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● Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:

A Become more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structure

B Manage high risk repetitive work

C Provide clients with multiple points of contact

D Provide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activities

E All of the above


更多 “ ● Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:A Become more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structureB Manage high risk repetitive workC Provide clients with multiple points of contactD Provide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activitiesE All of the above ” 相关考题
考题 Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:ABecome more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structureBManage high risk repetitive workCProvide clients with multiple points of contactDProvide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activitiesEAll of the above

考题 Once the logic of a network is laid out, the project manager will conduct a forward pass and backward pass through the network. This will provide information on the _____ and identification of the _____ .A.Slack for each activity, critical path.B.Slack for each activity, high risk activities.C.Manpower shortages, high risk activities.D.High risk activities, non-critical paths.E.Manpower availability, contingency plans.

考题 Expectancy theory as applied to project management implies that:A The team will work the hardest on those goals that are clearly explained by the project managerB The more rewards that the project manager provides, the better the performance of the teamC Team members will work hardest for those project goals that also bring satisfaction to personal goalsD Employees will work hardest for those project goals which are accompanied by high levels of authority for the individual team membersE None of the above

考题 Project Risk Management is based on which of the following premises:A the future is unknown.B unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.C we cannot control risk events.D project risk impact can be measured and controlledE All of the above.

考题 Risk classified as unknown unknowns (i.e., those which cannot be identified or evaluated):A should be deflected to the contracting officerB should be handled via contingency allowancesC should be ignored, since they cannot be identifiedD should be ignored, since they are not covered in the Project Risk AssessmentE C and D

考题 By using Project Risk Management techniques, project managers can develop strategies that do all but which of the following:A Significantly reduce project risksB eliminate project risksC provide a rational basis for better decision makingD identify risks, their impact(s), and any appropriate responsesE None of the above.

考题 Which of the following actions is an example of risk response:A adjust project parameters (scope, time, quality ...)B reduce the probability of potential project risk eventsC reduce the consequences of potential project risk eventsD wait until a problem actually happens, then deal with it in the most effective and efficient manner.E A, B and C only

考题 It is useful to conduct project risk assessment according to the project'sA charterB statement of workC Work Breakdown structureD networkE budget

考题 156 Expectancy theory as applied to project management implies that:A. The team will work the hardest on those goals that are clearly explained by the project managerB. The more rewards that the project manager provides, the better the performance of the teamC. Team members will work hardest for those project goals that also bring satisfaction to personal goalsD. Employees will work hardest for those project goals which are accompanied by high levels of authority for the individual team members E. None of the above

考题 23 Which of the following actions is an example of risk response:A. adjust project parameters (scope, time, quality ...)B. reduce the probability of potential project risk events C. reduce the consequences of potential project risk eventsD. wait until a problem actually happens, then deal with it in the most effective and efficient manner.E. A, B and C only

考题 76 Risk classified as unknown unknowns (i.e., those which cannot be identified or evaluated): A. should be deflected to the contracting officerB. should be handled via contingency allowancesC. should be ignored, since they cannot be identifiedD. should be ignored, since they are not covered in the Project Risk AssessmentE. C and D

考题 108 Project Risk Management is based on which of the following premises:A. the future is unknown.B. unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.C. we cannot control risk events.D. project risk impact can be measured and controlledE. All of the above

考题 192 Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:A. Become more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structureB. Manage high risk repetitive workC. Provide clients with multiple points of contactD. Provide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activitiesE. All of the above

考题 105 Which of the following actions is an example of risk response:A. adjust project parameters (scope, time, quality ...)B. reduce the probability of potential project risk eventsC. reduce the consequences of potential project risk eventsD. wait until a problem actually happens, then deal with it in the most effective and efficient manner.E. A, B and C only

考题 ______assesses the priority of identified ri sks using their probability of occurring,the corresponding impact on project objectives if the risks do occur,as well as other factors such as the time frame. and risk tolerance of the project constraints of cost,schedule,scope,and quality.A.Quantitative Risk AnalysisB.Qualitative Risk AnalysisC.Enterprise Environmental FactorsD.Risk Management Plan

考题 Murphys Law suggests, If anything can go wrong, it will. Murphy has motivated numerous pearls of wisdom about projects; machines, people, and why things go wrong. A project is a [temporary] sequence of unique, complex, and connected( )having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to ( ).Project management is the( )of scoping, planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling the development of an acceptable information system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame. Project management is a cross life cycle activity because it overlaps all phases of any systems development methodology. For any systems development project, effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the deadline, is developed within a (an) ( )budget, and fulfills customer expectations and specifications. Corporate rightsizing has changed the structure and culture of most organizations, and hence, project management. More flexible and temporary interdepartmental(不同部门间)teams that are given greater responsibility and authority for the success of organizations have replaced rigid hierarchical command structures and permanent teams. Contemporary system development methodologies depend on having teams that include both technical and nontechnical users, managers, and information technologists all directed to the project goal. These( )teams require leadership and project management.A.activities B.tasks C.services D.softwareA.document B.order C.specification D.authorityA.process B.activity C.step D.taskA.predefined B.acceptable C.rigid D.StrictA.invariable B.fixed C.permanent D.dynamic

考题 ()is the process of identifying individual project risks as well as source of overall project risk,and documenting their characteristics.A.identify risks B.monitor risks C.implement risks responses D.plan risk management

考题 资料:In the business environment nearly all individuals within an organization will belong to one or more groups or teams. A team is a set of people with a range of different skills that will ideally have objectives that contribute to the overall corporate strategy of the business. They will usually have somebody who is identified as the team leader. The importance of teams that perform well cannot be underestimated. It is generally accepted by high achieving organizations that to be effective you need to . 1.create a motivated team 2.give team members a brief alongside objectives 3.appoint a leader of the team 4.manage the team 5.provide them with authority 6.monitor the progress of the team 7.ensure effective communications streams(lack of communication can be the one of the biggest issues and failures within organization.) The phrase 'two heads are better than one' helps to describe the purpose of teams. Teams provide an opportunity to share ideas and strengths and use a variety of viewpoints and experiences. A team provides individuals with a common purpose. They also have a common identity as they strive together towards a common goal. What is the feature of a team?A.everyone in the team is equal in position. B.everyone works in the same office. C.every person in the team has different skills. D.everyone works for the common goal.

考题 资料:In the business environment nearly all individuals within an organization will belong to one or more groups or teams. A team is a set of people with a range of different skills that will ideally have objectives that contribute to the overall corporate strategy of the business. They will usually have somebody who is identified as the team leader. The importance of teams that perform well cannot be underestimated. It is generally accepted by high achieving organizations that to be effective you need to . 1.create a motivated team 2.give team members a brief alongside objectives 3.appoint a leader of the team 4.manage the team 5.provide them with authority 6.monitor the progress of the team 7.ensure effective communications streams(lack of communication can be the one of the biggest issues and failures within organization.) The phrase 'two heads are better than one' helps to describe the purpose of teams. Teams provide an opportunity to share ideas and strengths and use a variety of viewpoints and experiences. A team provides individuals with a common purpose. They also have a common identity as they strive together towards a common goal. What is not supposed to do if you want to be effective in business?A.express clearly the common goal of the team. B.allow the team leader to make final decisions after discussions. C.create a team randomly. D.monitor the progress of the team.

考题 A project is a[temporary](请作答此空)of unique,complex,and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time,within budget,and according to( ).Project management is the process of scoping,planning,staffing,organizing,directing,and controlling the development of a(n)( )system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.For any systems development project,effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the( ),is developed within an acceptable budget,and fulfills customer expectations and specifications,Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project,extends through a project,and doesn't culminate until the project is completed.The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process.Process management is an ongoing activity that documents,manages the use of,and improves an organization s chosen methodology(the“process”)for system development,Process management is concerned with the activities,deliverables,and quality standards to be applied to( )project(s).A.task B.work C.sequence D.activity

考题 A project is a[temporary]( )of unique,complex,and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time,within budget,and according to(请作答此空).Project management is the process of scoping,planning,staffing,organizing,directing,and controlling the development of a(n)( )system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.For any systems development project,effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the( ),is developed within an acceptable budget,and fulfills customer expectations and specifications,Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project,extends through a project,and doesn't culminate until the project is completed.The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process.Process management is an ongoing activity that documents,manages the use of,and improves an organization s chosen methodology(the“process”)for system development,Process management is concerned with the activities,deliverables,and quality standards to be applied to( )project(s).A.specification B.rules C.estimates D.designs

考题 ( ) Assesses the priority of identified risks using their probability of occurring,the corresponding impact on project objectives if the risks do occur,as well as other factors such as the time frame and risk tolerance of the project constraints of cost,schedule,scope,and quality. A.Quantitative Risk Analysis B.Qualitative Risk Analysis C.Enterprise Environmental Factors D.Risk Management Plan

考题 Which two Cisco Wireless Control System (WCS) statements are true?()A、the WCS Base version includes all the features of the WCS Location version as well as additional enhancementsB、the WCS Base version provides on-demand location of rogue access points and clients to within 33 feet (10 meters)C、WCS adds a graphical view of multiple Cisco Wireless LAN controllers and managed access pointsD、WCS includes a network management tool which is similar to a site survey toolE、WCS uses the CDP protocol to communicate with the controllers

考题 What is a benefit of using subflows?()A、decreases the amount of flows  B、collects information about callers to agents  C、creates a framework for CRS Server status reporting D、decreases latency through increased bandwidth on CRS Server  E、provides more efficient management of flows that are called by multiple other flows

考题 ()assesses the priority of identified risks using their probability of occurring, the corresponding impact on project objectives if the risks do occur, as well as other factors such as the time frame and risk tolerance of the project constraints of cost, schedule, scope, and quality.A、Quantitative Risk AnalysisB、Qualitative Risk AnalysisC、Enterprise Environmental FactorsD、Risk Management Plan

考题 A large company would like to roll out thin clients to all retail terminals on its next upgrade. Which of the following are potential risks of this IT plan?()A、Power consumption;thin clients use more energy than comparable workstations and therefore have a larger energy footprint.B、Single point of failure;if the thin client server goes down all machines are without functionality.C、Centralized administration;IT staff cannot rely on localized group policy settings.D、High cost of terminals;compared to traditional workstations,thin clients are very expensive and require more maintenance.

考题 单选题()assesses the priority of identified risks using their probability of occurring, the corresponding impact on project objectives if the risks do occur, as well as other factors such as the time frame and risk tolerance of the project constraints of cost, schedule, scope, and quality.A Quantitative Risk AnalysisB Qualitative Risk AnalysisC Enterprise Environmental FactorsD Risk Management Plan