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3.未符合1、2项报名资格的16周岁以上的申请者,也可以先申请参加FIA(Foundations in Accountancy)基础财务资格考试。在完成基础商业会计(FAB)、基础管理会计(FMA)、基础财务会计(FFA)3门课程,并完成ACCA基础职业模块,可获得ACCA商业会计师资格证书(Diploma in Accounting and Business),资格证书后可豁免ACCAF1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入技能课程的考试。





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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

5 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is currently in a joint project with the Accounting Standards

Board (ASB) in the UK and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the USA in the area of reporting

financial performance/comprehensive income. The main focus of the project is the development of a single statement

of comprehensive income to replace the income statement and statement of changes in equity. The objective is to

analyse all income and expenses and categorise them in a way that increases users’ understanding of the results of

an entity and assists in forming expectations of future income and expenditure. There seems to be some consensus

that the performance statement should be divided into three components being the results of operating activities,

financing and treasury activities, and other gains and losses.


(a) Describe the reasons why the three accounting standards boards have decided to cooperate and produce a

single statement of financial performance. (8 marks)

(a) The main reasons why the three accounting standards boards have decided to come together in a joint project regarding a
single performance statement are as follows:
(i) there are many different formats and classifications used for financial statements and different time periods used for
comparative data in different countries.
(ii) there are no common definitions as regards the key elements of financial performance and no agreement on the standard
definitions of the key ratios which would then determine the nature of the information that financial statements should
provide. There has been an increase in the reporting of alternative and often inconsistent financial performance
measures that has led to confusion and often has misled users.
(iii) there has been an increase in the use of pro-forma reporting which would tend to suggest that the existing totals and
sub totals in financial statements are not being used or relied upon as much as in the past.
(iv) there are benefits in separating transactions and events that are recorded at historical cost from those recorded at fair
value. Also, the differentiation between trading and holding gains gives useful information. This ‘mixed attribute’ model
is causing concern over the effects on reported performance.
(v) there is often insufficient disaggregation of data which prevents effective financial analysis of performance.
(vi) there has been an inconsistency in the use of ‘recycling ‘in financial statements of different jurisdictions which has led
to issues of reporting gains and losses twice.
(vii) the reporting of gains and losses on financial instruments required consideration. The gains and losses may currently be
reported under several headings dependent upon the nature of the instrument.
(viii) there are many relevant items excluded from the performance statements and inappropriate items included. For example
the reporting of foreign currency gains/losses on the retranslation of the net investment in foreign operations is normally
recognised in equity in many countries and dividends proposed shown on the face of the income statement when it does
not meet the definition of a liability and is a transaction with the owners of the business and not third parties.
(ix) Information is inconsistently classified within and outside totals and subtotals.

(b) (i) Discuss the relationship between the concepts of ‘business risk’ and ‘financial statement risk’; and

(4 marks)

(b) (i) Business risk is defined as a threat which could mean that a business fails to meet an ongoing business objective.
Business risks represent problems which are faced by the management of a business, and these problems should be
identified and assessed for their possible impact on the business.
Financial statement risk is the risk that components of the financial statements could be misstated, through inaccurate
or incomplete recording of transactions or disclosure. Financial statement risks therefore represent potential errors or
deliberate misstatements in the published accounts of a business.
There is usually a direct relationship between business risk and financial statement risk. Generally a business risk, if not
addressed by management, will have an impact on specific components of the financial statements. For example, for
Medix Co, declining demand for metal surgical equipment has been identified as a business risk. An associated financial
statement risk is the potential over-valuation of obsolete inventory.
Sometimes business risks have a more general effect on the financial statements. Weak internal systems and controls
are often identified as a business risk. Inadequacies in systems and controls could lead to errors or misstatements in
any area of the financial statements so auditors would perceive this as a general audit risk factor.
Business risks are often linked to going concern issues, because if a business is failing to meet objectives such as cash
generation, or revenue maximisation, then it may struggle to continue in operational existence. In terms of financial
statement risk, going concern is a very specific issue, and the risk is normally the inadequate disclosure of going concern
problems. In the extreme situation where a business is definitely not a going concern, then the risk is that the financial
statements have been prepared on the wrong basis, as in this case the ‘break up basis’ should be used.
Business risk and financial statement risk concepts can both be used by auditors in order to identify areas of the financial
statements likely to be misstated at the year end. The business risk approach places the auditor ‘in the shoes’ of
management, and therefore provides deeper insight into the operations of the business and generates extensive business

2 (a) Define the following terms:

(i) Forensic Accounting;

(ii) Forensic Investigation;

(iii) Forensic Auditing. (6 marks)

2 Crocus Co
(a) (i) Forensic accounting utilises accounting, auditing, and investigative skills to conduct an examination into a company’s
financial statements. The aim of forensic accounting is to provide an accounting analysis that is potentially suitable for
use in court. Forensic accounting is an umbrella term encompassing both forensic investigations and forensic audits. It
includes the audit of financial information to prove or disprove a fraud, the interview process used during an
investigation, and the act of serving as an expert witness.
Tutorial note: Forensic accounting can be used in a very wide range of situations, e.g. settling monetary disputes in
relation to a business closure, marriage break up, insurance claim, etc. Credit will be awarded for any reasonable
examples provided.
(ii) A forensic investigation is a process whereby a forensic accountant carries out procedures to gather evidence, which
could ultimately be used in legal proceedings or to settle disputes. This could include, for example, an investigation into
money laundering. A forensic investigation involves many stages (similar to an audit), including planning, evidence
gathering, quality control reviews, and finally results in the production of a report.
(iii) Forensic auditing is the specific use of audit procedures within a forensic investigation to find facts and gather evidence,
usually focused on the quantification of a financial loss. This could include, for example, the use of analytical
procedures, and substantive procedures to determine the amount of an insurance claim.

JOL Co was the market leader with a share of 30% three years ago. The managing director of JOL Co stated at a

recent meeting of the board of directors that: ‘our loss of market share during the last three years might lead to the

end of JOL Co as an organisation and therefore we must address this issue immediately’.


(b) Discuss the statement of the managing director of JOL Co and discuss six performance indicators, other than

decreasing market share, which might indicate that JOL Co might fail as a corporate entity. (10 marks)

(b) It would appear that JOL’s market share has declined from 30% to (80 – 26)/3 = 18% during the last three years. A 12%
fall in market share is probably very significant with a knock-on effect on profits and resultant cash flows. Obviously such a
declining trend needs to be arrested immediately and this will require a detailed investigation to be undertaken by the directors
of JOL. Consequently loss of market share can be seen to be an indicator of potential corporate failure. Other indicators of
corporate failure are as follows:
Six performance indicators that an organisation might fail are as follows:
Poor cash flow
Poor cash flow might render an organisation unable to pay its debts as and when they fall due for payment. This might mean,
for example, that providers of finance might be able to invoke the terms of a loan covenant and commence legal action against
an organisation which might eventually lead to its winding-up.
Lack of new production/service introduction
Innovation can often be seen to be the difference between ‘life and death’ as new products and services provide continuity
of income streams in an ever-changing business environment. A lack of new product/service introduction may arise from a
shortage of funds available for re-investment. This can lead to organisations attempting to compete with their competitors with
an out of date range of products and services, the consequences of which will invariably turn out to be disastrous.
General economic conditions
Falling demand and increasing interest rates can precipitate the demise of organisations. Highly geared organisations will
suffer as demand falls and the weight of the interest burden increases. Organisations can find themselves in a vicious circle
as increasing amounts of interest payable are paid from diminishing gross margins leading to falling profits/increasing losses
and negative cash flows. This leads to the need for further loan finance and even higher interest burden, further diminution
in margins and so on.
Lack of financial controls
The absence of sound financial controls has proven costly to many organisations. In extreme circumstances it can lead to
outright fraud (e.g. Enron and WorldCom).
Internal rivalry
The extent of internal rivalry that exists within an organisation can prove to be of critical significance to an organisation as
managerial effort is effectively channeled into increasing the amount of internal conflict that exists to the detriment of the
organisation as a whole. Unfortunately the adverse consequences of internal rivalry remain latent until it is too late to redress
Loss of key personnel
In certain types of organisation the loss of key personnel can ‘spell the beginning of the end’ for an organisation. This is
particularly the case when individuals possess knowledge which can be exploited by direct competitors, e.g. sales contacts,
product specifications, product recipes, etc.

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