


Part Translation

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET(15points)

Last SundayChinas central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said if necessarythe nation will consider widening the yuans trading band

But any change in the yuans floating band will depend on the global economic situation and its not the only tool the country would use to make its currency more flexibleZhou said at the Group of 20 meeting in Cape TownSouth Africa

China widened the yuans daily trading band against the U.S. dollar from plus or minus 0. 3 percent to 0. 5 percent in May

Howevermarket observers said some commercial banks are ordered by the central bank to hand in reserve requirements in foreign currencies next weekwhich will translate into demand for the U.S. dollar. This will somehow help slow down RMBS appreciation against the greenback in the coming few days

Part Writing

Section A

Directions: Write a letter of application for the position an Director of a Computer-Aided Learning Center. Try to make the letter interesting and show that you have enthusiasm for the job. Also state the qualifications you have for the job and your work experience. (10points)

Part Translation




五月,中国人民币对美元汇率的日波幅从±0. 3%扩大到±0. 5%


Part Writing

Section A


March 12, 2004

Dear Sir:

I read with interest your advertisement in the Communications of the A.C.M for the position of Director of the new Computer-Aided Learning Center being set up by Ray Conwell Co., Inc. RCC has a reputation for producing high-quality products such as the Mandolin Network System. I am interested in joining such a professional organization。

As you can see from the enclosed resume, my previous work has included supervision of software product development as well as extensive work in computer-aided learning. Although my educational training concentrated on theoretical computer science, my current interests lie more in applications of computer science principles to produce viable products。

My years of studying and teaching in the university setting have given me a good knowledge of pedagogical process. I look forward to the opportunity to apply this in the development of a state-of-the-art CAL system. My previous experience in systems design work makes me confident that I could make a valuable contribution to Ray Conwell Co., Inc。

I am looking forward to your reply。

Sincerely Yours,

Merwin. D. Kresh



Part Translation

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET(15points)

Last SundayChinas central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said if necessarythe nation will consider widening the yuans trading band

But any change in the yuans floating band will depend on the global economic situation and its not the only tool the country would use to make its currency more flexibleZhou said at the Group of 20 meeting in Cape TownSouth Africa

China widened the yuans daily trading band against the U.S. dollar from plus or minus 0. 3 percent to 0. 5 percent in May

Howevermarket observers said some commercial banks are ordered by the central bank to hand in reserve requirements in foreign currencies next weekwhich will translate into demand for the U.S. dollar. This will somehow help slow down RMBS appreciation against the greenback in the coming few days

Part Writing

Section A

Directions: Write a letter of application for the position an Director of a Computer-Aided Learning Center. Try to make the letter interesting and show that you have enthusiasm for the job. Also state the qualifications you have for the job and your work experience. (10points)

Part Translation




五月,中国人民币对美元汇率的日波幅从±0. 3%扩大到±0. 5%


Part Writing

Section A


March 12, 2004

Dear Sir:

I read with interest your advertisement in the Communications of the A.C.M for the position of Director of the new Computer-Aided Learning Center being set up by Ray Conwell Co., Inc. RCC has a reputation for producing high-quality products such as the Mandolin Network System. I am interested in joining such a professional organization。

As you can see from the enclosed resume, my previous work has included supervision of software product development as well as extensive work in computer-aided learning. Although my educational training concentrated on theoretical computer science, my current interests lie more in applications of computer science principles to produce viable products。

My years of studying and teaching in the university setting have given me a good knowledge of pedagogical process. I look forward to the opportunity to apply this in the development of a state-of-the-art CAL system. My previous experience in systems design work makes me confident that I could make a valuable contribution to Ray Conwell Co., Inc。

I am looking forward to your reply。

Sincerely Yours,

Merwin. D. Kresh


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。



A.减少职业性致癌物的暴露 B.改善生存质量,对症性治疗 C.改进烟草质量使之无害化 D.对高发区及高危人群定期检査

肿瘤的三级预防为:①一级预防:消除或减少可能致癌的因素,防止癌症的发生,包括戒烟(C)、 合理饮食、减少职业暴露(A)、防止环境污染等;②二级预防是指早期发现、早期诊断与早期治疗,对髙发 区及高危人群定期检査是较确切可行的方法(D),从中可发现癌前期病变并及时治疗,如切除胃肠道腺 瘤或息肉,及时治疗子宫颈慢性炎症伴不典型增生病变等;③三级预防是指改善生存质量,对症性治疗 (B),如世界卫生组织提出的癌症三级止痛阶梯治疗方案等。




马斯洛的需求理论。 马斯洛需求层次理论(七层):从低级到高级分别为生理需要、安全需要、归属与爱的需要、尊重需要、认知需要、审美需要、自我实现的需要。前四者被归为低级需要即缺失需要,后三者被归为高级需要即生长需要

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