










第一阶段(知识阶段)(AB MA FA)分涉及基本会计学原理、管理学原理、管理会计基础;

第二阶段(技能阶段)(LW PM TX FR AA FM)涵盖专业财会人员应具备的核心专业技能;

第三阶段(高级阶段)(SBL SBR APM AFM ATX AAA)培养学员以专业知识对信息进行评估,并提出合理的经营建议和忠告。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using franchising to develop La Familia Amable budget hotel

chain? (8 marks)

(b) Franchising is typically seen as a quick and cost effective way of growing the business but Ramon should be aware of both
the advantages and disadvantages of using it as the preferred method of growth. Franchised chains are argued to benefit from
the sort of brand recognition and economies of scale not enjoyed by independent owner/managers. When combined with the
high levels of motivation normally associated with owner/managed businesses, franchises can be argued to get the best of
both worlds.
Franchising is defined as ‘a contractual agreement between two legally independent companies whereby the franchisor grants
the right to the franchisee to sell the franchisor’s product or do business under its trademarks in a given location for a specified
period of time. In return, the franchisee agrees to pay the franchisor a combination of fees, usually including an up-front
franchise fee, royalties calculated as a percentage of unit revenues, and an advertising conbribution that is also usually a
percentage of unit sales.’
Ramon is considering a type of franchising called ‘business-format franchising’, where the franchisor sells a way of doing
business to its franchisees. Business-format franchising is a model frequently found in the fast food and restaurant industry,
hotels and motels, construction and maintenance, and non-food retailing. Often these franchises are labour intensive and
relatively small-scale operations.
Franchising is seen as a safer alternative to growing the business organically, so while this may be true of well established
global franchises, failure rates among franchised small businesses were greater than those of independent businesses (in one
US study a 34·7% failure rate for franchises as opposed to 28·0% for independents over a six or seven year period). Often
it is the failure of the franchisor that brings down its franchisees. Failure stems from the franchisee not only having to rely on
their own skills and enthusiasm but also the capacity of the franchisor and other franchisees to make the overall operation
The advantages to the franchisee are through gaining access to a well-regarded brand name that will generate a higher level
of demand and use of a tried and tested business model that should reduce the franchisee’s operating costs. Both of these
benefits stem from being a member of a well-established franchised system. Yet La Familia Amable along with many other
franchises will be new and small. These smaller franchises tend to be regional in scope, and fairly unknown outside their
regional market. This has a significant effect on what the franchisees can expect to gain from their franchisors and their
prospects of success. Both parties need to carefully assess the strengths and weaknesses of the system. Companies growing
via franchises need to take the time to understand their business model thoroughly and determine how franchising fits with
their long-term strategy. Care must be taken with the franchise agreement that creates a genuine partnership with the rightbalance between freedom and control over the franchisees.

(b) Using relevant evaluation criteria, assess how achievable and compatible these three strategic goals are over

the next five years. (20 marks)

(b) The three strategic goals are to become the leading premium ice cream brand in the UK; to increase sales to £25 million;
and to achieve a significant entry into the supermarket sector. On the basis of performance to date these goals will certainly
be stretching. All three strategies will involve significant growth in the company. Johnson and Scholes list three success criteria
against which the strategies can be assessed, namely suitability, acceptability and feasibility. Suitability is a test of whether a
strategy addresses the situation in which a company is operating. In Johnson and Scholes’ terms it is the firm’s ‘strategic
position’, an understanding of which comes from the analysis done in the answer to the question above. Acceptability is
concerned with the likely performance outcomes of the strategy and in particular whether the return and risk are in line with
the expectations of the stakeholders. Feasibility is the extent to which the strategy can be made to work and is determined
by the strategic capability of the company reflecting the resources available to implement the strategy. It is interesting to see
that the three growth related goals are compatible in that becoming the leading premium brand will involve increased market
penetration, product development and market development. If achieved it will increase sales and necessitate a successful
entry into the supermarket sector. Time will be an important influence on the success or otherwise of these growth goals –
five years seems to be a reasonable length of time to achieve these ambitious targets.
Suitability – Churchill is currently a small but significant player at the premium end of the market. This segment is becoming
more significant and is attractive because of the high prices and high margins attainable. This is leading to more intense
competition with global companies. One immediate question that springs to mind is what precisely does ‘leading brand’
mean? The most obvious test is that of market share and unless Churchill achieve the access to the supermarkets looked for
in the third strategic goal, seems difficult to achieve. If ‘leading brand’ implies brand recognition this again looks very
ambitious. On the positive side this segment of the ice cream market is showing significant growth and Churchill’s success
in gaining sponsorship rights to major sporting events is a step in the right direction. The combination of high price and high
quality should position the company where it wants to be. Achieving sales of £25 million represents a quantum shift in
performance in a company that has to date only achieved modest levels of sales growth.
Acceptability – as a family owned business the balance between risk and return is an important one. The family to date has
been ‘happy’ with a modest rate of growth and modest return in terms of profits. The other significant stakeholder group is
the professional managers headed up by Richard Smith. They seem much more growth orientated and may be happier with
the risks that the growth strategy entails. The family members seem more interested in the manufacturing side than the
retailing side of the business and their bad previous experiences with growing the business through international market
development may mean they are risk averse and less willing to invest the necessary resources.
Feasibility – again this is linked to how ‘leading brand’ is defined. If as seems likely the brand becomes more widely known
through increasing the number of company owned ice cream stores then a significant investment in retail outlets will be
necessary. Increasing the number of franchised outlets will reduce the financial resources required but may be at the expense
of the brand’s reputation. Certainly there would seem to be a need for increased levels of advertising and promotion –
particularly to gain access to the ice cream cabinets in the supermarket chains. This is likely to mean an increase in the
number of sales and marketing staff. Equally important will be the ability to develop and launch new products in a luxury
market shaped by impulse buying and customers looking to indulge themselves.
Overall, becoming the leading brand of premium ice cream may well be the key to achieving the desired presence in the
supermarket ice cream cabinets, which in turn is a pre-requisite for increasing company sales to £25 million. So the three
strategic goals may be regarded as consistent and compatible with one another. However each strategic goal will have to be
broken down into its key elements. For example in achieving sales of £25 million what proportion of sales will come from its
own ice cream stores and what proportion from other outlets including the supermarkets? Sales to date of Churchill ice cream
are dominated by impulse purchases but in achieving sales of £25 million penetrating the take home market will be essential.
Finally, what proportion of these take home sales will be under the supermarkets own label brands? Over reliance on own
label sales will seriously weaken Churchill’s desire to become the leading national brand of premium ice cream. It looks to
be an ambitious but attainable strategy but will require a significant planning effort to develop the necessary resources andcapabilities vital to successful implementation of the strategy.

(iii) delegation. (3 marks)

(iii) DELEGATION is giving a subordinate the discretion to make decisions within a certain, defined sphere of influence. Therefore the superior must possess the authority to delegate. The key element here is discretion and the level of authority within a specific sphere which is behind the problems at Flavours Fine Foods. Authority should be clearly delegated as appropriate to the managers and, through them, to the supervisors.

(c) mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. (5 marks)


(c) Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
CPD is defined5 as ‘the continuous maintenance, development and enhancement of the professional and personal knowledge
and skills which members of ACCA require throughout their working lives’.
All professional accountants need to maintain their competence and develop new skills to be effective in their current and
future employment. CPD helps keep accountants in practice employable and maintains their reputation with employers,
clients and the public. It also helps maintain the accounting profession’s reputation for producing and supporting high calibre
individuals. Therefore, CPD is something which professional accountants should take personal responsibility for, and be doing
as part of their everyday work.

Mandatory CPD for active members of IFAC member bodies (such as ACCA) was introduced with effect from 1 January 2005
onwards. ACCA has introduced CPD as a requirement for all active members, subject to the phasing-in dates (and waivers).
Tutorial note: IFAC issued International Education Standard (IES) 7, which requires the introduction of CPD for all active
members of IFAC member bodies.
ACCA practising certificate and insolvency licence holders are still required to participate in technical CPD training. All other
members will also be asked to state on their annual CPD return that they maintain competence in professional ethics.
The scheme is being introduced in phases:
■ phase 1 (2005) – members admitted since 1 January 2001, and all practising certificate and insolvency licence
■ phase 2 (2006) – members admitted between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 2000;
■ phase 3 (2007) – all remaining members.
Tutorial note: However, ACCA encouraged all members to adopt the scheme from 1 January 2005.
Affiliates join the CPD scheme on 1 January following their date of admittance to membership.
There are two routes to participation in ACCA’s CPD scheme:
(1) the unit scheme route (40 units approximate to 40 hours required each year); and
(2) the approved CPD employer route (i.e. where employers are recognised as effectively providing ACCA members with
Tutorial note: Alternatively, if an ACCA member is also a member of another IFAC accounting body and that CPD scheme
is compliant with IFAC’s CPD IES 7, they may choose to follow that body’ s route.

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