


I had two routine checkups last week and both the eye doctor and the dentist asked me to update my health history for their records. Their requests made sense. Health-care providers should know what problems their patients have had and what medications they\'re taking to be on the lookout for potential trouble or complications.

On each history however the section labeled FAMILY HEALTH HISTORY gave me pause. Few diseases are purely genetic but plenty have genetic components. If my father suffered from elevated LDL or bad cholesterol my doctor should know that because I\'m probably at higher risk. If my mother had breast cancer my sister (if I had one) would want her physician to be especially vigilant.

While I know something about the history of my parents\' health-my father had prostate cancer at a relatively young age and suffered from macular degeneration and Parkinson\'s disease and my mother died of lung cancer-there\'s plenty I don\'t know. What were my parents\' cholesterol numbers and blood pressures? I assume I would have known if either suffered from diabetes but I can\'t swear to that. And when it comes to my grandparents whose genes I also have I\'m even more in the dark.

That makes me fairly typical. According to Dr. Richard Carmona the U.S. Surgeon General only about a third of Americans have even tried to put together a family-health history. That\'s why he has launched the Family History Initiative and declared Thanksgiving National Family History Day. Sitting around the turkey talking about cancer and heart disease may seem like a grim thing to do when you\'re supposed to be giving thanks for everything that\'s going right. But since many families will be gathering for the holiday anyway it\'s a perfect time to create a medical family tree.

And the Surgeon General is making it easy if you go to hhs.gov/familyhistory you can use the Frequently Asked Questions link to find out which diseases tend to run in families which ones you should be most and least worried about and what to do if like me your parents and grandparents have passed away. You can also download a free piece of software called My Family Health Portrait which helps you organize the information. The program prints that out in a easy-to-read form you can give to your doctors.

The website insists the software is fun”, but that may be going a bit far. In any case it\'s available only for Windows machines so Mac users and people without computers have to use a printed version of the tree. It\'s worth it though since it could help save your life or the life of your children someday.

(1):本文选自Time; 11/22/2004 p100;

(2):本文习题命题模仿对象为2005年真题Text 1;

1. In the opening paragraph the author introduces his topic by

[A] posing a contrast.

[B] justifying an assumption.

[C] explaining a phenomenon.

[D] making a comparison.

2. The statement I assume I would have known if either suffered from diabetes but I can\'t swear to that. (Line 4 Paragraph 3) implies that

[A] only one of them suffered from diabetes.

[B] neither of them suffered from diabetes.

[C] both of them suffered from diabetes.

[D] it\'s uncertain whether they suffered from diabetes or not.

3. Family health report is very important because

[A] you can be careful about some disease and keep fit.

[B] you are connected with your parents and your grandparents.

[C] many diseases are genetic and should be noticed.

[D] you should be considerate and care about your parents.

4. Dr. Richard Carmona suggests that

[A] you should present your doctor with a medical history.

[B] you should print out your family\'s medical history.

[C] you should gather your family\'s medical history.

[D] you should give thanks for everything that is going right.

5. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

[A] The software is fun enough.

[B] Family medical tree shouldn\'t be neglected.

[C] The software is not available anywhere.

[D] It is worthwhile to draw a family tree.

答案:C B A C B


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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自杀的预防。 (1)评估自杀的危险因素。 有学者提出了评估自杀危险的4P模式,即痛苦、计划、既往史和附加情况,他们以此评估自杀的危险因素。 ①痛苦是指评估者个人受到了多大的伤害,其所受的伤害是否是无法承受的。 ②计划是指自杀者是否定下了自杀的日期?自杀计划的具体内容是什么?他是否真的有可能实施这个计划? ③既往史是指评估自杀者既往的自杀企图、重要他人的丧失、疾病、婚姻关系的破裂、身心的创伤以及性侵犯的情况。 ④附加情况是指评估社会支持的情况,个体抱有的希望及活下去的理由。 (2)热线干预与危机干预。 ①自杀热线的工作人员通常是志愿者,他们会努力倾听来电话者的诉说,同时与其讨论为什么不要自杀,并告诉他们在什么地方寻求专业的帮助。保持交谈、建立信任是电话热线干预的基本原则。 ②对自杀的危机干预,强调首先要评估自杀的危险因素,积极倾听,表达自己的感受,良好的共情,以真诚的态度与来访者进行交谈。

男性,20岁。1周来四肢皮肤散在紫癜,3天来双膝关节肿痛伴阵发性腹疼痛。化验血 Hb 125g/L, WBC 9.5X109/L, PLT213X109/L,尿蛋白(±), RBC 5?10个/HP。
A.血沉 B.肾功能
C.腹部B超 D.毛细血管脆性试验


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