)

(b) Explain by reference to Hira Ltd’s loss position why it may be beneficial for it not to claim any capital
allowances for the year ending 31 March 2007. Support your explanation with relevant calculations.
(6 marks)
(b) The advantage of Hira Ltd not claiming any capital allowances
In the year ending 31 March 2007 Hira Ltd expects to make a tax adjusted trading loss, before deduction of capital
allowances, of £55,000 and to surrender the maximum amount possible of trading losses to Belgrove Ltd and Dovedale Ltd.
For the first nine months of the year from 1 April 2006 to 31 December 2006 Hira Ltd is in a loss relief group with Belgrove
Ltd. The maximum surrender to Belgrove Ltd for this period is the lower of:
– the available loss of £41,250 (£55,000 x 9/12); and
– the profits chargeable to corporation tax of Belgrove of £28,500 (£38,000 x 9/12).
i.e. £28,500. This leaves losses of £12,750 (£41,250 – £28,500) unrelieved.
For the remaining three months from 1 January 2007 to 31 March 2007 Hira Ltd is a consortium company because at least
75% of its share capital is owned by companies, each of which own at least 5%. It can surrender £8,938 (£55,000 x 3/12
x 65%) to Dovedale Ltd and £4,812 (£55,000 x 3/12 x 35%) to Belgrove Ltd as both companies have sufficient taxable
profits to offset the losses. Accordingly, there are no losses remaining from the three-month period.
The unrelieved losses from the first nine months must be carried forward as Hira Ltd has no income or gains in that year or
the previous year. However, the losses cannot be carried forward beyond 1 January 2007 (the date of the change of
ownership of Hira Ltd) if there is a major change in the nature or conduct of the trade of Hira Ltd. Even if the losses can be
carried forward, the earliest year in which they can be relieved is the year ending 31 March 2009 as Hira Ltd is expected to
make a trading loss in the year ending 31 March 2008.
Any capital allowances claimed by Hira Ltd in the year ending 31 March 2007 would increase the tax adjusted trading loss
for that year and consequently the unrelieved losses arising in the first nine months.
If the capital allowances are not claimed, the whole of the tax written down value brought forward of £96,000 would be
carried forward to the year ending 31 March 2008 thus increasing the capital allowances and the tax adjusted trading loss,
for that year. By not claiming any capital allowances, Hira Ltd can effectively transfer a current period trading loss, which
would be created by capital allowances, of £24,000 (25% x £96,000) from the year ending 31 March 2007 to the following
year where it can be surrendered to the two consortium members.
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