




























下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Illustrate how you might use analytical procedures to provide audit evidence and reduce the level of detailed

substantive procedures. (7 marks)

(b) Illustration of use of analytical procedures as audit evidence
Tutorial note: Note that ‘as audit evidence’ requires consideration of substantive analytical procedures rather that the
identification of risks (relevant to part (a)).
Analytical procedures may be used in testing revenue for completeness of recording (‘understatement’). The average selling
price of a vehicle in 2005 was $68,830 ($526·0 million ÷ 7,642 vehicles). Applying this to the number of vehicles sold
in 2006, might be projected to generate $698·8 million ($68,830 × 10,153) revenue from the sale of vehicles. The draft
financial statements therefore show a potential shortfall of $110·8 million ($(698·8 – 588·0) million) that is, 15·6%.
This should be investigated and substantiated through more detailed analytical procedures. For example, the number of
vehicles sold should be analysed into models and multiplied by the list price of each for a more accurate estimate of potential
revenue. The impact of discounts and other incentives (e.g. 0% finance) on the list prices should then be allowed for. If
recorded revenue for 2006 (as per draft income statement adjusted for cutoff and consignment inventories) is materially lower
than that calculated, detailed substantive procedures may be required in order to show that there is no material error.
‘Proof in total’/reasonableness tests
The material correctness, or otherwise, of income statement items (in particular) may be assessed through appropriate ‘proof
in total’ calculations (or ‘reasonableness’ tests). For example:
■ Employee benefits costs: the average number of employees by category (waged/salaried/apprenticed) × the average pay
rate for each might prove that in total $91·0 million (as adjusted to actual at 31 December 2006) is not materially
misstated. The average number of employees needs to be checked substantively (e.g. recalculated based on the number
of employees on each payroll) and the average pay rates (e.g. to rates agreed with employee representatives).
Tutorial note: An alternative reasonableness might be to take last year’s actual adjusted for 2006 numbers of
employees grossed-up for any pay increases during the year (pro-rated as necessary).
■ Depreciation: the cost (or net book value) of each category of asset × by the relevant straight-line (or reducing balance)
depreciation rate. If a ‘ballpark’ calculation for the year is materially different to the annual charge a more detailed
calculation can be made using monthly depreciation calculations. The cost (or net book value) on which depreciation
is calculated should be substantively tested, for example by agreeing brought forward balances to prior year working
papers and additions to purchase invoices (costings in respect of assets under construction).
Tutorial note: Alternatively, last year’s depreciation charge may be reconciled to this year’s by considering depreciation
rates applied to brought forward balances with adjustments for additions/disposals.
■ Interest income: an average interest rate for the year can be applied to the monthly balance invested (e.g. in deposit
accounts) and compared with the amount recognised for the year to 31 December 2006 (as adjusted for any accrued
interest per the bank letter for audit purposes). The monthly balances (or averages) on which the calculation is
performed should be substantiated to bank deposit statements.
■ Interest expense: if the cash balances do not go into overdraft then this may be similar expenses (e.g. prompt payment
discounts to customers). If this is to particular dealers then a proof in total might be to apply the discount rate to the
amounts invoiced to the dealer during the period.
Immaterial items
For immaterial items analytical procedures alone may provide sufficient audit evidence that amounts in the financial
statements are not materially misstated so that detailed substantive procedures are not required. For example, a comparison
of administration and distribution, maintenance and insurance costs for 2006 compared with 2005 may be sufficient to show
that material error is highly unlikely. If necessary, further reasonableness tests could be performed. For example, considering
insurance costs to value of assets insured or maintenance costs to costs of assets maintained.
Ratio analysis
Ratio analysis can provide substantive evidence that income statement and balance sheet items are not materially misstated
by considering their inter-relationships. For example:
■ Asset turnover: Based on the draft financial statements property, plant and equipment has turned over 5·2 times
($645·5/124·5) compared with 5·9 times in 2005. This again highlights that income may be overstated, or assets
overstated (e.g. if depreciation is understated).
■ Inventory turnover: Using cost of materials adjusted for changes in inventories this has remained stable at 10·9 times.
Tutorial note: This is to be expected as in (a) the cost in the income statement has increased by 9% and the value of
inventories by 8·5%.
Inventories represent the smallest asset value on the balance sheet at 31 December 2006 (7·8% of total assets).
Therefore substantive procedures may be limited to agreeing physical count of material items (vehicles) and agreeing
■ Average collection period: This has increased to 41 days (73·1/645·5 × 365) from 30 days. Further substantive analysis
is required, for example, separating out non-current amounts (for sales on 0% finance terms). Substantive procedures
may be limited to confirmation of amounts due from dealers (and/or receipt of after-date cash) and agreeing cutoff of
goods on consignment.
■ Payment periods: This has remained constant at 37 days (2005 – 38 days). Detailed substantive procedures may be
restricted to reconciling only major suppliers’ statements and agreeing the cutoff on parts purchased from them.

15 Which of the following statements about intangible assets are correct?

1 If certain criteria are met, research expenditure must be recognised as an intangible asset.

2 Goodwill may not be revalued upwards.

3 Internally generated goodwill should not be capitalised.

A 2 and 3 only

B 1 and 3 only

C 1 and 2 only

D All three statements are correct


6 Certain practices have developed that threaten to damage the integrity and objectivity of professional accountants and

the reputation of the accounting profession.


Explain the following practices and associated ethical risks and discuss whether current ethical guidance is


(a) ‘lowballing’; (5 marks)

Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will
be given suitable credit.
(a) ‘Lowballing’
Explanation of term
‘Lowballing’ is the ‘loss-leading’ practice in which auditors compete for clients by reducing their fees for statutory audits.
Lower audit fees are then compensated by the auditor carrying out more lucrative non-audit work (e.g. consultancy and tax
advice). Audits may even be offered for free.
Such ‘predatory pricing’ may undercut an incumbent auditor to secure an appointment into which higher price consultancy
services may be sold.
Ethical risks
There is a risk of incompetence if the non-audit work does not materialise and the lowballing firm comes under pressure to
cut corners or resort to irregular practices (e.g. the falsification of audit working papers) in order to ‘keep within budget’.
However, a lack of audit quality may only be discovered if the situation arises that the company collapses and the auditors
are charged with negligence.
If, rather than comprise the quality of the audit, an audit firm substantially increases audit fees, a fee dispute could arise. In
this case the client might refuse to pay the higher fee. It could be difficult then for the firm to take the matter to arbitration
if the client was misled. Thus an advocacy threat may arise.
Financial dependence is a direct incentive that threatens independence. A self-interest threat therefore arises when, having
secured the audit, the audit firm needs the client to retain its services in order to recoup any losses initially incurred.
The provision of many other services gives rise to a self-review threat (as well as a self-interest threat).
Sufficiency of current ethical guidance
In current ethical guidance, the fact that an accountancy firm quotes a lower fee than other tendering firms is not improper,
providing that the prospective client is not misled about:
– the precise range of services that the quoted fee is intended to cover; and
– the likely level of fees for any other work undertaken.
This is clearly insufficient to prevent the practice of lowballing.
Legal prohibitions on the provision of many non-audit services (e.g. bookkeeping, financial information systems design and
implementation, valuation services, actuarial services, internal audit (outsourced), human resource services for executive
positions, investment and legal services) should make lowballing a riskier pricing strategy. This may curb the tendency to
Lowballing could be eliminated if, for example, auditors were required to act ‘exclusively as auditors’. Although regulatory
environments have moved towards this there is not a total prohibition on non-audit services.

(b) State, with reasons, the principal additional information that should be made available for your review of

Robson Construction Co. (8 marks)

(b) Principal additional information
■ Any service contracts with the directors or other members of the management team (e.g. the quantity surveyor). These
may contain ‘exit’ or other settlement terms in the event that their services are no longer required after a takeover/buyout.
■ Prior period financial statements (to 30 June 2005) disclosing significant accounting policies and the key assumptions
concerning the future (and other key sources of estimation uncertainty) that have a significant risk of causing a material
adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the year to 30 June 2006.
For example, concerning:
– the outcome on the Sarwar dispute;
– estimates for guarantees/claims for rectification;
– assumptions made in estimating costs to completion (e.g. for increases in costs of materials or labour).
Tutorial note: Under IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ the judgements made by management that have the
most significant effect on amounts recognised in financial statements (other than those involving estimations) should
also be disclosed.
■ The most recent management accounts and cash flow forecasts to assess the quality of management information being
used for decision-making and control. In particular, in providing Robson with the means of keeping its cash flows within
its overdraft limit.
Tutorial note: Note that Prescott has substantial cash resources. Therefore Robson’s lack of finance might be a reason
why its management are interested in selling the business.
■ A copy of the signed bank agreement for the overdraft facility (and any other agreements with finance providers). Any
breaches in debt covenants might result in penalties of contingent liabilities that Prescott would have to bear if it acquired
■ The standard terms of contracts with customers for construction works. In particular, for:
– guarantees given (e.g. for rectification under warranty);
– penalty clauses (e.g. in the event of overruns or non-completion);
– disclaimers (including conditions for invoking force majeure).
Prescott will want to make some allowance for settlement of liabilities arising on contracts already completed/in-progress
when offering a price for Robson.
Tutorial note: A takeover might excuse Robson from fulfilling a contract.
■ Legal/correspondence files dealing with matters such as the claims of the residents of the housing development and
Robson’s claim against Sarwar Services Co. Also, fee notes rendered by Robson’s legal advisers showing the costs
incurred on matters referred to them.
■ Robson’s insurer’s ‘cover note’ to determine Robson’s exposure to claims for rectification work, damages, injuries to
employees, etc.
■ The quantity surveyor’s working papers for the last quarterly count (presumably at 31 March 2006) and the latest
available rolling budgets. Particular attention should be given to loss-making contracts and contracts that have not been
started. (Prescott might seek to settle rather than fulfil them.) The pattern of taking profits on contracts will be of
interest, for example, to determine the accuracy of the quantity surveyor’s estimates.
Tutorial note: A regular pattern of taking too much profit too soon might be due to underestimating costs to completion
or be evidence of cost overruns due to rectification.
■ Type and frequency of constructions undertaken. Prescott is interested in the building and refurbishment of hotels and
leisure facilities. Robson’s experience in this area may not be extensive.
■ Non-current asset register showing location of plant and equipment so that some test checking on physical existence
might be undertaken (if an agreed-upon-procedure).

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