

ACCA是特许会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)的简称,成立于1904,是目前世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际上海外学员多的、发展快的专业会计师组织。一些学员在想要报考ACCA考试的时候,也在担心ACCA考试的难度。今天51题库考试学习网就为大家解答一下这一问题。


ACCA 考试的难度是以英国大学学位考试的难度为标准,具体而言,第一、第二部分的难度分别相当于学士学位高年级课程的考试难度,第三部分的考试相当于硕士学位最后阶段的考试。





ACCA(特许公认会计师公会)是全球广受认可的国际专业会计师组织,为全世界有志投身于财 会、金融以及管理领域的专才提供首选的资格认证。一贯坚持最高的标准,提高财会人员的专业素质,职业操守以及监管能力,并秉承为公众利益服务的原则。

ACCA是国际认可范围最高的财务人员资格证书,是世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。ACCA 目前在大中华区拥有 26,000 名会员 及 133,000 名学员和准会员,并在北京、上海、广州、深圳、成都、沈阳、青岛、武汉、长沙、 香港和澳门共设有 11 个办公室。 ACCA 为全球 179 个国家的 219,000 名会员及 527,000 名学员和准会员提供支持,帮助他们具备 雇主所需的技能,从而在财会行业及商界建立成功的职业生涯。ACCA 通过全球 110 个办公室, 以及全球 7,571 家认可雇主和 328 家认可教育合作伙伴,提供高标准的学习与发展服务。 ACCA 致力于维护公共利益,提倡适度的会计监管方式。

同时,通过开展国际化研究,不断提升 财会行业的声誉与影响力。 通过对 ACCA 专业资格的重大创新,ACCA 将确保会员继续成为全球倍受推崇和青睐、与时俱进 的专业会计师。 自 1904 年成立以来,ACCA 一直秉承独特的核心价值,即机遇、多元性、创新、诚信和责任。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(d) There is considerable evidence to suggest that as a result of implementation problems less than 50% of all

acquisitions achieve their objectives and actually end up reducing shareholder value.


Provide Ken with a brief report on the most likely sources of integration problems and describe the key

performance indicators he should use to measure progress towards acquisition objectives. (15 marks)

(d) Many academic studies, together with actual managerial experience, point to the post-acquisition integration phase as being
the key to an acquirer achieving their acquisition objectives. In particular, the creation (or destruction) of shareholder value
rests most heavily on the success of the integration phase, which in turn helps determine whether the acquirer has chosen
the ‘right’ target company and paid the right price for it. One source strongly argues that the capability to manage the
integration of the two organisational sturctures, in particular the conversion of information systems and retention and
motivation of key employees, determines how much value can be extracted from the combined entities. The ability to manage
the integration process will therefore affect the success of the prior phases of the acquisition process – the search for and
screening of potential candidates, the effective carrying out of due diligence, financial evaluation and successful negotiation
of the deal.
Unfortunately, the failure to develop the necessary integration skills dooms many firms to continued failure with their
acquisitions, though some firms are conspicuously successful in developing such a capability and they gain significant
competitive advantage over their less successful competitors and create value for the stakeholders. One explanation for this
conspicuous inability to learn from past acquisition experience, compared with other activities in the value chain, lies with
their infrequency and variety. ‘No acquisition is like another.’ Much of the difficulty however lies in the complex

interrelationship and interdependency between the activities being integrated and a consequent difficulty of knowing what is
causing performance problems. Thus, it is no good communicating all the positives to the customer if there is a failure to
retain and motivate the sales force. To this complexity of integrating different processes is added the problem of developing
appropriate measures of and accurate monitoring of the integration processes. In one study of US bank acquirers, only 40%
had developed specific performance measures for the systems conversion process, despite the critical importance of systems
integration to efficient operation of the combined banks. Key performance indicators need to be set in the areas previously
identified as offering major opportunities for synergies. These synergies will affect both the cost and revenue side of the
business. Real cost reductions are clearly a major reason for the proposed acquisition in view of the competitive environment
faced. Equally relevant are appropriate measures of customer service. Each area will need appropriate key performance
indicators showing priorities and relevant timescales for achievement.
Therefore, there is a critical need to learn from previous experience and the relationship between decisions made, actions
taken and performance outcomes. This knowledge and experience needs to be effectively recorded and shared. It can then
influence the earlier phases of the acquisition referred to above, thus leading to a virtuous circle of better integration and
acquisitions that actually enhance value. In so doing, acquisitions can lead to faster growth and better performance.

(b) Discuss the statements of the operational manager of Bonlandia and assess their implications for SSH.

(4 marks)

(b) In a market place such as that in which SSH competes, product and service quality assumes critical significance. Quality is
a key determinant of the financial results and the level of competitiveness achieved by SSH. This will always be the case and
therefore quality may be viewed as a strategic necessity if SSH is to prosper in the future. Therefore, the statements of the
manager of Bonlandia operations are myopic at best and unethical at worst! Businesses use software in a variety of different
ways but poor quality software can do serious harm to businesses. Much will depend on the extent to which a business uses
its information for strategic reasons as opposed to meeting operational needs. The more a business uses its information
systems for strategic reasons then the greater the potential damage suffered as a consequence of poor quality software. It is
wrong for the manager of Bonlandia operations to knowingly promote the installation of poor quality business software in
clients’ businesses. The effects can be costly to clients in terms of poor planning, control and decision-making with potential
losses of client goodwill and reputation.

2 (a) Explain the term ‘backflush accounting’ and the circumstances in which its use would be appropriate.

(6 marks)

(a) Backflush accounting focuses upon output of an organisation and then works backwards when allocating costs between cost
of goods sold and inventories. It can be argued that backflush accounting simplifies costing since it ignores both labour
variances and work-in-progress. Whilst in a perfect just-in-time environment there would be no work-in-progress at all, there
will in practice be a small amount of work-in-progress in the system at any point in time. This amount, however, is likely to
be negligible in quantity and therefore not significant in terms of value. Thus, a backflush accounting system simplifies the
accounting records by avoiding the need to follow the movement of materials and work-in-progress through the manufacturing
process within the organisation.
The backflush accounting system is likely to involve the maintenance of a raw materials and work-in–progress account
together with a finished goods account. The use of standard costs and variances is likely to be incorporated into the
accounting entries. Transfers from raw materials and work-in-progress account to finished goods (or cost of sales) will probably
be made at standard cost. The difference between the actual inputs and the standard charges from the raw materials and
work-in-progress account will be recorded as a residual variance, which will be recorded in the profit and loss account. Thus,
it is essential that standard costs are a good surrogate for actual costs if large variances are to be avoided. Backflush
accounting is ideally suited to a just-in-time philosophy and is employed where the overall cycle time is relatively short and
inventory levels are low. Naturally, management will still be eager to ascertain the cause of any variances that arise from the
inefficient usage of materials, labour and overhead. However investigations are far more likely to be undertaken using nonfinancial
performance indicators as opposed to detailed cost variances.

2 Chen Products produces four manufactured products: Products 1, 2, 3 and 4. The company’s risk committee recently

met to discuss how the company might respond to a number of problems that have arisen with Product 2. After a

number of incidents in which Product 2 had failed whilst being used by customers, Chen Products had been presented

with compensation claims from customers injured and inconvenienced by the product failure. It was decided that the

risk committee should meet to discuss the options.

When the discussion of Product 2 began, committee chairman Anne Ricardo reminded her colleagues that, apart from

the compensation claims, Product 2 was a highly profitable product.

Chen’s risk management committee comprised four non-executive directors who each had different backgrounds and

areas of expertise. None of them had direct experience of Chen’s industry or products. It was noted that it was

common for them to disagree among themselves as to how risks should be managed and that in some situations,

each member proposed a quite different strategy to manage a given risk. This was the case when they discussed

which risk management strategy to adopt with regard to Product 2.


(a) Describe the typical roles of a risk management committee. (6 marks)

(a) Typical roles of a risk management committee
The typical roles of a risk management committee are as follows:
To agree and approve the risk management strategy and policies. The design of risk policy will take into account the
environment, the strategic posture towards risk, the product type and a range of other relevant factors.
Receiving and reviewing risk reports from affected departments. Some departments will file regular reports on key risks (such
as liquidity assessments from the accounting department, legal risks from the company secretariat or product risks from the
sales manager).
Monitoring overall exposure and specific risks. If the risk policy places limits on the total risk exposure for a given risk then
this role ensures that limits are adhered to. In the case of certain strategic risks, monitoring could occur on a very frequent
basis whereas for more operational risks, monitoring will more typically occur to coincide with risk management committee
Assessing the effectiveness of risk management systems. This involves getting feedback from departments and the internal
audit function on the workings of current management and risk mitigation systems.
Providing general and explicit guidance to the main board on emerging risks and to report on existing risks. This will involve
preparing reports on apparent risks and assessing their probability of being realised and their potential impact if they do.
To work with the audit committee on designing and monitoring internal controls for the management and mitigation of risks.
If the risk committee is part of the executive structure, it will likely have an advisory role in respect of its input into the audit
committee. If it is non-executive, its input may be more directly influential.
[Tutorial note: other roles may be suggested that, if relevant, will be rewarded]

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