ACCA 机考题型介绍
(一)客观题(Objective test questions/ OT questions)客观题是指这些单一的,题干较短的,并且自动判分的题目。每道客观题的分值为2分,考生必须回答的完全正确才可以得分,即使回答正确一部分,也不能得到分数。
(二)案例客观题 (OT case questions)
(三) 主观题 (Constructed response questions/ CR
ACCA F1 (机考)考试科目 : 企业会计
时间 : 2 hours ;通过分数 : 50 ,F1 考试包含2个sections:
Section A
:46 道题目,其中30道题,每题2分;16道题,每题1分。总分值是76分。
Section B
ACCA F2 (机考)考试科目 : 管理会计
时间 : 2 hours 通过分数 : 50 ; F2 考试包含2个sections:
Section A
Section B
(机考)考试科目 : 财务会计
时间 : 2 hours 通过分数 : 50,F3 考试包含2个sections
Section A
Section B
ACCA F4 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 企业法和商法
时间 : 2 hours 通过分数 : 50 ,F4包含2个sections
Section A
Section B
ACCA F5 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 绩效管理
时间 : 3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F5包含了3个sections
Section A
: 15道客观题,每题2分,总分30分。
Section B
: 3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分,总分30分
Section C
: 2道案例分析题,每题20分,总分40分
ACCA F6 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 税法 (UK版本)
时间 : 3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F6包含了3个sections:
Section A
:15道客观题,每题2分。Section A 总分30分。
Section B
:3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section B 总分30分
Section C
:3道案例分析题,每题10或 15分。Section C 总分40分
ACCA F7 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 :财务报告
时间 :3 hours 通过分数 : 50 F7包含了3个sections
Section A
:15道客观题,每题2分。Section A 总分30分。
Section B
: 3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section B 总分30分
Section C
: 2道案例分析题,每题20分。Section C 总分40分。
ACCA F8 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 :审计
时间 :3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F8包含了2个sections:
Section A:3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section A 总分30分
Section B:3道案例分析题,每道题目20或30分。Section B 总分 70分。
ACCA F9 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 财务管理
时间 :3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F9包含了3个sections:
Section A
:15道客观题,每题2分。Section A 总分30分。
Section B
:3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section B 总分30分
Section C
:2道案例分析题,每题20分。Section C 总分40分。
P1 公司治理、P2 高级财务报告、P3 战略管理、P4 高级财务管理、P5 高级绩效管理
Section A
Section B
P6 高级税法、P7 高级审计 分为2个section:
Section A
2道必做题 总分60分。
Section B
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) What advantages and disadvantages might result from outsourcing Global Imaging’s HR function?
(8 marks)
(b) It is important to note that there is nothing in the nature of the activities carried out by HR staff and departments that prevents
outsourcing being looked at as a serious option. Indeed, amongst larger companies the outsourcing of some parts of the HR
function is already well under way, with one source estimating that HR outsourcing is growing by 27% each year. Paul,
therefore, needs to look at the HR activities identified above and assess the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing a
particular HR activity. Outsourcing certain parts of the recruitment process has long been accepted, with professional
recruitment agencies and ‘head-hunters’ being heavily involved in the advertising and short listing of candidates for senior
management positions. Some HR specialists argue that outsourcing much of the routine personnel work, including
maintaining employees’ records, frees the HR specialist to make a real contribution to the strategic planning process. One
study argues that ‘HR should become a partner with senior and line managers in strategy execution’.
If Paul is able to outsource the routine HR activities this will free him to contribute to the development of the growth strategy
and the critical people needs that strategy will require. In many ways the HR specialist is in a unique position to assess current
skills and capabilities of existing staff and the extent to which these can be ‘leveraged’ to achieve the desired strategy. In
Hamel and Prahalad’s terms this strategy is likely to ‘stretch’ the people resources of the company and require the recruitment
of additional staff with the relevant capabilities. Paul needs to show how long it will take to develop the necessary staff
resources as this will significantly influence the time needed to achieve the growth strategy.
Outsourcing passes on to the provider the heavy investment needed if the company sets up its own internal HR services with
much of this investment now going into web-based systems. The benefits are reduced costs and improved service quality.
The downside is a perceived loss of control and a reduced ability to differentiate the HR function from that of competitors.
Issues of employee confidentiality are also relevant in the decision to outsource.
(b) Router has a number of film studios and office buildings. The office buildings are in prestigious areas whereas
the film studios are located in ‘out of town’ locations. The management of Router wish to apply the ‘revaluation
model’ to the office buildings and the ‘cost model’ to the film studios in the year ended 31 May 2007. At present
both types of buildings are valued using the ‘revaluation model’. One of the film studios has been converted to a
theme park. In this case only, the land and buildings on the park are leased on a single lease from a third party.
The lease term was 30 years in 1990. The lease of the land and buildings was classified as a finance lease even
though the financial statements purport to comply with IAS 17 ‘Leases’.
The terms of the lease were changed on 31 May 2007. Router is now going to terminate the lease early in 2015
in exchange for a payment of $10 million on 31 May 2007 and a reduction in the monthly lease payments.
Router intends to move from the site in 2015. The revised lease terms have not resulted in a change of
classification of the lease in the financial statements of Router. (10 marks)
Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended
31 May 2007.
(b) IAS16 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’ permits assets to be revalued on a class by class basis. The different characteristics
of the buildings allow them to be classified separately. Different measurement models can, therefore, be used for the office
buildings and the film studios. However, IAS8 ‘Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors’ says that
once an entity has decided on its accounting policies, it should apply them consistently from period to period and across all
relevant transactions. An entity can change its accounting policies but only in specific circumstances. These circumstances
(a) where there is a new accounting standard or interpretation or changes to an accounting standard
(b) where the change results in the financial statements providing reliable and more relevant information about the effects
of transactions, other events or conditions on the entity’s financial position, financial performance, or cash flows
Voluntary changes in accounting policies are quite uncommon but may occur when an accounting policy is no longer
appropriate. Router will have to ensure that the change in accounting policy meets the criteria in IAS8. Additionally,
depreciated historical cost will have to be calculated for the film studios at the commencement of the period and the opening
balance on the revaluation reserve and any other affected component of equity adjusted. The comparative amounts for each
prior period should be presented as if the new accounting policy had always been applied. There are limits on retrospective
application on the grounds of impracticability.
It is surprising that the lease of the land is considered to be a finance lease under IAS17 ‘Leases’. Land is considered to have
an indefinite life and should, therefore normally be classified as an operating lease unless ownership passes to the lessee
during the lease term. The lease of the land should be separated out from the lease and treated individually. The value of the
land so determined would be taken off the balance sheet in terms of the liability and asset and the lease payments treated
as rentals in the income statement. A prior period adjustment should also be made. The buildings would continue to be
treated as property, plant and equipment (PPE) and the carrying amount not adjusted. However, the remaining useful life of
the building should be revised to reflect the shorter lease term. This will result in the carrying amount being depreciated over
the shorter period. This change to the depreciation policy is applied prospectively not retrospectively.
The lease liability must be assessed for derecognition under IAS39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’,
because of the revision of the lease terms, in order to determine whether the new terms are substantially different from the
old. The purpose of this is to determine whether the change in terms is a modification or an extinguishment. The change
seems to constitute a ‘modification’ because there is little change to the terms. The lease liability is, therefore, amended by
deducting the one off payment ($10 million) from the carrying amount (after adjustment for the lease of land) together with
any transaction costs. The lease liability is then remeasured to the present value of the revised future cash flows, discounted
using the original effective interest rate. Any adjustment made in remeasuring the lease liability will be taken to the income
(d) Evaluate the effect on Gerard of the changes to be made by Fizz plc to its performance related bonus scheme.
You should ignore the effect of any pension contributions to be made by Gerard in the future, consider both
the value and timing of amounts received by Gerard and include relevant supporting calculations.
(5 marks)
Note: – You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout
this question.
(d) Implications for Gerard of the changes to Fizz plc’s bonus scheme
Value received
Under the existing scheme Gerard receives approximately £4,500 each year. This is subject to income tax at 40% and
national insurance contributions at 1% such that Gerard receives £2,655 (£4,500 x 59%) after all taxes.
Under the proposed share incentive plan (SIP), Gerard expects to receive free shares worth £3,500 (£2,100 + £1,400).
Provided the shares remain in the plan for at least five years there will be no income tax or national insurance contributions
in respect of the value received. Gerard’s base cost in the shares for the purposes of capital gains tax will be their value at
the time they are withdrawn from the scheme.
In addition, the amount he spends on partnership shares will be allowable for both income tax and national insurance such
that he will obtain shares with a value of £700 for a cost of only £413 (£700 x 59%).
Accordingly, Gerard will receive greater value under the SIP than he does under the existing bonus scheme. However, as noted
below, he will not be able to sell the free or matching shares until they have been in the scheme for at least three years by
which time they may have fallen in value.
Timing of receipt of benefit
Under the existing scheme Gerard receives a cash bonus each year.
The value of free and matching shares awarded under a SIP cannot be realised until the shares are withdrawn from the
scheme and sold. This withdrawal cannot take place until at least three years after the shares are awarded to Gerard.
Accordingly, Gerard will not have access to the value of the bonuses he receives under the SIP until the scheme has been in
operation for at least three years. In addition, if the shares are withdrawn within five years of being awarded, income tax and
national insurance contributions will become payable on the lower of their value at the time of the award and their value at
the time of withdrawal thus reducing the value of Gerard’s bonus.
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